Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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Preserved in Zenodo DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12596669 the author is responsible for the information in the article.
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
José Alonso Andrade Salazar 1* ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7916-7409
1 Minute of God University Corporation, UNIMINUTO, Colombia
*Corresponding author: jose.andrade@uniminuto.edu ; 911psicologia@gmail.com
Received: 03/27/2024 Accepted: 06/15/2024 Published: 06/30/2024
Abstract. Problem: Traditional education and research methods are often rooted in a rigid, linear approach focused on
technical applications to test hypotheses and predict outcomes. Objective: To provide a new perspective that challenges
traditional methodologies by helping to foster innovative strategies that allow for a richer and more complex understanding of
the phenomena studied. Method: A multidimensional, critical and reflexive study was conducted with a transdisciplinary
approach. Results: Transmethods offer a path towards truly transformative education and research compared to traditional
methods. Conclusion: Scientific innovation requires challenging established structures and promoting interdisciplinary
collaboration, where transmethods open up new possibilities for knowledge.
Keywords: Complexity, research, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, transmethods, transmethodologies.
Los Transmétodos, la complejidad y la investigación inter y transdisciplinaria
Resumen. Problema: Los métodos de educación e investigación tradicionales, suelen estar arraigados en un enfoque rígido
y lineal, enfocado en aplicaciones técnicas para probar hipótesis y predecir resultados. Objetivo: Brindar una nueva
perspectiva que desafíe las metodologías tradicionales ayudando a fomentar estrategias innovadoras que permiten una
comprensión más rica y compleja de los fenómenos estudiados. Método: Se realizó un estudio multidimensional, crítico y
reflexivo con un enfoque transdisciplinario. Resultados: Los Transmétodos ofrecen un camino hacia una educación e
investigación verdaderamente transformadoras en comparación con los métodos tradicionales. Conclusión: La innovación
científica requiere desafiar estructuras establecidas y promover colaboración interdisciplinaria, donde los transmétodos abren
nuevas posibilidades para el conocimiento.
Palabras clave: Complejidad, investigación, interdisciplinariedad, transdisciplinariedad, transmétodos, transmetodologías.
Os Transmétodos, a complexidade e a pesquisa inter e transdisciplinar
Resumo.Problema: Os métodos tradicionais de educação e pesquisa muitas vezes estão enraizados em uma abordagem
rígida e linear, focada em aplicações técnicas para testar hipóteses e prever resultados.Objetivo: Fornecer uma nova
perspectiva que desafie as metodologias tradicionais, promovendo estratégias inovadoras que permitam uma compreensão
mais rica e complexa dos fenômenos estudados. Método: Foi realizado um estudo multidimensional, crítico e reflexivo com
uma abordagem transdisciplinar. Resultados: Os Transmétodos oferecem um caminho para uma educação e pesquisa
verdadeiramente transformadoras em comparação com os métodos tradicionais. Conclusão: A inovação científica requer
desafiar estruturas estabelecidas e promover a colaboração interdisciplinar, onde os transmétodos abrem novas
possibilidades para o conhecimento.
Palavras-chave: Complexidade, pesquisa, interdisciplinaridade, transdisciplinaridade, transmétodos, transmetodologias.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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The reticulated integration between knowledge, research experiences, methods, methodologies and
paradigms produces the emergence of novel research perspectives, also called transmethods and
transmethodologies. Both, as complex emergents, are epistemically supported on the paradigm of
complexity and the idea of anti-method of Morin (1977) , which identifies and overcomes the explanatory
gaps of the dominant explanatory paradigm or paradigm of simplicity (Cartesian, positivist), which
broadens the integrative reflection on the objects of investigated studies; objects that in the plane of
relational research bear the name of relational fields of knowledge (Andrade & Rivera, 2019) .
From a complex perspective, Morin (1973, 1977) believes that the complexity of the phenomena
investigated is manifested as an intricate fabric of interactions and intertwined relationships, and they
emphasize the impossibility of reducing reality to linear and simplistic explanations, highlighting the need
to embrace the uncertainty and fluctuation of such phenomena. Thus, complexity or complexus is the
result of the dynamic interaction between multiple dimensions and levels of organization, a scenario
where the phenomena investigated are revealed as intertwined systems of interdependent elements
whose understanding requires an integrative, relational and multidimensional approach.
