Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2402] MANAGEMENT– Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Scientific publications on distance education and its characteristics
(Publicaciones científicas sobre educación a distancia y sus características)
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V. Conclusions
In the period analyzed, there is a growing evolution of studies related to the distance education modality,
starting in 2017, with a notable increase in 2021. This may be related to the challenges of the Covid-19
pandemic that caused the need to look for educational alternatives, proposing that the distance modality
take on special relevance. Another outstanding point, in addition to the increase in the number of
research projects in which the study topic is distance education (period 2021-2022), is the increase in
topics focused on teaching-learning processes, which, being linked to the educational process,
accompany the research of this educational modality.
Now, in terms of the research approach carried out, qualitative and quantitative studies show an
increase in number between 2020 and 2021, as does mixed research, but to a lesser extent. The
preference for qualitative approaches in research methodology reflects the interest in understanding in
depth the subjective aspects of distance education, which in turn can be related to the need to further
study the experiences of students and teachers in distance learning environments.
On the other hand, the high proportion of descriptive studies suggests a preponderance in the collection
and analysis of existing data that support the understanding of the current status of distance education.
Given the increasing and constant progress of distance education, as well as the challenges it faces,
research in this area continues to be imperative, thus requiring additional studies that address specific
issues related to the modality and thus, improve the practices and tactics with which the changing needs
of education are met.
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