Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
( Strategic planning in results-based management in the Deputy Departments of Education and Development for Emotional Well-being )
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Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and
development for emotional well-being
Julio Cesar Saenz Avila 1 *
Edwin Sarabia Murrieta 1
Ricardo Navarro Del Castillo 1
Mayer Daniel Ore Rodriguez 1
Alex Miguel Hernandez Torres 2
1 Cesar Vallejo University, Graduate School, Peru
2 National University of Cajamarca, Peru
Corresponding author * : jsaenza@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Received: 11/03/2023 Accepted: 12/20/2023 Published: 12/29/2023
Introduction : Results-based management is crucial in local public management, with various dimensions to be considered
to improve areas of education and development (sports and health) and the emotional well-being of the population. Method:
An instrument validated by 4 experts (97%) was used. 150 public servants from a municipality in Peru participated, selected
with non-probabilistic sampling in August 2023. 4 dimensions of results-based management were compared, assigning
weights: Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3. Results: The Strategic Planning dimension obtained the highest score (285 points),
followed by Results-based Budgeting (284 points). Strategic planning is decisive for results-based management in education
and development, improving emotional well-being. Conclusion: Results-based management is essential to improve
municipal management in education and development. Focusing on strategic planning improves services and the emotional
well-being of the population.
Keywords: Strategic planning, results-based management, education, development, emotional well-being
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Deputy Departments of Education and Development for
Emotional Well-being
Introduction : Results-based management is crucial in local public administration, with various dimensions to consider for
improving areas of education and development (sports and health) and the emotional well-being of the population. Method: A
validated instrument was used by 4 experts (97%). A total of 150 public servants from a municipality in Peru participated,
selected through non-probability sampling in August 2023. Four dimensions of results-based management were compared,
assigning weightings: Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3. Results: The Strategic Planning dimension received the highest score
(285 points), followed by Results-Based Budgeting (284 points). Strategic planning is decisive for results-based management
in education and development, improving emotional well-being. Conclusion: Results-based management is essential for
improving municipal management in education and development. Focusing on strategic planning enhances services and the
emotional well-being of the population.
Keywords: Strategic planning, results-based management, education, development, emotional well-being .
Strategic planning in management based on results of the Undersecretaries of Education and Development for
Emotional Bem-being
Introduction: A management based on results is crucial in the local public administration, with several dimensions to be
considered to improve the areas of education and development (sports and health) and the emotional well-being of the
population. Method: An instrument validated by 4 specialists (97%) was used. 150 public servants from a municipality of Peru
will participate, selected by non-probabilistic demonstrations in August 2023. They will compare four dimensions of the process
based on results, attributing weights: Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3. Results: A dimension of Strategic Planning received the
highest points (285 points), followed by Results-Based Award (284 points). Strategic planning is decisive for management
based on results in education and development, improving emotional well-being. Conclusion: A management based on results
is essential to improve municipal management in education and development. Focus on strategic planning better services and
better emotional state of the population.
Keywords: Strategic planning, results-based management, education, development, emotional well-being.
Preservado en Zenodo: DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13337013 Los autores son responsables de las informaciones de este artículo
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
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I. Introduction
The management of sport at the local level is an important aspect for the development of
citizenship and the promotion of physical and sporting activity. However, in Peru, this
management is in a state of delay, due to a series of factors. , among which the following stand
out: The lack of relevance of sports management in the agreed development plans of local
governments, the non-existence or poor design of sports management tools and regulations.
According to a study carried out by Quispe and Rivera (2017), the district municipalities of this
province establish basic strategic actions such as the promotion of sports activities with social
and political approaches, but these actions are temporary and have no sustainability; another
problem is the lack of support and desire for improvement and innovation in the work of social
and sports projection from the sub-managements or sports offices of the district municipalities.
To improve sports management at the local level, the following considerations must be taken
into account: Incorporate sports management in a comprehensive and systematic manner into
the agreed development plans of local governments, design sports management tools and
standards that are appropriate to local needs, strengthen the technical and professional capacity
of the human resources working in the sports sub-managements or offices of the district
Strengthening sports infrastructure, as well as the lack of budgetary resources, are factors that
limit sports management in this province. Strategic planning is a fundamental process for
results-based management in public organizations, however, in the international context,
various problems related to the effective implementation of this tool have been identified,
among which the following stand out:
1. Poor resource planning: This problem can manifest itself in an inefficient allocation of
available resources, which can have a negative impact on the achievement of the
proposed objectives.