From this source, transmethods are revealed as novel methodological alternatives for researchers
seeking to understand phenomena from a reticulated-rhizomatic perspective that goes beyond the
conventional, thus transforming research and scientific work in a diverse way. Thus, they account for a
relative break with traditional research approaches that quantify or describe reality excessively, thereby
contradicting explanatory linearity and methodological reductionism, that is, the limitation of any
understanding articulated through excessively simplified and sequential descriptions.
Therefore, they strive to understand and not only explain causally and fractionally the complexity per se
of phenomena, promoting inter and transdisciplinarity and dialogue between different knowledge. In
addition, they encourage creativity and critical reflection, questioning disciplinary assumptions and
hierarchies to propose explanatory and comprehensive transformative alternatives. To achieve this, they
resort to various aspects, the analysis of relations, inter and transdisciplinarity, dialogic, dialogue
between knowledge, contextualization of information and research processes, among other aspects.
In this field, interdisciplinarity accounts for the association between various fields of knowledge,
amalgamating their strengths to address complex challenges, hence, in order to achieve them, the
disciplines exchange the objects of study and methods, but their limitation is in not going beyond them,
a task that is strongly noted in transdisciplinarity. Julie Thompson Klein (1990) has expanded the
understanding of interdisciplinary research by pointing out the importance of a holistic perspective for
addressing problems that encompass the social, environmental and technological, among others.
Thus, by linking knowledge and methodologies from different fields or areas of knowledge, researchers
can generate creative, innovative and resourceful solutions, thereby stimulating creativity and
collaborative work. Likewise, interdisciplinary research encourages the emergence of new fields,
enriching the scientific panorama and driving collective progress. However, it is transdisciplinarity that
goes further and focuses on what emerges dialogically from these frameworks (Nicolescu, 1996, 2009)
Klein (2014) notes that Piaget contributed to the definition of transdisciplinarity at an international
seminar on interdisciplinarity sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in 1970. Piaget believed that the development of general structures and
fundamental patterns of thought would lead to a general theory of systems or structures. He saw
transdisciplinarity as a higher stage in the epistemology of interdisciplinary relations, based on reciprocal
assimilations capable of producing a broader and more comprehensive general science.
However, the transdisciplinarity developed as a methodology and method by Nicolescu and the idea of
complexus and dialogical commitment from a Morinian complexity perspective ( metadisciplinarity ),
constitute the reticulated base that gives shape and emerging meaning to transmethods. It should be
noted that over time, various thinkers have advocated more integrative and complex approaches, such
as Basarab Nicolescu (1996) , Eric Jantsch (1979) and Jean Piaget (1973) . However, it was in the
1990s, a transmethodological perspective emerged at the School of Communications and Arts of the
University of São Paulo, led by Eliseo Verón (1967) , Armand Mattelard (1972) and Jesús Martín-
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 3of 11
Barbero (1987) . This interdisciplinary and critical approach made it possible to explore communication
from multiple perspectives, integrating diverse theories and methodologies (Andrade, 2023a) .
Similarly, they represent an evolution of transdisciplinarity, promoting collaboration between disciplines
and the construction of knowledge from complexity and critical-dialogical thinking (Maldonado, 2019) .
In addition, various authors have proposed innovative methodologies that challenge established
paradigms and promote a deeper understanding of social reality. An example of this is that the rethinking
of research methodologies by Martín-Baró, Fals Borda, Zemelman, Derrida and others highlights the
need to adopt reflexive and transformative approaches to address social and cultural changes in a
contextualized way. Together, these methodological developments contribute to the provocation of
rethinking research approaches, design and methods and generating new forms of knowledge from
Transmethods represent an evolution in educational and research practices by disobeying the
restrictions of traditional paradigms rooted in Cartesian, positivist, structuralist-functionalist and
empiricist thought (Andrade, 2023c) . They are distinguished by their ability to open new horizons in the
generation of knowledge, transcending the limitations imposed by conventional methodological
approaches. These approaches are characterized by their openness to inter and transdisciplinary
dialogue, the integration of diverse methods and the exploration of complexity in the understanding of
educational and research phenomena.
