Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability
in budget management for users
Rufino Galindo Caro1: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9296-6504
David De la Cruz Montoya1: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0184-8727
Manuel Edgardo Gamero Tinoco2: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9548-0702
Alex Miguel Hernández Torres2: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5682-2500
Loida Leny Ramos León3: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-1316-0184
Arón Pedro Albarrán Cachay*4: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-5195-8935
1Cesar Vallejo University, Peru
2National University of Cajamarca, Peru
3Consulting and construction Y P, Peru
4Federico Villarreal National University, Peru
*Corresponding author:2018000543@unfv.edu.pe
Received: 11/10/2023 Accepted: 12/12/2023 Published: 28/12/2023
SummaryThe proposal to implement concerted strategic planning at the local level and accountability in budget
management constitutes a comprehensive and promising approach to improve the satisfaction of users of public
services. It had a qualitative approach, approaching action research, as they perceived the benefits of local concerted
strategic planning and teaching of accountability in budget management for users as a desire of the residents, in this
sense the proposal could also promote the confidence of the residents. The implementation of concerted strategic
planning at the local level, together with the promotion of learning and accountability in budget management,
represents an opportunity to improve the quality of life of local communities. By combining these elements, a more
transparent, efficient and oriented public management model can be built to the needs of citizens.
Keywords: Benefits, Strategic planning, local, teaching, accounts, management
Beneficios para los usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y
de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria
Resumen: La propuesta de implantar la planificación estratégica local concertada y la rendición de cuentas
pedagógica en la gestión presupuestaria es un enfoque global y prometedor para mejorar la satisfacción de los
usuarios de los servicios públicos. Tuvo un enfoque cualitativo, acercándose a la investigación-acción, ya que los
beneficios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y la enseñanza de la rendición de cuentas en la gestión
presupuestaria para los usuarios fueron percibidos como un deseo de la población, en este sentido la propuesta
también puede promover la confianza de la población. La aplicación de la planificación estratégica local concertada,
junto con la promoción del aprendizaje y la rendición de cuentas en la gestión presupuestaria, representa una
oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida de las comunidades locales. Combinando estos elementos se puede
construir un modelo de gestión pública más transparente, eficiente y orientado al ciudadano.
Palabras clave: Beneficios, Planificación estratégica, Local, Enseñanza, Cuentas, Gestión.
Benefícios do planejamento estratégico local conjunto e da responsabilidade docente na gestão orçamentária
para os usuários
Resumo A proposta de implementar o planejamento estratégico local concertado e a responsabilização na gestão
orçamentária é uma abordagem abrangente e promissora para melhorar a satisfação dos usuários de serviços
públicos. Teve uma abordagem qualitativa, aproximando-se da pesquisa-ação, uma vez que os benefícios do
planejamento estratégico local concertado e do ensino da accountability na gestão orçamentária para os usuários
foram percebidos como um desejo da população, nesse sentido a proposta também pode promover a confiança da
população. A implementação do planejamento estratégico local concertado, juntamente com a promoção do
aprendizado e da responsabilidade na gestão orçamentária, representa uma oportunidade para melhorar a qualidade
de vida das comunidades locais. Ao combinar esses elementos, é possível construir um modelo de gestão pública
mais transparente, eficiente e voltado para o cidadão.
Palavras-chave: Benefícios, Planejamento estratégico, Local, Ensino, Contabilidade, Gestão
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
Página 2 de 9
I. Introduction
The proposal to implement concerted strategic planning at the local level, added to the promotion
of teaching accountability in budget management, constitutes a comprehensive and promising
approach to improve the satisfaction of users of public services. This combination of elements
allows local communities to actively participate in defining their priorities, ensuring that residents
can perceive that resources are allocated to the areas they need most and generating a greater
sense of ownership and commitment on the part of citizens. which generates well-being in users
and residents, by also evidencing the willingness of municipal workers to share their knowledge,
by wanting to teach accountability for budget management.
1.1. Research related to concerted strategic planning for managementAccording toRopa-Carrión,
Brígido, & Alama-Flores, Marcos. (2022) In the context of concerted strategic planning for management,
this article delves into the nature and evolution of the concept of management. The central importance of
management in the contemporary world is highlighted, as it is the engine that drives the strategic activities
of organizations and contributes to social development. The study presents an exhaustive analysis of the
different definitions of management, contrasting the various theoretical and scientific perspectives.
Likewise, clear conceptual distinctions are established between management and administration, as well
as between planned strategic management and strategic management.
The research categorizes management approaches into three large groups:
Classic approach:Focused on the efficiency and optimization of production processes.
