m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 1 de 12
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
Ruby Emerald Silva Herrera 1* : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4193-9589
Maria of the Pillar Bustamante of Ordinola 1 : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1146-548X
Yonathan Mario Gonzales Ttito 2 : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8564-7983
Juan Peter Soplapuco-Montalvo 1 : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4631-8877
1 University Cease Vallejo, Peru
2 University National of Saint Augustine of Arequipa, Peru
Contact for correspondence*: resilvas@ucvvirtual.edu.pe , certificados@gmail.com
Received: 10/10/2023 Accepted:
11/29/2023 Published 12/29/2023
Abstract: The approach of a proposal on a program of innovative strategies to improve the institutional image
included a total of 50 teachers: 10 from each of the five private educational institutions in the city of Chiclayo
Peru (each educational institution from a different socioeconomic stratum, so that the sample was
representative); the proposal put forward seven strategies based on 12 proposals by Ramos & Valle (2020). The
proposal was determined by percentage choice for each strategy with scores from 1% to 100% with respect to
to each of the seven strategies, resulting in three innovative strategies for having percentages greater than the
average (60%) of the seven innovative strategies. The proposal presents three strategies in the following order
of priority: Different channels for communicate your messages; Advertising through different options and
Occupying a space in the audience's mind.
Words clue:
Proposal, Strategies innovative, image institutional
Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras para mejorar la imagen institucional
Resumen: El planteamiento de una propuesta de programa de estrategias innovadoras para mejorar la imagen
institucional involucró a un total de 50 docentes: 10 de cada una de las cinco instituciones educativas privadas
de la ciudad de Chiclayo, Perú (cada institución educativa de un estrato socioeconómico diferente, por que la
muestra era representativa); La propuesta propuso siete estrategias basadas en 12 propuestas de Ramos & Valle
(2020). La propuesta fue determinada por la elección porcentual de cada estrategia con puntajes del 1% al 100%
en relación a cada una de las siete estrategias, dando como resultado tres estrategias innovadoras por presentar
porcentajes superiores al promedio (60%) de las siete estrategias innovadoras. La propuesta presenta tres
estrategias en el siguiente orden de prioridad: Diferentes canales para comunicar sus mensajes; Publicidad a
través de diferentes opciones y ocupando un espacio en la mente del público.
Palabras clave: Propuesta, Estrategias innovadoras, Imagen institucional
Uma proposta de estratégias inovadoras para melhorar a imagem institucional
Resumo: A abordagem de um programa proposto de estratégias inovadoras para melhorar a imagem institucional
envolveu um total de 50 professores: 10 de cada uma das cinco instituições educacionais privadas da cidade de
Chiclayo, Peru (cada instituição educacional de um estrato socioeconômico diferente, por exemplo). que a amostra
era representativa); A proposta propõe sete estratégias baseadas em 12 propostas de Ramos & Valle (2020). A
proposta foi determinada escolhendo um percentual para cada estratégia com notas de 1% a 100% em relação a
cada uma das sete estratégias, resultando em três estratégias inovadoras apresentando percentuais superiores à
média (60%) das sete estratégias inovadoras. A proposta apresenta três estratégias na seguinte ordem de prioridade:
Diferentes canais para comunicar suas mensagens; Publicidade através de diferentes opções e ocupando um espaço
na mente do público.
Palavras-chave: Proposta, Estratégias inovadoras, Imagem institucional
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 2 de 12
I. Introduction
The study of innovative strategies (EI) is crucial for any entity, since its implementation offers the
necessary guidance to achieve organizational goals. EI are tools that allow the incorporation of new
ideas, procedures, products or services with the purpose of improving corporate processes and
increasing income (Peralta, 2022; Enríquez & Santacruz, 2022). Therefore, EI are crucial for the
success of an entity, improving processes and increasing income; in this sense, the research is limited
to an approximation of a proposal on a program of innovative strategies to improve the institutional
By it so much, the strategies innovative for the improvement of the institutional image (II) of a school
They are related to SDG Goal 4 "Quality Education", since improving the IC of the educational
institution through EI can help attract more students and families interested in quality education,
which directly contributes to the goal of increasing access to quality education for all.
Regarding the Peruvian private educational institution, there is evidence of an unfavorable
institutional image that hinders the implementation of environmental awareness, technology,
adequate management of economic resources, access to quality educational resources, effective time
planning, effective communication between the school and parents, and understanding the importance
of technology. This has generated a negative impact on the environment and corporate reputation, has
limited the participation and commitment of the educational community, has prevented students from
having enriching international experiences to develop intercultural skills and improve their command
of the English language, has resulted in low academic performance and lack of motivation on the part
of students, has prevented the development of entrepreneurial and leadership skills in students, has
reduced parental involvement in the education of their children, and has decreased competitiveness
against other educational institutions that offer similar programs.