Incidentally, Transmethods are revealed as spaces for transformative learning and creation, which go
beyond the rigid structures of traditional educational environments (Andrade, 2023b) . They seek to
generate a profound change in the way we conceive and approach education and research, promoting
the emergence of new knowledge and contextually relevant understandings. Through their open and
collaborative approach, they question methodological linearity and polarization, promoting the
construction of collectively constructed and contextually significant learning processes.
A fundamental aspect is its capacity to situate knowledge in diverse contexts and foster its associative
connection towards new understandings. These approaches facilitate the exchange of ideas, positions
and perspectives, as well as the deconstruction of concepts rooted in traditional thinking (Andrade,
2023f) . Since they promote the emergence of new cognitive and anthropoethical visions, they also
contribute to the construction of more inclusive and transformative social actions and research
Furthermore, they disobey the linear hegemony in education and research by promoting a critical and
reflective awareness of the multidimensionality of the phenomena studied. Their integrative and
collaborative approach allows addressing social and educational problems from a broader and more
contextualized perspective, overcoming the limitations imposed by conventional disciplinary
frameworks. In this sense, discursive and practical ethics play a fundamental role in promoting a learning
environment free of ideological coercion and based on integrative relationships that recognize the
diversity and complexity of the human being (Andrade, 2023e) .
Finally, they generate innovative educational and research proposals that integrate open, creative,
collaborative and transformative learning spaces. They also encourage the association of knowledge,
the emergence of innovative ideas and the exploration of uncertainty as a source of learning (Andrade,
2022) . It should be noted that these approaches allow educators and researchers to address
contemporary challenges from a more integrative and dynamic perspective, promoting the construction
of pertinent and relevant knowledge for a world in constant transformation.
Objectives of transmethods
Transmethods emerge from inter and transdisciplinary dialogue with clear objectives and a
transformative propensity that seeks to transcend established educational and research paradigms.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 4of 11
Their innovative and dynamic approach promotes new paths for the understanding and generation of
knowledge. Through inter and transdisciplinarity, they seek to create meaningful, transformative and
collaborative learning spaces, where the diversity of perspectives enriches the process (Andrade,
2023d, 2023e, 2023f) .
One of the distinctive features of Transmethods is their ability to deconstruct the linearity and polarization
present in traditional methods, paving the way for the emergence of new ideas and approaches. By
overcoming the methodological and epistemic limitations inherent to banking and linear models, these
approaches become powerful tools for exploring the complexity and uncertainty inherent in reality.
That said, Transmethods represent a radical break from traditional education and research methods,
which are often rooted in a linear, experimental, predictive, and banking approach. In contrast to the
rigidity and linearity of these conventional approaches, Transmethods challenge the notion of a linear
and predictable progression of knowledge. Rather than following a pre-established path, they embrace
uncertainty and complexity as inherent parts of the educational and research process.
In contrast, while traditional methods tend to focus on the application of experimental techniques to test
hypotheses and predict outcomes, Transmethods take a more holistic and dialogic approach. They
recognize that reality is inherently complex and that educational and research phenomena cannot be
reduced to controlled variables and predictable outcomes. Instead, Transmethods encourage the
exploration of multiple perspectives and the integration of diverse knowledge to address complexity
more fully.
They also challenge the banking model of education and research, in which knowledge is viewed as a
deposit that is transferred from an expert to a passive learner or student. Instead of this unidirectional
and authoritarian approach, Transmethods promote a collaborative and participatory process of learning
and knowledge construction. They recognize that knowledge is a dynamic and collective process that is
built through dialogue, reflection and joint action.
Likewise, the exploration of uncertainty and complexity becomes a central element of Transmethods,
which embrace these characteristics as a source of research and knowledge creation. Through a
creative and transformative approach, they seek to build pedagogical and investigative processes that
adapt to the context and multidimensionality of human experience.
In this sense, they promote creativity as a driving force for change and research transformation. By
critically debating the relevance of traditional knowledge generation structures from different positions
and explanatory-epistemic perspectives, they allow the emergence of new ideas, processes and
knowledge that can have a significant impact in fields such as the understanding of social and natural
dynamics, the educational and research fields, among others.