Systemic approach:Considers the organization as a complex system interrelated with its
Complex holistic approach:It adopts a comprehensive vision, encompassing human, social and
environmental factors in organizational management.
With respect to concerted strategic planning for results-based management in public
procurement.Strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement must consider the
following aspects Vaicilla et al., (2020):
Definition of objectives and goals:The objectives and goals of public procurement must be aligned with
the general objectives and goals of the entity.
Environment analysis:The environmental analysis must identify internal and external factors that may
affect public procurement.
Identification of necessary resources:Planning must identify the human, financial and technological
resources necessary to achieve the objectives and goals.
Design of the hiring process:The hiring process must be designed in a way that is efficient, effective and
Monitoring and evaluation:The hiring process must be monitored and evaluated to ensure that objectives
and goals are met. Problems of strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement
Concerted strategic planning for results-based management in Peru:In Peru, some efforts have been made
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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to improve strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement. For example, the
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has developed a tool called "Public Procurement Planner",
which helps public entities plan their procurement processes.
1.2. Research related to Teaching accountability
Bermudez Castillo, A. (2023) analyzed the accountability model implemented by the Public Ministry of
Costa Rica between 2018 and 2021. Through a documentary analysis, the different stages of the public
policy cycle of this model were evaluated. , identifying both its advances and its limitations. The results
show that the model has managed to establish a standard in terms of the definition and structure of
accountability reports, which has allowed opening spaces for citizen participation. However, aspects that
require improvement were identified, such as administrative and professional supervisory support, even
the evaluation is about this aspect, because to evaluate accountability learning it is necessary to have
knowledge about accountability.
Through interviews and focus groups with various actors involved, both the advances and limitations of
this model were identified. The research concludes that, despite the efforts made, there is a negative and
contradictory perception about the benefits of this model, and there is a lack of solid evidence about its
contribution to the improvement of municipal management. Measures are proposed to improve the
implementation of a comprehensive management system, based on a collaborative and intergovernmental
process, and complemented with quality controls.
II. Methodology
The research was carried out with a qualitative approach, through an action research approach. Some of
the co-authors usually work in public activities, and perceived the benefits of local concerted strategic
planning and teaching of accountability in budget management for users as a desire of the residents, in this
sense the proposal may also foster the confidence of residents or users of the municipality, about the way
in which strategic planning is carried out, but it is important the possibility for residents to demonstrate the
willingness of municipal workers to share their knowledge about the mentioned areas, which generates in
the residents, trust in management and emotional well-being
A documentary and content analysis of various investigations related to local concerted strategic planning
and Teaching of accountability in budget management was carried out. Previous models and experiences
were examined, which allowed us to understand and interpretthe perception of the residents of a
In addition, research related to this research was analyzed and studies on knowledge management were
carried out; Convergences were identified between these perspectives and key aspects for the research
proposal. The importance of relationships between actors and the dissemination of knowledge was
highlighted. Consequently, a comprehensive literature review was used to build a solid theoretical
foundation and contextualize the research within the state of the art.
Auscultation of perception of some residents:Through this method it was possible to verify that public
servants do not contemplate in their activities strategic planning of activities that involve the systematic
use, for example, of unknown sports tiles. This shows that we must work more on trust and rapprochement
with residents to share aspects of public management and management for results; so that they perceive
that the results-based budget can be aligned with said management for the benefit of the population.
Open survey on knowledge linked to research: From this method it was determined that the residents are
unaware of the strategic planning processes: Determine the strategic position, Prioritize objectives,
Develop a strategic plan, Execute, manage the plan; finally Review and modify the plan. The most
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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knowledgeable residents state that they knew this planning only briefly; In this sense, it made it difficult
for them to plan activities, specifically those in the sports sector (as they are the ones that present the
greatest attraction to residents), although it is considered that the survey had a formative nature by
mentioning the processes for strategic planning, and knowledge of accountability. accounts, which express
that they will take it into consideration.
Approach to Methodological Triangulation:After analyzing the results of these methods, the following
preliminary conclusions have been reached.
All methods agree that there was superficial knowledge about management, considering that strategic
planning and knowledge of accountability is important to consider sports activities for the benefit of the
In the interview, it is agreed that knowledge of the strategic planning processes and knowledge of
accountability is necessary: Determine the strategic position, Prioritize objectives, Develop a strategic plan,
Execute, manage the plan; finally Review and modify the plan.
III. Results
According to the dialogues and open interviews, the following results were reached, that to carry
out strategic planning and knowledge of accountability, the following must be taken into
consideration (indicated below):
3.1. Local Concerted Strategic Planning:
o Citizen Participation:Including the community in the planning process ensures that
the real needs of citizens are considered and addressed.
o Focus on Results:By establishing clear and measurable objectives, it is easier to
monitor progress and evaluate the impact of public policies.
o Alignment with Local Development:Strategic planning must be aligned with local
development plans, ensuring a coherent and long-term vision.
