Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
Page 1of 13
Preserved in Zenodo DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13340601 The author is responsible for the information in this article
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
Anita Esther Romero Mestanza 1 * : https://orcid.org/0009-0003-2337-6852
1 Cesar Vallejo University, Peru
*Author for correspondence : aromerome@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Received: 10/27/2023 Accepted: 12/10/2023 Published: 12/30/2023
Motivation and job performance among technical nursing staff in public hospitals is important because they are
the staff that is in direct contact with patients and because they are one of the largest groups of staff. The study
had a descriptive scope. The sample of nursing technical staff of a public hospital in the city of Chiclayo, was 110
workers: 18 men and 92 women from 30 to 50 years of age. The main motivational factors were: remuneration
and/or benefits (81.82%), positive work environment (72.73%), training (70.91%), receipt of benefits for the good
development of technical work (40.91%) and recognition for the good development of their technical work
(38.18%) respectively. It was concluded that the highest level of job performance was regular in 48.18% of the
technical staff in Nursing.
Keywords: motivation, job performance, technical staff, nursing, public hospitals
Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería
de un Hospital público durante el año 2018
La motivación y el desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de enfermería de los hospitales públicos es
importante por ser el personal que está en contacto directo con los pacientes y por ser uno de los grupos de
personal más numeroso. El estudio tuvo alcance descriptivo. La muestra del personal técnicos de enfermería de
un Hospital público de la ciudad de Chiclayo, fue de 110 trabajadores: 18 hombres y 92 mujeres de 30 a 50 años
de edad. Los principales factores motivacionales fueron: remuneraciones y/o beneficios (81.82%), ambiente de
trabajo positivo (72.73%), capacitaciones (70.91%), recibo de beneficios por el buen desarrollo de labores
técnicas (40.91%) y reconocimientos por el buen desarrollo de sus labores técnicas (38.18%) respectivamente.
Se concluyó que, el mayor nivel de desempeño laboral fue regular en el 48.18% del personal técnico en
Palabras clave: motivación, desempeño laboral, personal técnico, enfermería, hospitales públicos
Motivação e desempenho laboral na equipe técnica de enfermagem
de um Hospital público durante o ano de 2018
A motivação e o desempenho no trabalho do pessoal técnico de enfermagem dos hospitais públicos é importante
porque é o pessoal que está em contato direto com os pacientes e porque constitui um dos maiores grupos de
pessoal. O estudo teve escopo descritivo. A amostra do pessoal técnico de enfermagem de um Hospital público
da cidade de Chiclayo foi de 110 trabalhadores: 18 homens e 92 mulheres entre 30 e 50 anos. Os principais
fatores motivacionais foram: remuneração e/ou benefícios (81,82%), ambiente de trabalho positivo (72,73%),
treinamento (70,91%), recebimento de benefícios pelo bom desempenho do trabalho técnico (40,91%) e
reconhecimento pelo bom desenvolvimento do trabalho. das suas tarefas cnicas (38,18%), respetivamente.
Concluiu-se que o maior nível de desempenho laboral foi regular em 48,18% do corpo técnico de Enfermagem.
Palavras-chave: motivação, desempenho profissional, pessoal técnico, enfermagem, hospitais públicos
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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I. Introduction
Job performance and recurring skills are those that generate the most attention in the diagnosis;
showing deficiencies in relation to individual and/or group processes, which are mainly information
demands of the Human Talent Management areas in companies today. and which in turn are necessary
to create a profile of the psychological functioning of collaborators, work teams and the organizational
system, in order to optimize the decision-making process (Álvarez, 1998; Guillén and Colab, 2000;
Martínez, 2004) .
The approach to an organizational diagnosis supposes, as Rodríguez (1999) points out, assuming a
Diagnostic Model proposal considering levels and aspects of behavior with the purpose of directing
efforts towards optimizing organizational results at the level of culture, productivity and job
satisfaction (Rodríguez, 1999).