Transmethods, in their methodology, advocate the promotion of inter and transdisciplinary dialogue,
transcending the limits of individual knowledge and fostering an enriching exchange that goes beyond
the disciplinary and methodological boundaries established. This openness to dialogue between various
disciplines and methodological perspectives allows for a more extensive and relational understanding
of the phenomena studied.
A fundamental characteristic is its capacity to interconnect methods, methodologies and knowledge
derived from diverse disciplines, integrating different explanatory approaches and experiences, hence,
from an integrative perspective, it promotes a broader and more enriching understanding of the
investigative processes, moving from mere explanation to an articulated and novel understanding.
Consequently, they adopt an intercontextual approach that recognizes the multidimensionality of reality
and promotes the permanent connection between different elements. This openness to the diversity of
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 5of 11
contexts and perspectives allows for a richer and more complex understanding of the phenomena
studied, thus enriching the research process.
Furthermore, Transmethods highlight the importance of collaboration, overcoming dichotomies and
polarities between different actors and perspectives. They recognize the diversity of contributions and
values, fostering an inclusive and enriching dialogue that transcends traditional barriers between
laypeople and experts, scientists and non-scientists.
In their integrative and methodological approach, Transmethods challenge monodisciplines and
restrictive research methodologies that focus exclusively on calculation, prediction and experimentation.
Instead, they promote innovative and interconnected research strategies that are expressed through
dynamic and emergent relationships between the various elements of the research process.
They also explore the relationship between order and chaos, as well as between certainty and
uncertainty, recognizing organization as a self-eco-organizing principle. This complex and
multidimensional perspective of reality reveals the intrinsically interconnected nature of the phenomena
studied, as well as the emergence of new forms of understanding and transformation in the research
Their use has opened up new possibilities in various fields, such as research, education and
understanding the multidimensionality and complexity of phenomena, among others. For example, in
the field of education, they extend the possibilities of overcoming models based on causality,
memorization and repetition, favoring more open and flexible models that allow the emergence of new
interpretative positions.
It should be noted that this approach also challenges the linear hegemony of traditional educational
processes, recognizing the fluctuating, irreversible and reorganizational nature of identities, systems of
thought, disciplines and knowledge. Therefore, when speaking of method and methodology, it is
necessary to add to both elements the prefix trans " transmethod and transmethodology " which grants
identity and comprehensive complementarity to the educational and research process.
In other words, transmethods and transmethodologies are bets, emerging perspectives or
deconstructive approaches that arise from complexity and transdisciplinarity, so through them both the
usefulness and the comprehensive openness of the rigid structures of traditional paradigms are
examined (Villela-Cervantes & Andrade-Salazar, 2023) , and from them the elements that, when
generating explanatory discourse, give a reflective look at the phenomena are rescued, but they go
further by proposing other comprehensive routes about what is explained.
It is worth mentioning that, roughly speaking , the method refers to the path or process used to achieve
the desired results in any area of study or human activity. On the other hand, the methodology implies
the set of principles, practices, tools and theoretical approaches that guide the application of the method
in a specific context. That is, while the method is the structure and the process, the methodology is the
conceptual and practical framework that gives shape and direction to that process.
Now, transmethods and transmethodologies go beyond conventional approaches by questioning the
linearity and simplistic explanation of traditional paradigms (Andrade, 2023c) . The change is that these
emerging approaches recognize the inherent complexity of the systems and phenomena they study, as
well as the interconnection between different areas or fields of knowledge.
As already mentioned, a transmethod addresses, for example, topics such as research, education, and
social phenomena such as violence, resistance, social movements or coexistence, to name a few topics,
but it does so from a non-linear perspective, integrating multiple disciplines, perspectives, drifts,
tendencies, perspectives and forms of knowledge. This implies transcending disciplinary boundaries to
address complex problems from an integrative perspective.
In addition, transmethodology refers to the process of dialogically reconnecting or linking these diverse
perspectives, discourses, narratives, knowledge and experiences into a coherent, comprehensive and
meaningful framework. Instead of imposing a rigid structure, transmethodologies allow for flexibility and
adaptation to the complexity of the object of study or situation addressed.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 6of 11
In this sense, transmethods and transmethodologies are recurrent, recursive and reorganizational
approaches that integrate complexity and transdisciplinarity, recognizing the interconnection and
diversity in various processes, such as research, education and coexistence processes. By debating
the explanatory suitability and praxis of traditional paradigms, they promote a religaré understanding of
emerging phenomena, challenges and problems (Andrade, 2019) .