3.2. Learning and Accountability in Budget Management:
o Transparency:Publishing budget information in a clear and accessible manner
fosters citizen confidence in public institutions.
o Continuous Evaluation:Periodic evaluation of results allows us to identify areas
for improvement and adjust strategies accordingly.
o Accountability Mechanisms:The implementation of accountability mechanisms,
such as public hearings and citizen evaluations, strengthens participatory
3.3. Benefits expected by residents
Greater User Satisfaction:By allocating resources to community priorities, the quality and
efficiency of public services is improved.
Strengthening Local Governance:Citizen participation and transparency in budget
management contribute to more democratic and effective governance.
Improvement of Public Management:The focus on results and continuous evaluation drive
continuous improvement of processes and procedures.
Greater Efficiency in the Use of Resources:Strategic planning allows you to optimize the
use of resources, avoiding duplication and allocating funds to the most priority activities.
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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3.4. User Perspectives
Training:It is essential to train public officials and citizens to participate effectively in
planning and evaluation processes.
Accessible Information:Budget information must be presented in a clear and simple
manner, using language accessible to all audiences.
Monitoring and Evaluation:A robust monitoring and evaluation system is required to
measure the progress and impact of the initiatives implemented.
Continued Participation:Citizen participation must be encouraged continuously, beyond
the initial planning moments.
IV. Discussion
In comparison to the present investigation, there are the following investigations:
Tumi Quispe, JE (2020). in yourA study carried out in the municipal government of Puno between
2011 and 2018 reveals that the accountability mechanisms are partial and unrepresentative.
Despite the existence of public hearings, access to detailed information on public investment and
budget execution is limited and presented with reluctance. The main findings indicate that it is
Political will:The effectiveness of accountability depends largely on the political will of
municipal authorities.
Participatory mechanisms:Citizen participation mechanisms, such as public hearings, are
limited and do not guarantee broad representation of the population.
Added information:The information presented in public hearings is generally very general
and does not allow a detailed analysis of municipal management.
Limited participation:Participants in public hearings are usually specific actors, such as
directors of management committees or supporters of the municipal authority.
It is perceived thatTo improve accountability in municipal governments, it is necessary:
Strengthen transparency:It is necessary to expand access to public information, facilitating
the consultation of detailed data on municipal management through digital platforms.
Promote citizen participation:More inclusive participation mechanisms must be
implemented that allow all citizens, regardless of their level of knowledge or resources, to
participate in accountability processes.
Establish clear and measurable indicators:Accountability must be based on specific and
measurable indicators that allow the performance of municipal authorities to be evaluated.
Train public officials:It is essential to train municipal officials in communication and
citizen participation techniques so that they can provide clear and concise information to
Audit independently:Independent audits should be carried out on a regular basis to verify
the information presented by municipal authorities.
That is to say,To improve accountability in municipal governments, it is necessary to promote
greater transparency, citizen participation, and evidence-based accountability. This will
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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strengthen democracy and ensure that public resources are used efficiently and effectively for
the benefit of the population.
Furthermore, learning accountability is important, as it is a valuable intangible within institutions, as
indicated by Lazos and Olivé (2016), mentioning that in the knowledge society it must be intercultural,
participatory and sustainable. These principles must guide the development of the knowledge society.
Consequently, the implementation of concerted strategic planning is essential for municipalities to achieve
their objectives; even more so when results-based management is directly linked to the execution of works
as indicated by administrator, administrator, & Garay Paucar, EZ (2023)
Also in contrast to the present research Ropa-Carrión, Brígido, & Alama-Flores, Marcos. (2022) presents
a solid foundation for understanding management as a dynamic and multifaceted process. By analyzing
the different theoretical and practical perspectives, the importance of management as a key tool for
organizational success and sustainable development is evident. The same ones that emphasize the
relevance of management in the context of strategic planning, highlighting the diversity of approaches and
the importance of understanding key conceptual distinctions.
Also according toBermudez Castillo, A. (2023) the accountability of management in Governments is
linked to Emotional Stability by mentioning that accountability in the Public Ministry of Costa Rica
presents relevant implications for small local governments and for the emotional stability of workers and
neighbors. .
Implications for small local governments:
Transparency and trust:Implementing a similar accountability model in small local governments
can increase transparency and citizens' trust in their institutions.
Management improvement:By establishing accountability mechanisms, local governments can
improve their resource management and decision making.