A diagnostic model presented from the point of view of organizational psychology needs to take into
account the work conditions that are offered to generate an improvement in the performance of the
people who make up the organization, psychological processes of the person and the team, inherent
to the fulfillment of activities and tasks, as well as the achievement of organizational results such as
productivity, culture and job satisfaction (Palma, 2002).
In this sense, research on the organizational climate according to different authors could be definitively
linked to certain dimensions of analysis inherent to it and which have currently been determined by
the authors as evaluation and measurement variables (Palma, 2002).
In addition, the addition of a technical nursing career is being considered. The aforementioned
statement is based on the assigned work of the nursing technician, which involves technical activities
with high responsibility, and in turn being in constant contact with different diseases, including
suffering and even death (Jofre and Valenzuela, 2005).
In addition to what was presented in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to add that the work
carried out with sick and fragile people causes a great emotional burden. To this type of work we must
add the existence of work overload, the conflicts that arise from not having autonomy in decision-
making, low pay, lack of recognition and professional development, working conditions, relationships
with superiors and coworkers, family problems and requirements, since it is characterized by being a
basically female profession and usually working double shifts in different organizations in the health
sector (Jofre and Valenzuela, 2005).
The working conditions mentioned above definitely have a significant influence on the job satisfaction
of the technical nurse and consequently on the quality of care provided to the patient, the family and
society in general (Jofre and Valenzuela, 2005).
Given this reality, it is clear that organizations need to be concerned about the working conditions of
their employees, since their health is related to the quality of the services they provide to users of their
services. Furthermore, unlike other professions in which occupational risks are well defined and are
prevented by existing laws and regulations, there is almost no awareness of prevention in this
profession, making it clear that health care work entails a psychosocial risk that definitely affects health
(Jofre and Valenzuela, 2005).
Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that the technical nursing professional is the first professional
that the patient meets, which is why the managers of health establishments need to take them into
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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account, because they are the letter of introduction in the care process, and based on them, high levels
of satisfaction among the users of the service will or will not be generated (Jofre and Valenzuela, 2005).
It is important to clarify that, in all aspects of human existence, motivation intervenes as a mechanism
to achieve specific objectives and goals, since it represents a universal phenomenon of the person and
in turn is of great importance for people and society, in general it can be said that it is a topic of interest
to everyone in this society (Robbins, 2004 and Amorós, 2007).
Motivation is a highly relevant topic for any organization. If applied in the work environment, highly
motivated employees can be obtained, who strive to improve their performance. A satisfied employee
who values his or her assigned activities and tasks, transmits this and enjoys serving his or her clients,
and if this is not feasible, will give his or her best effort. Motivation consists of generating and
sustaining corporate cultures and values that are oriented towards high work performance (Robbins,
2004 and Amorós, 2007).
Performance evaluation is an essential management technique in the administrative management
process. Through it, problematic situations can be identified in the development of the work of the
people who work in an organization. The performance of the collaborators is the fundamental aspect
to develop the effectiveness and sustainability of an institution (Robbins, 2004 and Amorós, 2007).
The evaluation of a collaborator's performance in the position to which he has been assigned is useful
to define the existence of difficulties in reference to the supervision of workers, their integration into
the institution, conflicts, such as the wasting of the potential of people who could perform better in a
given position. In conclusion, it can be said that the evaluation of performance is a relevant factor to
know if the human talent management policy of a company is correct (Robbins, 2004 and Amorós,
For the aforementioned reason, a performance evaluation process brings benefits to both the person
who executes it and to those to whom the process is applied. For a supervisor, boss, manager and/or
director in general, it is very important to evaluate their collaborators, because as a result of this
process, the strengths and weaknesses of the personnel under their charge will be defined, and based
on this information, necessary corrective measures can be taken, as well as establishing fluid, direct
and effective communication with them to improve their performance. (Robbins, 2004 and Amorós,
This study was carried out in a public hospital in the city of Chiclayo. This health facility was officially
created as a hospital in 1851 and was gradually expanded in response to the growing population of the
Department of Lambayeque, a province of the same name in the department of Lambayeque.