That said, transmethods promote the collective construction of knowledge, and at the same time
encourage collaboration and exchange between diverse research experiences, knowledge, objects of
study, research problems, explanatory approaches and perspectives, which is fundamental in research.
They also allow the integration of diverse methods and methodologies derived from different fields and
disciplines, thus enriching the research process and making it inter and transdisciplinary.
It is also worth mentioning that complexity is the reticulated, integrative and transformational basis of
transmethods, which offers an opportunity to redefine research practices, moving away from rigid
structures and predefined formulas. Therefore, instead of following repetitive recipes in research
designs, they open the door to a wide range of transmethodological possibilities, thus allowing a
multidimensional understanding of research designs and, ultimately, of the results obtained.
What transmethods challenge
Transmethods challenge the linear logic of traditional paradigms such as Cartesianism (hypothetico-
deductive), positivism and structuralism mainly because these approaches tend to adopt a reductionist
and linear view of reality. Below are some reasons why transmethods challenge these paradigms:
1. Multidimensionality and Complexity : They recognize the inherent complexity of the
phenomena studied and seek to address it from a more integrative and relational perspective.
In contrast, Cartesianism, positivism and structuralism often simplify reality through linear
models and rigid structures, which can limit understanding of the complexity of the world.
2. Critical and reflexive perspective : they encourage a critical and reflexive stance towards
knowledge, questioning the underlying assumptions and power structures in the production of
knowledge. On the other hand, traditional paradigms tend to accept established premises and
maintain a more static and objective view of reality.
3. Transdisciplinary approach : promotes the integration of multiple disciplines and perspectives
in research and learning. This contrasts with the disciplinary and fragmented approach of
Cartesianism, positivism and structuralism, which tend to divide knowledge into isolated and
watertight compartments.
4. Emphasis on creativity and collaboration : They value creativity, collaboration and openness
to new ideas and perspectives, allowing for the exploration of unconventional approaches and
the generation of innovative knowledge. In contrast, traditional paradigms often favour
conformity to established norms and can limit the exploration of new possibilities.
Below is the following table comparing transmethods and traditional methodologies:
Table 1Comparison between Transmethods and Traditional Research Methods
Traditional Methods (Cartesianism
and Positivism)
Perspective of
They recognize the complexity and
multidimensionality of phenomena,
promoting an integrative and
relational perspective.
They adopt a reductionist and linear
vision of reality, simplifying it through
Cartesian and positivist models.
They foster a critical and reflective
stance, questioning underlying
assumptions and power structures in
the production of knowledge.
They tend to accept established
premises and maintain a more static,
measurable, predictable and objective
vision of reality.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 7of 11
They promote the integration of
multiple disciplines and perspectives
in research and learning.
They tend to divide knowledge into
watertight and isolated compartments,
favouring a disciplinary and fragmented
They value creativity, collaboration
and openness to new ideas and
They can limit the exploration of new
possibilities by favoring conformity to
established norms.
They take a more flexible and open
approach, allowing for the exploration
of unconventional approaches.
They tend to follow a pre-established
and rigid method, limiting flexibility in
research and learning.
They use flexible and adaptive
designs that adjust to the complexity
of the phenomena studied, allowing
the emergence of new perspectives
and approaches.
They usually follow rigid and predefined
experimental designs, focused on
hypothesis verification and the collection
of quantitative data.
Disadvantages or limitations of transmethods
Although Transmethods offer numerous advantages, they may also face some limitations, including:
1. Institutional resistance : Traditional educational and research structures may be reluctant to
adopt innovative approaches such as Transmethods, making their implementation on a large
scale difficult.
2. Lack of resources : Effective implementation of Transmethods may require additional
resources, such as time, funding and training, which may not be readily available in all
educational and research contexts.
3. Complexity: The multidimensional and complex nature of Transmethods can be challenging
for some educators and researchers, especially those who are accustomed to more linear and
traditional approaches.
4. Individual resistance: Some professionals may resist change and be reluctant to abandon
established practices in favour of more innovative and collaborative approaches.