2. Failure to complete the strategic planning stages: This deficiency can manifest itself in
the lack of alignment between strategic objectives and the actions taken, as well as in
the lack of adequate resource allocation and detailed planning.
3. Lack of strategies that promote adequate government planning : This deficiency can
have a negative impact on the coordination and articulation of actions between different
4. Lack of alignment between implemented actions and objectives: This lack of alignment
can be attributed to various factors, such as the lack of technical capacity to carry out
the proposed actions and the insufficiency of adequate resources.
5. Lack of effective monitoring and evaluation of implemented plans and programs: This
deficiency can limit the ability of organizations to learn from their experiences and
improve their performance.
In the context of education, health and sports activities in a municipality, these problems can
have the following repercussions:
a. Education: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to provide
quality education to all citizens. For example, it can result in a lack of adequate
educational infrastructure, trained teaching staff, or sufficient educational materials.
b. In health: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to provide
timely and quality health care to all citizens. For example, it can result in a lack of
adequate health infrastructure, trained health personnel, or sufficient medicines.
c. In sports: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to promote
physical activity and sport among the population. For example, it can result in a lack of
adequate sports infrastructure, trained personnel or attractive sports programmes. To
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
( Strategic planning in results-based management in the Deputy Departments of Education and Development for Emotional Well-being )
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overcome these problems, municipalities must implement effective strategic planning
that addresses the following aspects:
(1) Adequate resource planning: Municipalities must systematically identify
resource needs to meet their objectives and allocate these resources efficiently
and effectively.
(2) Compliance with the stages of strategic planning : Municipalities must comply
with the stages of strategic planning, from the analysis of the environment to the
monitoring and evaluation of results.
(3) Implementing strategies that promote adequate government planning:
Municipalities must work together with different government sectors to
coordinate and articulate planning actions.
(4) Alignment between implemented actions and objectives: Municipalities must
ensure that the implemented actions are aligned with the established strategic
(5) Effective monitoring and evaluation of implemented plans and programs:
Municipalities must effectively monitor and evaluate implemented plans and
programs to learn from their experiences and improve their performance.
The implementation of effective strategic planning is essential for municipalities to achieve
their objectives in education, health and sports; as indicated by: Angulo (2017): Results-based
management depends on knowledge, the process of creating, capturing, storing, distributing
and using knowledge. Organizational learning is necessary for organizations to adapt to changes
in the environment and improve their performance; that is, Angulo highlights the importance
of knowledge for results-based management. Knowledge allows organizations to identify their
objectives, develop strategies to achieve them and measure their progress; organizational
learning is essential for organizations to acquire and apply new knowledge. Bailey et al. (2017):
Education in the knowledge society must be inclusive, participatory and sustainable, it must
prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century, including technological change,
globalization and complexity; that is, they identify the challenges that the knowledge society
poses for education, education must adapt to these challenges to prepare students for success in
today's world. CIFE (2017): Documentary recording, searching and organizing scientific
information are essential for organizational learning. These processes allow organizations to
collect, store, access and use information efficiently and effectively. These recommendations
can help organizations improve their learning capacity. Lazos and Olivé (2016): The knowledge
society must be intercultural, participatory and sustainable. These principles should guide the
development of the knowledge society.
Consequently, the implementation of effective strategic planning is essential for municipalities
to achieve their objectives in education, health and sports; even more so when results-based
management is directly linked to the execution of works as indicated by administrator,
administrator, & Garay Paucar, EZ (2023)
Strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement, Strategic planning for
results-based management in public procurement must consider the following aspects (Vaicilla,
Narváez and Erazo, 2020) :
Definition of objectives and goals: The objectives and goals of public procurement must
be aligned with the general objectives and goals of the entity.
Environmental analysis: The environmental analysis should identify internal and
external factors that may affect public procurement.
Identification of necessary resources: Planning must identify the human, financial and
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
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technological resources necessary to achieve the objectives and goals.
Procurement process design: The procurement process should be designed to be
efficient, effective and transparent.
