Vol.3 No.1(2023) [e-2315] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies Research
Motivation and job performance in the technical nursing staff of a public hospital during 2018
(Motivación y desempeño laboral en el personal técnico de Enfermería de un Hospital público durante el año 2018)
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work performance of the technical nursing staff, supported by current concepts on this subject;
opening the possibility that the immediate superiors and/or managers can enrich their work policies
based on the recommendations suggested by this research.
1.1. Related research
Bowern et al (2003) conducted a study with the aim of “determining whether the structure of the
Primary Care team in the United Kingdom predicts the processes and whether the structure and
processes condition the results obtained by the team” (Bowern et al, 2003). The type of study carried
out was observational through questionnaires and an audit of medical interventions (Bowern et al,
2003). The results showed that there was a better organizational climate in the practice at an individual
level than in the practice developed in societies. “Clinical practice after periods of greater recruitment
provides improvement in the management of chronic diseases. Higher levels of team climate were
associated with better clinical care of diabetes, with better evaluations of the patients on the care
practice and with better self-assessment in innovation and in effectiveness. The largest teams were
also associated with a better clinical care of diabetes. The level of training is associated with the desire
for innovation. Individual practice was associated with greater accessibility, but with lower self-
perception of efficacy” (Bowern et al, 2003).
Grau et al (2005) conducted a study with the aim of “studying the prevalence of burnout syndrome in
hospital healthcare workers and assessing its relationship with personal and environmental factors”
(Grau et al, 2005). To achieve this objective, a questionnaire was given to 2,990 healthcare employees
from 5 hospitals in Girona, in the form of a survey that included the measurement of the organizational
climate and the Maslash Burnout Inventory, which in turn includes three dimensions: “Emotional
Exhaustion (EE), Depersonalization (DP), Low Personal Accomplishment (LPA)” (Grau et al, 2005).
It is also worth mentioning that approximately 1,095 workers (47.8%) responded to the questionnaires.
Of these, 41.6% showed a high level of emotional exhaustion, especially among doctors and nursing
staff; 23% showed a high level of depersonalization, mainly among doctors; and 27.9% showed low
professional performance, especially among technicians and doctors (Grau et al, 2005).
“Optimism and professional satisfaction showed an inverse relationship. The number of years of
professional experience, optimism, the respondent’s assessment of the usefulness of the work he or
she does and the perception that he or she is valued by others were inversely related to a high level of
depersonalization. Low personal accomplishment was inversely related to optimism, the assessment
of the usefulness of the work and the work team” (Grau et al, 2005). In the present research it was
concluded that improving the type of organizational climate, promoting optimism as well as personal
self-esteem, would lower the level of professional burnout in hospitals (Grau et al, 2005).
Martínez; et al (2005), executed a thesis with the objective of "determining the factors that influence
the job satisfaction of the anesthesiologist in hospitals of concentration of Petróleos Mexicanos"
(Martínez et al, 2005), for this purpose a questionnaire was applied to 22 anesthesiologists, in 2
headquarters, one in the north and the other in the south, and the results obtained are presented:
"The overall satisfaction / dissatisfaction ratio in the anesthesiologist is 59.16% / 40.5%. The dimension
4 (company benefits) was found to be affected by dissatisfaction with 45.44% and dimension 5 (work
environment) with 56.26%. We did not find significant differences in the level of satisfaction in relation
to the variables: age, seniority, certified category with a council or master's degree" (Martínez et al,
|Muñoz et al (2006) conducted a study aimed at “describing the professional quality of life (PQL)
perceived by primary care (PC) workers and the organizational climate (OC) of their centers, and to
understand the influence of OC on PQL and the variables that explain this relationship” (Muñoz et al,
2006). “Two anonymous questionnaires were used, self-administered and validated in PC: PQL-35
(dimensions: demands, managerial support and motivation) and OC (dimensions: teamwork, cohesion
and commitment)” (Muñoz et al, 2006). They concluded that the organizational climate definitely
influences the professional quality of life, mainly in motivation and managerial support. On the other
hand, organizational commitment fundamentally improves intrinsic motivation (Muñoz et al, 2006).