5. Evaluation and measurement: Evaluating the results of Transmethods can be difficult due to
the lack of standard metrics to measure success in terms of learning and knowledge production.
6. Logistical difficulties: Coordinating and managing educational and research projects that
employ Transmethods can be complicated due to the need to integrate multiple disciplines,
methods and perspectives.
Despite the inherent difficulties, Transmethods offer a path to truly transformative education and
research. Institutional resistance and lack of resources can hinder their adoption, while complexity can
disorient more traditional researchers. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to surprising
and enriching results, which transcend the limitations of conventional methods. It is necessary to break
away from rigid structures and open up the way to the creativity and flexibility offered by Transmethods,
since through them the potential of inter- and transdisciplinarity in innovation and knowledge generation
can be explored more broadly.
Transmethodical research
Transmethodical research emerges as a powerful commitment from the paradigm of complexity and
transdisciplinarity, questioning established limits-conventions and embracing a more integrative, inter
and transdisciplinary perspective. By bringing together the concepts of transmethod and
transmethodology , it seeks to transcend disciplinary barriers and explore the complexity of the
phenomena studied. Therefore, it is not limited to the mere accumulation of knowledge, but seeks to
dialogically transform-integrate obsolete research and educational paradigms and systems.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 8of 11
The paradigm of complexity and transdisciplinarity guide the path of transmethodical research, which
can be referred to as integrative or complexifying research (Andrade, 2019; Andrade & Rivera, 2019;
Rivera & Andrade, 2019) , offering a flexible and dynamic conceptual framework that allows addressing
multifaceted problems from multiple perspectives.
The objectives of transmethodical research go beyond the mere production of knowledge; they seek to
redefine the way in which phenomena are understood and addressed. In itself, it implies adopting a
dialogic and transformative approach, to question established certainties in a dialogic key and promote
openness towards new ways of thinking and generating interwoven knowledge. In addition, it proposes
to confront insular problems from a multicentric approach, denoting research problems as problematic
polycentrisms , and the objects of study as relational fields of knowledge , recognizing the
interconnection and interdependence that characterize reality.
One of the main characteristics of transmethodical research is its evolution from the hegemonic method
to a more inclusive, integrative, interlinked , dialogic and collaborative approach. Therefore, instead of
imposing a single method as an inexcusable norm, it embraces methodological diversity and recognizes
the validity of multiple approaches in the generation of knowledge. This paradigm shift not only has
theoretical implications, but also practical ones, since it implies a profound reform of research systems
and processes.
In this sense, transmethodical research advocates a creative transformation of the way in which
research is taught and learned, and proposes abandoning narrow disciplinary approaches in favour of
increasingly integrative and relational research. Ergo , it encourages the integration of multiple
perspectives, methods, disciplines, epistemes and knowledge, in order to face, through inter and
transdisciplinary cooperation, the comprehensive, complex and multifaceted challenges of the
phenomena investigated.
As mentioned with transmethods, although transmethodical research has numerous strengths, it also
faces significant challenges: institutional resistance can hinder its widespread implementation, while
scarce resources can restrict its reach and effectiveness. Furthermore, the intrinsic complexity of this
trend can be an obstacle for those more accustomed to linear and conventional approaches.
Despite these obstacles, transmethodical research represents a crucial step towards a broader, more
integrative and complex understanding of phenomena, which it achieves by rethinking established
norms and promoting inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration and dialogue, hence its transformative
potential, which is a call to action to embrace complexity and diversity, and to work collaboratively.
Types of transmethods
As already stated, Transmethods seek to overcome the narrowness of explanation, the dependence on
methods, the uniparadigmatic approach and the positivist and linear rigidity that often characterize the
scientific approach when it is linked to scientism and linear and procedural methodology.
1. Relational map : This involves creating a visual map that represents the elements related to
the research problem. Following the rhizome metaphor, this map does not follow a hierarchical
structure, but rather allows the connections between the different elements to be explored in a
multidimensional way. It is continuously developed as the research progresses, providing a
more complete idea of the problem and broadening the understanding of the context in which it
is located.
2. Narratives / Reflective-relational diary : involves the researcher reflecting on his/her own
practices throughout the research process. The actions, methods and approaches used are
examined, constantly questioning interpretations and perspectives. The researcher engages in
dialogue with his/her own ideas, welcoming new perspectives and continually reconstructing
the interpretive forms of his/her discourses.