The mission of the aforementioned Hospital is to provide accessible comprehensive individual and
collective health services in the health-illness process of the population of the North East macro region
of Peru, with quality, equity and efficiency, counting on a qualified, competent multidisciplinary team
in the process of permanent training, developing research and teaching.
It is worth stating that, since its foundation to date, this Hospital has tried to improve its quality of
service at all levels, counting on a large number of professionals in all areas, with respect to nursing
technicians, there are a total of 179 of which 154 are women and 25 men, who are distributed in the
different services and departments that this hospital has.
Well, in this problematic reality, the present work has the significance of carrying out for the first time,
in this health entity, an initial situational diagnosis on the motivation factors and their influence on the
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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work performance of the technical nursing staff, supported by current concepts on this subject;
opening the possibility that the immediate superiors and/or managers can enrich their work policies
based on the recommendations suggested by this research.
1.1. Related research
Bowern et al (2003) conducted a study with the aim of “determining whether the structure of the
Primary Care team in the United Kingdom predicts the processes and whether the structure and
processes condition the results obtained by the team” (Bowern et al, 2003). The type of study carried
out was observational through questionnaires and an audit of medical interventions (Bowern et al,
2003). The results showed that there was a better organizational climate in the practice at an individual
level than in the practice developed in societies. “Clinical practice after periods of greater recruitment
provides improvement in the management of chronic diseases. Higher levels of team climate were
associated with better clinical care of diabetes, with better evaluations of the patients on the care
practice and with better self-assessment in innovation and in effectiveness. The largest teams were
also associated with a better clinical care of diabetes. The level of training is associated with the desire
for innovation. Individual practice was associated with greater accessibility, but with lower self-
perception of efficacy” (Bowern et al, 2003).
Grau et al (2005) conducted a study with the aim of “studying the prevalence of burnout syndrome in
hospital healthcare workers and assessing its relationship with personal and environmental factors
(Grau et al, 2005). To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was given to 2,990 healthcare employees
from 5 hospitals in Girona, in the form of a survey that included the measurement of the organizational
climate and the Maslash Burnout Inventory, which in turn includes three dimensions: “Emotional
Exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP), Low Personal Accomplishment (LPA)” (Grau et al, 2005).
It is also worth mentioning that approximately 1,095 workers (47.8%) responded to the questionnaires.
Of these, 41.6% showed a high level of emotional exhaustion, especially among doctors and nursing
staff; 23% showed a high level of depersonalization, mainly among doctors; and 27.9% showed low
professional performance, especially among technicians and doctors (Grau et al, 2005).
“Optimism and professional satisfaction showed an inverse relationship. The number of years of
professional experience, optimism, the respondent’s assessment of the usefulness of the work he or
she does and the perception that he or she is valued by others were inversely related to a high level of
depersonalization. Low personal accomplishment was inversely related to optimism, the assessment
of the usefulness of the work and the work team” (Grau et al, 2005). In the present research it was
concluded that improving the type of organizational climate, promoting optimism as well as personal
self-esteem, would lower the level of professional burnout in hospitals (Grau et al, 2005).