Monitoring and evaluation: The recruitment process must be monitored and evaluated
to ensure that objectives and goals are met. Problems of strategic planning for results-
based management in public procurement
Strategic planning for results-based management in Peru: In Peru, some efforts have
been made to improve strategic planning for results-based management in public
procurement. For example, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has developed
a tool called the "Public Procurement Planner" that helps public entities plan their
procurement processes.
However, there are still challenges that must be overcome to improve strategic planning for
results-based management in public procurement in Peru. For example, it is necessary to
strengthen the planning capacity of public entities, improve budget allocation to local
governments, and improve the quality of technical documentation (Aliaga, 2022).
II. Methodology
To verify this problem, a diagnosis was established based on a survey of 12 public servants
from the Sub-directorate of Education, Sports and Health of a municipality in Peru. The sample
consisted of 150 public servants from a municipality
In scientific observation mediated by a guide, the need to obtain results-based management
was assessed through the strategic planning of sports activities that involve the participation of
the population organized by clubs, for the strategic and systematic use of sports slabs, where
sports training can be carried out with a view to official competitions.
The survey was directed at public servants; with the intention of knowing the opinion that
citizens have about the organization and development of soccer sports championships; which
must be planned strategically, so that all clubs can compete.
Practicing sports is essential for the population to be inclined to enjoy good health and
emotional well-being.
Once the population's need for sports activities with adequate planning was determined, it was
considered that such planning is essential to achieve results.
The research had a quantitative approach, analytical type and non-experimental design in the
same group; 150 public servants from a municipality in Peru participated. They had time to
answer the questionnaires and were selected through a non-probabilistic sampling during the
month of August 2023. The questions about the 4 dimensions of the results-based management
variable were validated by the approval of 4 experts with an average of 98.5% for the
instrument, used in similar research in Peru.
After collecting the scores from the questionnaires, weighting was assigned for each level:
Low = 1,
Medium =2,
High =3;
considering for the results the dimension that has influenced the management by results the
The information was processed in an Excel database, the results are presented in tables in the
results section.
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
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The study had a descriptive scope, considering the dominance of the dimension based on the
maximum score achieved in the sums corresponding to Management by Results.
Informed consent was the procedure applied in line with the principle of autonomy, based on
the voluntary participation of the responsible personnel. This information was collected and
processed in a coded manner to preserve the principle of confidentiality and privacy; the results
of which were reported and are archived.
III. Results
Description of initial diagnosis results
Scientific Observation : In the 12 observations to public servants it was possible to perceive
that the strategic planning for the management by results is not carried out in the Sub-
directorates of education, sports and health; limiting themselves only to planning visits for the
verification of sports activities in the community's slabs; ignoring the requirement of population
growth and that when school vacation days approach, more strategically planned activities are
required so that the population can take advantage of said slabs in an organized manner. for the
emotional well-being of users. Consequently To determine the reasons why short- and medium-
term strategic planning is not carried out, an interview with these public servants was
Interview: Using this method, it was found that public servants do not consider strategic
planning of sports activities that involve the systematic use of sports slabs in their activities due
to a lack of knowledge. This shows that more work needs to be done by professionals on issues
of public management and results-based management, so that the results-based budget can be
aligned with such management for the benefit of the population.
Survey: Using this method, it was determined that public servants are unaware of the processes
of strategic planning: determining the strategic position, prioritising objectives, developing a
strategic plan, executing and managing the plan; and finally, reviewing and modifying the plan.
They state that they were only superficially familiar with this planning; in this sense, it made it
difficult for them to plan sports activities, although they consider that the survey had a formative
character in mentioning the processes for strategic planning, which they express that they will
take into consideration.
Methodological Triangulation: After analyzing the results of these methods, the following
preliminary conclusions have been reached.
All methods agree that there was superficial knowledge about results-based
management, considering that strategic planning is important to consider sports
activities for the benefit of the population.
The interview agreed that knowledge of the strategic planning processes is necessary:
Determine the strategic position, Prioritise objectives, Develop a strategic plan,
Execute, manage the plan; finally Review and modify the plan.
