Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2316] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Strategic planning in results-based management in the Sub-directorates of education and development for emotional well-being
( Strategic planning in results-based management in the Deputy Departments of Education and Development for Emotional Well-being )
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I. Introduction
The management of sport at the local level is an important aspect for the development of
citizenship and the promotion of physical and sporting activity. However, in Peru, this
management is in a state of delay, due to a series of factors. , among which the following stand
out: The lack of relevance of sports management in the agreed development plans of local
governments, the non-existence or poor design of sports management tools and regulations.
According to a study carried out by Quispe and Rivera (2017), the district municipalities of this
province establish basic strategic actions such as the promotion of sports activities with social
and political approaches, but these actions are temporary and have no sustainability; another
problem is the lack of support and desire for improvement and innovation in the work of social
and sports projection from the sub-managements or sports offices of the district municipalities.
To improve sports management at the local level, the following considerations must be taken
into account: Incorporate sports management in a comprehensive and systematic manner into
the agreed development plans of local governments, design sports management tools and
standards that are appropriate to local needs, strengthen the technical and professional capacity
of the human resources working in the sports sub-managements or offices of the district
Strengthening sports infrastructure, as well as the lack of budgetary resources, are factors that
limit sports management in this province. Strategic planning is a fundamental process for
results-based management in public organizations, however, in the international context,
various problems related to the effective implementation of this tool have been identified,
among which the following stand out:
1. Poor resource planning: This problem can manifest itself in an inefficient allocation of
available resources, which can have a negative impact on the achievement of the
proposed objectives.
2. Failure to complete the strategic planning stages: This deficiency can manifest itself in
the lack of alignment between strategic objectives and the actions taken, as well as in
the lack of adequate resource allocation and detailed planning.
3. Lack of strategies that promote adequate government planning : This deficiency can
have a negative impact on the coordination and articulation of actions between different
4. Lack of alignment between implemented actions and objectives: This lack of alignment
can be attributed to various factors, such as the lack of technical capacity to carry out
the proposed actions and the insufficiency of adequate resources.
5. Lack of effective monitoring and evaluation of implemented plans and programs: This
deficiency can limit the ability of organizations to learn from their experiences and
improve their performance.
In the context of education, health and sports activities in a municipality, these problems can
have the following repercussions:
a. Education: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to provide
quality education to all citizens. For example, it can result in a lack of adequate
educational infrastructure, trained teaching staff, or sufficient educational materials.
b. In health: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to provide
timely and quality health care to all citizens. For example, it can result in a lack of
adequate health infrastructure, trained health personnel, or sufficient medicines.
c. In sports: Poor resource planning can limit the ability of municipalities to promote
physical activity and sport among the population. For example, it can result in a lack of
adequate sports infrastructure, trained personnel or attractive sports programmes. To