Martínez; et al (2005), executed a thesis with the objective of "determining the factors that influence
the job satisfaction of the anesthesiologist in hospitals of concentration of Petróleos Mexicanos"
(Martínez et al, 2005), for this purpose a questionnaire was applied to 22 anesthesiologists, in 2
headquarters, one in the north and the other in the south, and the results obtained are presented:
"The overall satisfaction / dissatisfaction ratio in the anesthesiologist is 59.16% / 40.5%. The dimension
4 (company benefits) was found to be affected by dissatisfaction with 45.44% and dimension 5 (work
environment) with 56.26%. We did not find significant differences in the level of satisfaction in relation
to the variables: age, seniority, certified category with a council or master's degree" (Martínez et al,
|Muñoz et al (2006) conducted a study aimed at “describing the professional quality of life (PQL)
perceived by primary care (PC) workers and the organizational climate (OC) of their centers, and to
understand the influence of OC on PQL and the variables that explain this relationship” (Muñoz et al,
2006). “Two anonymous questionnaires were used, self-administered and validated in PC: PQL-35
(dimensions: demands, managerial support and motivation) and OC (dimensions: teamwork, cohesion
and commitment) (Muñoz et al, 2006). They concluded that the organizational climate definitely
influences the professional quality of life, mainly in motivation and managerial support. On the other
hand, organizational commitment fundamentally improves intrinsic motivation (Muñoz et al, 2006).
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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1.2. Theories related to the topic
Motivation is defined as the force that moves a person to develop an activity or to achieve a certain
behavior in a specific situation (Amorós, 2007). It is known that the activity carried out in a motivated
manner is distinguished from instinctive activity, in that in the first case it implies will on the part of
the person who develops it; that is, there is a reason or in any case a stimulus that moves the person
to perform an act voluntarily (Koontz and Werkrich, 1999; Amorós, 2007)
1.2.1. Motivational theories
Maslow's theory of needs
The hierarchy of human needs theory, developed by Maslow, is based on the assumption that people
act on needs, and what is intended to be done in this section is to show the relevance of this theory,
and its significance for human behavior in organizations and therefore for the present study. The point
of view presented by Maslow, although very extensive, represents for the administration of human
talent management, an important model of human behavior, based on the lack that the person has to
satisfy the need. However, once it is satisfied, its relevance will decrease and the next higher level will
be activated. In this way, a need does not have to be completely satisfied before moving on to the next
one (Robbins, 2004 and Amorós, 2007) .
Herzberg's two-factor theory
The aforementioned researcher explains the existence of two factors related to motivation, hygiene
factors, associated with dissatisfaction, and motivating factors, associated with satisfaction. His theory
is based on a balance between the two factors mentioned above (Robbins, 2004).
McClelland's motivational theory
It establishes that many of the needs of individuals are generated in their interaction with the
environment, if analyzed from the social as well as cultural point of view. It is for this reason that there
will be people with different levels of needs in relation to the behaviors that have been the result of
learning in the environment where they have developed over a period of time. McClelland defines a
motivating aspect as that need or set of needs that will define the way a person behaves in their
environment. (McClelland, Cited by Rodriguez, 2009) .
According to McClelland (McClelland, Cited by Rodriguez, 2009), people behave in relation to three
different motivating factors. The first of the aforementioned is the motivator referring to affiliation,
which is what moves people to develop and promote relationships of affability and satisfaction with
others. “In the long term, this factor generates an attractive work environment, which produces a great
influence with the other motivating factors.” (McClelland, Cited by Rodriguez, 2009)
On the other hand, the second factor is the achievement motivator, which is conceptualized as the
impulse that makes individuals behave with a clear direction towards the search for the greatest
possible success in all the tasks they perform. People who are moved by this factor prefer situations in
which challenging goals are presented, but they are uncomfortable achieving success based on luck.
In addition, these people strive to avoid very difficult tasks. (McClelland, Cited by Rodriguez, 2009).
Finally, there is the motivating factor of power, which can be defined as the desire to control other
people and the environment, thereby achieving the authority to modify situations. (McClelland, Cited
by Rodriguez, 2009)
Clayton Alderfer's ERC theory
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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Alderfer (cited by Amorós, 2007) shows three groups of basic needs. To begin with, he presents the
existence needs, which include the needs that people have to satisfy the fundamental demands that
arise from material existence. For this level of needs, the author adds what Maslow defines as
physiological needs, as well as security needs. (Macmillan Professional, 2006).