Descriptive information on the scores for each dimension of Results-Based Management is
presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Descriptive information: Scores and Summations, for the scores on each dimension of Results-
based Management
Strategic planning
Monitoring and
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
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Interpretation of Table 1. Higher scores were obtained in the Summations for the Strategic
Planning dimension (285 points); that is, according to the perception of public servants,
strategic planning is decisive in achieving results-based management in the Sub-directorates of
Education, Sports and Health to plan and develop activities in pursuit of the emotional well-
being of the population through sports and cultural activities.
In second place, and with almost the same score as Strategic Planning, is the Budget by Results
with 284 points; because they consider that, after having carried out the appropriate Strategic
Planning, it is also necessary and essential to have a Budget by Results, because if the activities
do not have a budget, they cannot be executed, and the budget may be assigned depending on
previous results; even depending on the management of said municipal area, funds may be
managed for sports and cultural competitions that are convenient for the well-being of the
The lowest sum obtained corresponded to the dimension: Monitoring and evaluation, because
the public servants of said municipal suggestion consider that both Monitoring and evaluation
are of lesser importance for management by results, said workers argue that they are aware of
their activities and responsibilities, making it unnecessary for them to be monitored.
IV. Discussions
In contrast to Strategic Planning in Results-Based Management for Results-Based Management
in Sport in Culture, Health and Sports Management, the research by Lazos and Olivé (2016)
mentions that Results-Based Management can generate more management in sport in municipal
offices in the following ways:
Encouraging participation in sports activities : Results-based management can help
municipalities set specific goals to increase participation in sports activities among different
age groups, genders, and socioeconomic levels. For example, a municipality could set a goal of
increasing participation in sports activities among children and youth by 20%. To achieve this
goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as offering free or low-cost sports classes,
building or renovating sports facilities, and promoting sports in schools and the community.
Improving the quality of sports facilities: Performance management can help municipalities
identify the needs of sports facilities and develop strategies to improve their quality. For
example, a municipality could set a goal to improve the safety of sports facilities. To achieve
this goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as installing new security measures,
conducting regular inspections of facilities, and educating users about safety at sports facilities.
Promoting physical activity: Results-based management can help municipalities promote
physical activity among citizens. For example, a municipality could set a goal to increase the
number of people who participate in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes
a day. To achieve this goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as organizing
community walks, runs, and other physical activities.
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
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In comparison to the results, the research by Lazos and Olivé (2016) propose a model of
knowledge society for Mexico that is based on these principles. This model can help Mexico
take advantage of the opportunities of the knowledge society and overcome the challenges it
The studies cited in administrator, administrator, & Garay Paucar, EZ (2023) show that results-
based management, organizational learning, and the knowledge society are interrelated
concepts. Knowledge is essential for results-based management, and organizational learning is
necessary for organizations to adapt to the changes in the knowledge society.
Organizations that want to be successful in the knowledge society must focus on the following
Develop a learning culture: Organizations must create an environment in which people
feel motivated to learn and share their knowledge.
Constantly innovate: Organizations must be willing to experiment and adopt new ideas.
Be inclusive and respectful of diversity: Organizations must be aware of cultural
diversity and promote the participation of all citizens.
By following these recommendations, organizations can improve their ability to achieve their
objectives and contribute to the development of the knowledge society.
V. Conclusions
Results-based management is an important tool that can help municipalities improve the
management of activities related to sport, culture and health. By focusing on results,
municipalities can identify areas in which they need to improve and develop; for this it is
necessary to emphasize strategic planning, to improve services for the benefit of the emotional
health of the population.
In order to improve strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement, the
following recommendations can be taken: Strengthen planning capacity: It is necessary to
strengthen the planning capacity of public entities, so that they can identify the objectives and
goals of public procurement, and design an efficient, effective, and transparent procurement
process. Improve budget allocation: It is necessary to improve the budget allocation to local
governments, so that they can meet the proposed goals in public procurement. Improve the
quality of technical documentation: It is necessary to improve the quality of technical
documentation, to avoid errors and deficiencies in the execution of works.
Garay Paucar, EZ, Chávez Taipe , YV, & Atachao Mallqui, JC (2022). Execution of public
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Conflict of interest : The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
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Co-author contributions : All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding : With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest that could
have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
Informed consent statement: The study was carried out in compliance with the Code of Ethics
and good editorial practices for publication.
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