3. Dialogic questions: These are questions that go beyond a simple answer, seeking to generate
questions that transcend the linear hierarchy, responding in a complex way to changes in the
contexts and findings of the research. It consists of formulating questions that go beyond the
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 9of 11
traditional question and answer format. These questions are not limited to a strict hierarchy and
can arise at any time during the research process, thus reconfiguring the direction of the
research. Dialogic questions accommodate a variety of variables, categories and dimensions,
thus broadening the understanding of the problem and its multidimensional context.
4. Critical-decolonial thinking : This approach involves critically examining the theoretical and
methodological frameworks used in research to detect and question colonial, Eurocentric and
Western influences. It seeks to challenge established paradigms and propose alternatives that
consider emerging socio-historical contexts, thus promoting a more inclusive and diverse
understanding of the phenomena investigated.
5. Inter and transdisciplinary understanding: This method seeks to transcend the boundaries
of individual disciplines, integrating different approaches and perspectives to understand the
phenomena investigated in a more complete and complex way. A dialogue between different
fields of knowledge is promoted, recognizing the interdependence and complementarity of the
different disciplines in the construction of knowledge.
6. Relational deconstruction: involves understanding the relationships between ideas beyond
hierarchies and explanatory essences. The complexity and irreducibility of the phenomena
investigated is recognized, challenging established assumptions and beliefs. The aim is to
deconstruct linear thinking and promote new forms of interpretation and understanding that
recognize the multiplicity of perspectives and the uncertainty inherent in research.
7. Rhizomatic research methodology : Inspired by the ideas of Deleuze, Guattari (1980) ,
Nicolescu (1996) and Morin (1977) , it proposes a way of understanding research processes as
networks of complex relationships. It promotes a dialogical and relational understanding of the
phenomena studied, recognizing the interconnection between different elements and the
emerging self-organization in the research process.
In the complex and intertwined web of transmethods and transmethodologies, a subversive and
deconstructive revolution is brewing that challenges the conventional structures of research and
education. There, it is possible to consider that, by weaving relationships between paradigms and
epistemic perspectives, a recursive loop is fostered where knowledge interacts and constantly feeds
back, generating new meanings and emerging understandings. This dialogical and transdisciplinary
emergence invites the rethinking of research methods and methodologies, promoting the integration of
reflexive and interpretive approaches.
It is, therefore, a connection between fields of knowledge that drives reform in education and research,
challenging explanatory linearity and opening the way to new divergent and dystopian possibilities.
Thus, transmethods emerge as powerful tools to face the complex and rhizomatic challenge of
contemporary research, expanding our analytical-explanatory perspectives towards broader and more
enriching reflexive-interpretative horizons.
It is worth mentioning that transmethods and transmethodologies emerge as powerful tools in the search
for more integrative, complex and transdisciplinary research. These approaches challenge the rigidity
and linearity of conventional methods, opening the way to new forms of understanding and analysis of
the phenomena investigated.
Thus, each type of transmethod, from the relational map to the rhizomatic research methodology, offers
a unique and valuable perspective to address the complexity inherent in research problems. Therefore,
adopting a dialogic, reflexive and critical approach allows researchers to explore the connections
between different elements, question their own practices and challenge established paradigms.
Therefore , it is essential to recognize the importance of promoting the use of transmethods in current
research, since, as progress is made in the deconstruction of paradigms, methods and methodologies,
it is crucial to encourage the adoption of emerging approaches, that is, increasingly integrative, dialogic,
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transtodos, la complejidad y la investigacn inter y transdisciplinaria)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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recursive, recurrent, relational and reorganizational. The above not only broadens the analytical-
explanatory perspectives, making them more comprehensive, but also promotes a more inclusive and
diverse understanding of the phenomena investigated.
Ultimately, the commitment to generate more transmethods as research advances is essential to drive
innovation and progress in the scientific field, which requires abandoning explanatory comfort zones
and challenging established structures to promote inter and transdisciplinary collaboration, a scenario
in which transmethods open new possibilities for human knowledge and bring researchers closer to a
broader, more connected and integrative understanding.
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Research funding: With own resources.
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