Citizen participation:Accountability models encourage citizen participation, allowing citizens to
know and evaluate the performance of their representatives.
Corruption prevention:Accountability is a key tool to prevent corruption and ensure administrative
Impact on the emotional stability of workers and neighbors:
Stress reduction:Transparency and clarity in management can reduce stress and uncertainty in
both municipal workers and residents, by allowing them to know the reasons behind decisions and
progress in project implementation.
Improvement of the work environment:A transparent and participatory work environment can
improve the work environment and increase employee motivation.
Strengthening the social fabric:Citizen participation and transparency in management can
strengthen the social fabric and generate greater cohesion in communities.
Additional considerations:
Adaptation to local contexts:Accountability models must be adapted to the specific characteristics
and needs of each local government.
Training:It is essential to train public officials and citizens to ensure the effective implementation
of accountability models.
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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Monitoring and evaluation:It is necessary to establish monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to
guarantee the continuous improvement of accountability processes.
That is to say,The experience of the Public Ministry of Costa Rica demonstrates that accountability is a
valuable tool to strengthen democracy, improve public management and increase citizens' confidence in
their institutions. Small local governments can benefit significantly from the implementation of
accountability models adapted to their realities, thus contributing to improving the quality of life of their
inhabitants and strengthening social stability.
Although the intention is to improve municipal management and services, the results obtained so far are
not as expected. This raises important questions about the effectiveness of public policies designed to
improve local governance and their implications for small local governments and the emotional stability
of workers and neighbors:
Collaborative approach:Promote greater collaboration between different levels of government,
universities and civil society organizations to design and implement management models more
appropriate to local realities.
Continuous evaluation:Implement continuous evaluation systems to measure the impact of public
policies and make the necessary adjustments.
Strengthening capacities:Invest in the training of municipal officials so that they can develop the
necessary skills to implement quality management models.
Citizen participation:Promote the active participation of citizens in decision-making processes and
in the evaluation of public services.
That is to say,The study highlights the importance of designing and implementing quality management
models that are appropriate to the realities of small local governments and that promote citizen
participation. By doing so, you can contribute to improving the quality of public services, increasing
citizen confidence and strengthening the emotional stability of municipal workers. Such research has
important implications for employers, workers and, ultimately, for society in general. The mimes that
present the following implications for the Institutions:
o Financial Wellness Programs:Companies should consider implementing financial
education programs to help their employees improve their financial management and
reduce money-related stress.
o Healthy work environment:Promoting a healthy and balanced work environment, which
allows employees to balance their work and personal lives, can help reduce stress and
improve performance.
o Work flexibility:Offering flexible work options can help employees better manage their
financial and personal responsibilities.
o Economic development:A financially healthy population contributes to economic growth
and social development.
With respect to learning about accountability in budget management, in a municipality Barba-Martín et al.
(2020) propose a formative evaluation model that combines self-assessment, co-assessment and hetero-
assessment. They argue that this model can help students bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Together, these two authors offer a comprehensive view of assessment and its role in learning. Their
research suggests that evaluation can be a powerful tool to promote deep learning, but that it must be
implemented in a careful and thoughtful manner that can be applied in municipal management.
In comparison with the results, the research of Lazos and Olivé (2016) proposes a knowledge society
Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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model for Mexico that is based on these principles. This model can help Mexico take advantage of the
opportunities of the knowledge society and overcome the challenges it poses.
The studies cited in administrator, administrator et al., (2023) show that management by results,
organizational learning and the knowledge society are interrelated concepts. Knowledge is essential for
results-based management, and organizational learning is necessary so that organizations can adapt to the
changes of the knowledge society.
Organizations that want to be successful in the knowledge society must focus on:Develop a culture of
learning, Be inclusive and respectful of diversity: Organizations must be aware of cultural diversity and
promote the participation of all citizens. By following these recommendations, organizations can improve
their ability to achieve their objectives and contribute to the development of the knowledge society.
V. Conclusion
The implementation of concerted strategic planning at the local level, together with the
promotion of learning and accountability in budget management, represents a unique opportunity
to improve the quality of life of local communities. By combining these elements, a more
transparent, efficient and oriented public management model can be built to the needs of citizens.
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Vol.3 Núm.1(2023), GESTIONES - Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Benefits of local concerted strategic planning and teaching accountability in budget management for users (Beneficios para los
usuarios de la planificación estratégica local concertada y de la responsabilidad docente en la gestión presupuestaria)
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Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
Authors' contributions
All coauthors have contributed to this article.
Financing of the research: With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest that could have
influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed.
Declaration of informed consent
The study was conducted in accordance with the Code of ethics and good publishing practices.
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