Secondly, the author shows the relationship needs, which are those that contain the needs that the
person needs to maintain important interpersonal relationships. Social desires and status require
interaction with other people to achieve the need to satisfy them, and in this specific case they are
related to the level of social needs and even esteem proposed by Maslow (Mora, 2012).
1.2.2. Job performance
The performance of the workers is considered the cornerstone to generate the effectiveness and
success of an organization, it is for this reason that there is a continuous interest by the companies to
optimize the performance of their collaborators through training, coaching and formation programs
of the same (Robbins, 2004). Following the same idea, the work performance will depend on the
behavior of the people and of course on the results obtained by them. Another relevant contribution
in the construction of the concept of performance at work, is presented by Stoner (Cited by Amorós,
2007), who mentions that performance at work, is the way in which the members of a company work
Dimensions of job performance
Employee participation: It is defined as the participatory process that capitalizes on all the capacity of
the collaborators and that is oriented to promote the commitment to the success of the company in
which they work. The aforementioned promotes the involvement of employees in the process in which
they are part through decision-making, also promoting and in this way, greater autonomy and control
over their work, thus achieving a high motivation and organizational commitment, improving their
productivity and generating satisfaction with their work (Chiavenato, 2002).
Professional development training: Employees feel more motivated by their personal and
professional growth and development, which is positive for their performance and, in turn, is essential
for the prevention of risks that have a psychosocial nature (Chiavenato, 2002). “Professional
development has its origin in career planning and includes the aspects that a person enriches or
improves in order to achieve objectives within the organization. It can occur through individual efforts
or through the support of the company where one works.” (Chiavenato, 2002).
Suitability / work environment: “It is important to feel comfortable in the workplace as this gives us
greater possibilities of carrying out our work correctly. Suitability of the worker to the job consists of
incorporating into a specific job a person who has sufficient knowledge, skills and experience to carry
out the job with guarantees and who, in addition, is motivated and interested in its characteristics”
(Chiavenato, 2002).
Motivational factors and their relationship with job performance
In this regard, reference is made to the remuneration system and promotion policies, as well as the
advancements that a company has. This system needs to be perceived fairly by employees, in order to
generate satisfaction in them, which should not generate ambiguities and fundamentally needs to
maintain a close and positive relationship with respect to their expectations (Chiavenato, 2002 and
Robbins, 2004).
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
Page 7of 13
It is necessary to add that in almost all contemporary motivational theories it is recognized that
workers are not characterized by being homogeneous, they all have different needs, as well as differ
in their attitudes, personality and other relevant individual variables (Chiavenato, 2002 and Robbins,
It is important that employees perceive that rewards are proportional to the quantity and quality of
effort invested. Chiavenato (2002) states that “the reward system will probably have to weigh inputs
in different ways to find the appropriate rewards for each job. It is said that the most powerful
incentive that managers can use is personalized and immediate recognition.” (Chiavenato, 2002).
“Managers will have to use their knowledge of differences among employees to individualize rewards,
since employees have different needs. What is reinforcing with one employee may be useless with
another. This makes people realize that their contributions are appreciated. Some of the rewards used
include: pay, promotions, autonomy, goal setting, and decision making” (Robbins, 2004).
Aim: To determine the motivation and job performance of the technical nursing staff of a Public
Hospital in the city of Chiclayo.
II. Methodology
2.1. Research design.
This study has a descriptive scope since it seeks to indicate the strength and direction of a linear
relationship between the two variables of the study: motivation and job performance (Hernández,
Fernández & Bautista, 2006).
At the same time, it is a non-experimental design of a transversal type because data is collected at a
single moment, in a single time, with the purpose of describing variables and their incidence of
interrelation at a given moment, without intervening in the environment.
2.2.Population and sample.
Population: It was made up of 179 nursing technicians (148 appointed and 31 contracted). Of these,
154 are women and 25 are men.
Sample: Nursing technicians from a public hospital in the city of Chiclayo participated in this research,
amounting to 110 workers, 18 men and 92 women from 30 to 50 years of age.
