Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
Página 8 de 9
model for Mexico that is based on these principles. This model can help Mexico take advantage of the
opportunities of the knowledge society and overcome the challenges it poses.
The studies cited in administrator, administrator et al., (2023) show that management by results,
organizational learning and the knowledge society are interrelated concepts. Knowledge is essential for
results-based management, and organizational learning is necessary so that organizations can adapt to the
changes of the knowledge society.
Organizations that want to be successful in the knowledge society must focus on:Develop a culture of
learning, Be inclusive and respectful of diversity: Organizations must be aware of cultural diversity and
promote the participation of all citizens. By following these recommendations, organizations can improve
their ability to achieve their objectives and contribute to the development of the knowledge society.
V. Conclusion
The implementation of concerted strategic planning at the local level, together with the
promotion of learning and accountability in budget management, represents a unique opportunity
to improve the quality of life of local communities. By combining these elements, a more
transparent, efficient and oriented public management model can be built to the needs of citizens.
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