Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2404] MANAGEMENT– Advanced Journal E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research Advanced Studies
Transmethods, complexity and inter and transdisciplinary research
(Los Transmétodos, la complejidad y la investigación inter y transdisciplinaria)
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The reticulated integration between knowledge, research experiences, methods, methodologies and
paradigms produces the emergence of novel research perspectives, also called transmethods and
transmethodologies. Both, as complex emergents, are epistemically supported on the paradigm of
complexity and the idea of anti-method of Morin (1977) , which identifies and overcomes the explanatory
gaps of the dominant explanatory paradigm or paradigm of simplicity (Cartesian, positivist), which
broadens the integrative reflection on the objects of investigated studies; objects that in the plane of
relational research bear the name of relational fields of knowledge (Andrade & Rivera, 2019) .
From a complex perspective, Morin (1973, 1977) believes that the complexity of the phenomena
investigated is manifested as an intricate fabric of interactions and intertwined relationships, and they
emphasize the impossibility of reducing reality to linear and simplistic explanations, highlighting the need
to embrace the uncertainty and fluctuation of such phenomena. Thus, complexity or complexus is the
result of the dynamic interaction between multiple dimensions and levels of organization, a scenario
where the phenomena investigated are revealed as intertwined systems of interdependent elements
whose understanding requires an integrative, relational and multidimensional approach.
From this source, transmethods are revealed as novel methodological alternatives for researchers
seeking to understand phenomena from a reticulated-rhizomatic perspective that goes beyond the
conventional, thus transforming research and scientific work in a diverse way. Thus, they account for a
relative break with traditional research approaches that quantify or describe reality excessively, thereby
contradicting explanatory linearity and methodological reductionism, that is, the limitation of any
understanding articulated through excessively simplified and sequential descriptions.
Therefore, they strive to understand and not only explain causally and fractionally the complexity per se
of phenomena, promoting inter and transdisciplinarity and dialogue between different knowledge. In
addition, they encourage creativity and critical reflection, questioning disciplinary assumptions and
hierarchies to propose explanatory and comprehensive transformative alternatives. To achieve this, they
resort to various aspects, the analysis of relations, inter and transdisciplinarity, dialogic, dialogue
between knowledge, contextualization of information and research processes, among other aspects.
In this field, interdisciplinarity accounts for the association between various fields of knowledge,
amalgamating their strengths to address complex challenges, hence, in order to achieve them, the
disciplines exchange the objects of study and methods, but their limitation is in not going beyond them,
a task that is strongly noted in transdisciplinarity. Julie Thompson Klein (1990) has expanded the
understanding of interdisciplinary research by pointing out the importance of a holistic perspective for
addressing problems that encompass the social, environmental and technological, among others.
Thus, by linking knowledge and methodologies from different fields or areas of knowledge, researchers
can generate creative, innovative and resourceful solutions, thereby stimulating creativity and
collaborative work. Likewise, interdisciplinary research encourages the emergence of new fields,
enriching the scientific panorama and driving collective progress. However, it is transdisciplinarity that
goes further and focuses on what emerges dialogically from these frameworks (Nicolescu, 1996, 2009)
Klein (2014) notes that Piaget contributed to the definition of transdisciplinarity at an international
seminar on interdisciplinarity sponsored by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in 1970. Piaget believed that the development of general structures and
fundamental patterns of thought would lead to a general theory of systems or structures. He saw
transdisciplinarity as a higher stage in the epistemology of interdisciplinary relations, based on reciprocal
assimilations capable of producing a broader and more comprehensive general science.
However, the transdisciplinarity developed as a methodology and method by Nicolescu and the idea of
complexus and dialogical commitment from a Morinian complexity perspective ( metadisciplinarity ),
constitute the reticulated base that gives shape and emerging meaning to transmethods. It should be
noted that over time, various thinkers have advocated more integrative and complex approaches, such
as Basarab Nicolescu (1996) , Eric Jantsch (1979) and Jean Piaget (1973) . However, it was in the
1990s, a transmethodological perspective emerged at the School of Communications and Arts of the
University of São Paulo, led by Eliseo Verón (1967) , Armand Mattelard (1972) and Jesús Martín-