Validity and reliability of the instrument To analyze the validity and reliability of the instrument used
to collect the data for the study, a pilot test was carried out consisting of 30 nursing technicians from
the calculated sample, to whom the questionnaire was applied and the reagent analysis was
developed. The instruments had a high Cronbach's Alpha coefficient greater than 0.88.
III. Results
In Table No. 01, the main motivational factors can be observed according to the perception of the
population under study, which are: remuneration and/or benefits (81.82%), positive work
environment (72.73%), training (70.91%), receipt of benefits for the good development of technical
work (40.91%) and recognition for the good development of their technical work (38.18%)
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
Page 8of 13
Table No. 01. Main motivational factors according to the perception of the population subject to study
in 2018
Main motivational factors
Inclusive percentages
Remunerations and/or benefits
90 (81.82%)
Recognition for the good development of their technical work
42 (38.18%)
I receive benefits for the good development of my technical work
45 (40.91%)
Positive work environment
80 (72.73%)
78 (70.91%)
The work I do allows me to gain experience
72 (65.45%)
The people in my work group can be counted on to meet commitments.
62 (56.36%)
The development of my work meets the expectations of my superiors
48 (43.64%)
The development of my work meets the expectations of the
external users (clients)
72 (65.45%)
Source: Own elaboration
It is observed that 40.91% of the nursing technical staff showed high motivation and 59.09% low
motivation. Similarly, the job performance classification is: good: 25 30; average: 16 20; Bad: 10
Table No. 2. Level of job performance of the technical nursing staff of a public hospital in the city of
Chiclayo in 2018
Job performance
Percentage (%)
IV. Discussion
Nowadays, man needs to be recognized for what he does. In this way, he will remain diligent. Good
behavior is maintained through positive (motivating) effort; therefore, it is essential to point out the
need to stimulate individuals and work groups in order to achieve the best performance in the
organization. Consequently, the organization must show sincere satisfaction and admiration for the
work carried out by its staff, and explicitly praise them for extraordinary performance.
In this way, the interest arose in working on this topic to determine the association between
motivation and job performance of the technical nursing staff of a public hospital.
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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Analyzing our results, we can see that 81.82% of workers receive a decent remuneration for their work,
which motivates workers. According to Alderfer's theory (ERG model), cited by Amorós (2007), focused
on the basic needs that are met (food, water, remuneration, benefits and working conditions as
motivators of the performance of technical staff in the tasks they perform), the staff that this company
has are technical; therefore, they receive a basic remuneration, and in some cases lower, since they
are hired for activities to be developed.
It is worth mentioning that Alderfer (cited by Amorós, 2007) in 1969 , carried out a review of Maslow's
theory of needs, which would become his ERG theory: existence , relationship and growth . The review
carried out by the author resulted in the grouping of human needs into the three categories mentioned
and came to be called Clayton Alderfer's theories.
We can observe that 40.91% of the surveyed nursing technical staff responded that they receive
benefits for the good development of their technical tasks, which is related to the McClelland model
(achievement motivation model, 1965), cited by Amorós (2007). Therefore, it can be related to this
model that states that people are motivated according to the intensity of their desire to perform in
terms of a standard of excellence or to succeed in competitive situations. Therefore, the benefits for
the good development of their technical tasks are considered the main source of motivation for
technical staff.
Similarly, it is observed that 70.91% of respondents say they receive training for better development
of their work, although this only occurs 2 to 3 times a year. According to Herzberg (hygiene motivation
theory), As cited by Amorós (2007), training is an intrinsic motivating factor; therefore, it is a motivating
factor for the technical staff of said company. Given that it is one of the most important motivational
factors, the frequency of this training should be increased.
When addressing the issue of motivation within human resource management, we agree that
motivation fundamentally seeks to highlight the best in each person. That is, it covers everything from
primary needs, encouraging individual initiatives, to rewarding achievements.
This concern for human knowledge is necessary to be able to properly manage human resources.
Managers, chiefs or people who are responsible for people must efficiently manage motivation
programs that seek to make human beings more competitive and able to meet institutional objectives
and goals in order to create and permanently maintain a positive work environment.
Motivation depends on people having clear objectives, developing self-motivation, and on bosses
rewarding their efforts with fair and timely rewards, and on the manager(s) facilitating or creating the
means and favorable conditions for motivation to develop favorably and not hindering it, so that
personal and business objectives can be met.
Vargas (2007), for his part, points out in his study on work motivation and its relationship with workers'
performance, that it is convenient to use motivational strategies to encourage workers' interest in
their occupations.
For his part, Pérez (2009) demonstrates how fundamental work motivation can be to foster an
environment of satisfaction where workers are offered incentives that improve their performance.
The evaluation of job performance seeks to know the standard of performance of the worker according
to certain parameters that are established for this purpose, as a way of measuring the performance of
the human resource in the different activities and tasks that it performs. However, there are internal
and external factors that affect this performance within the company ( Torres, 2005).
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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On this subject, it has been reviewed that different authors have conceptualized job performance as
the net effect of a person's effort that is modified by their skills, traits and the way they perceive their
role. Thus, effort is synonymous with expenditure of energy, whether physical or mental, or both,
which is used when people perform their work, so it can be concluded that the professional
performance of people varies according to their efforts, skills, traits and direction in which it is carried
out (Arias, 2004; García and Rondón, 2008 ).
It is important to understand that job performance is influenced by different factors, such as widely
known motivational factors or the existence of environmental forces that may be influencing
performance. When they are environmental, they can often be considered as excuses for the worker's
low production, while others, such as poor working conditions, defective equipment, lack of
cooperation, faulty supervision and insufficient information, hinder the worker's true performance.
Likewise, with respect to the evaluation systems for job performance, there are different approaches
and specialists have proposed a series of forms of evaluation, which coincide in that they measure the
effort made by the worker and have important aspects that try to measure what the worker does as
part of the fulfillment of his obligations, identifying the worker's strengths and weaknesses. These
evaluations must be applied by trained personnel, periodically, and, above all, feedback must be given
to the evaluated personnel so that faults can be corrected.
García and Rondón (2008), in their study entitled “The relationship between motivation and teamwork
of the administrative staff working in the dean's office of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the
University of Carabobo”, observed that, among the factors that affect satisfaction, is the process of
effective communication that allows workers to develop a more favorable perception of teamwork
They concluded that there is a direct relationship between motivation and teamwork. In the present
study, the relationship between motivation and job performance is analyzed, where the latter is an
element comparable to job performance, since there is a significant relationship between these two
variables, which corroborates the study by García and Rondón (2009).
Pérez (2009) conducted a study entitled “Motivational needs as a key factor in the work performance
of the administrative staff of the La Milagrosa clinic.” The research was descriptive in nature and
concluded that there is a performance problem due to a lack of motivation in the organization, since
the employee's interest is that the clinic meets the needs for recognition and approval for the work
they do. This research demonstrates how fundamental work motivation can be to foster an
environment of satisfaction where workers are offered incentives to improve their performance. In
our study, it is observed that the levels of motivation and performance are characterized at a low level,
which shows agreement with Pérez's study.
The present research concludes that there is a high level of dissatisfaction among the staff, since the
income they receive does not seem to be in line with the functions they perform in the administration
and human resources departments. For this reason, they believe that their motivational needs are
moderately satisfied. In our study, a low level of motivation was established.
Therefore, it is advisable to conduct surveys on the satisfaction of external clients (service users or
patients) and external clients (workers) so that managers or head physicians can propose strategies
aimed at improving the satisfaction of their workers, which will translate into better job performance.
Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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V. Conclusiones
The main motivational factors, according to the perception of the population under study, were
remuneration and benefits, the work environment and training. The highest level of job performance
was average in 48.18% of the technical nursing staff.
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Research funding : With own resources.
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