The objective was: To show a approach to a proposal for a programme of innovative strategies to
improve the image of a private IE.
Some studies linked:
At the international level, in Egypt, Younis & Hammad (2021) in their quantitative article
investigated the impact of institutional image (CI) and employer image (EI) on organizational
attractiveness (OA), as well as understanding the moderating role of social identity (SI) in the
association between corporate image (CI) and employer image (EI) and organizational attractiveness
(AO), finally They concluded that the IE and the IC have a effect significant in The AO and IS play a
role as moderators in the established model.
In Spain, Aledo et al. (2021) studied the influence of corporate social responsibility in their article,
concluding that the perception of the institutional image and mission fulfillment are correlated with
customer satisfaction.
In Indonesia, Winarno et al. (2020) determined the effect of service quality (SC), institutional image,
and perceived price (PP) on creating customer satisfaction (CS), concluding that CS is not always a
decisive factor in SC and LC. In Turkey, Kalkan et al. (2020) in their quantitative paper examined the
relationships among leadership styles (LS), school culture
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 3 de 12
(CE) and the institutional image according to the perceptions of teachers, concluding that there are
significant relationships between EL, CE and the institutional image
In Peru Olive (2021) in his investigation determined the influence of the responsibility social (RS)
and institutional image (II) in the choice of educational services (ESE), concluding that RS and II
influence the choice made by students.
Also in Peru, Quispe (2022) proposed a questionnaire on job performance and human interrelations
administered by the management staff of a University, because the institutions educational of
education basic to the that belonged the teachers that they have participated in the exhibition and
which seek to improve the institutional image of their institutions; their additional goal is to ensure
that their students can enter university studies.
Regarding the first component, “Innovative Strategies” (IS), these are tools that allow the
incorporation of new ideas, procedures, services or products within a company, with the aim of
improving corporate processes and increasing revenues; they also allow organizations that depend on
new innovative products, technologies and platforms to create their own business strategies to
generate value for customers, increase market share and enter new markets; in addition, innovative
strategies are considered key to stand out in industries competitive, since the market constantly
evolving and It is necessary update strategies to adapt (Enríquez & Santacruz, 2022).
In addition, the strategies innovative of this proposal are :
The implementation of an electronic waste system, which seeks to establish an efficient system for
the management and recycling of electronic waste, such as computers and mobile phones. This
strategy is important because it helps prevent environmental pollution caused by this waste and
encourages the reuse of valuable materials. Thus, governments , companies and citizens are required
to be aware of the damage caused by the accumulation and mismanagement of electronic waste, in
order to mitigate environmental damage and prevent harmful effects on the health of living beings
(Zambrano et al., 2022).
In addition, the implementation of a virtual volunteering system, which allows for the realization of
volunteering activities remotely through online platforms and very relevant because it expands
participation opportunities and allows people to contribute their time and skills from anywhere, which
increases the impact of volunteering.
Also, the implementation of an internship program and school agreements, which involves
determining agreements with educational institutions that allow students to have practical experiences
in environments where English is used as the main language of communication and is very important
since it offers students an immersive environment where they can practice and perfect their English
language skills.
virtual parent schools consists of offering online educational programs for parents and families. These
virtual schools deal with relevant topics such as parenting, education and family well-being, and
provide resources and support to parents. On the other hand, an advantage of virtual parent schools is
that they offer flexible hours, since parents can access the materials and participate in the activities at
times convenient for them. they, it that facilitates his stake even with agendas busy. In addition,
this EI is
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 4 de 12
important because it offers resources and support to parents to strengthen their parenting skills and
promote a healthy family environment.
Similarly, the implementation of entrepreneurship projects refers to the introduction of activities and
programs that foster entrepreneurship among students. These projects offer students the opportunity
to develop and carry out their own business ideas. with the support of the educational institution (IE).
This strategy is important because it offers students a unique opportunity to develop entrepreneurial
skills, foster creativity and innovation, promote teamwork, strengthen their confidence and prepare
for the future of work.
Furthermore, the implementation of mobile libraries refers to the creation of a mobile book lending
service that can be taken to different locations inside and outside the school. These mobile libraries
can include a variety of books and reading materials for students. of different ages; therefore, it is
important as they provide students with access to a variety of books and learning materials. reading
that can foster their interest in reading and the research. This may help to improve their skills of
reading and writing, as well as his ability for learn autonomously.
Similarly, the implementation of a learning management system refers to the adoption of a digital
platform that facilitates the administration, delivery and monitoring of teaching and learning
processes; therefore, this system is important because it allows teachers and students to access
educational resources, carry out activities, perform assessments and collaborate virtually.
Besides, the variable EI HE dimensions in creativity, invention, processes and incubation.
The “Creativity” dimension is the ability to generate ideas. It is a mental process that involves
combining different elements, such as existing information and the generation of new connections
and associations. So, creativity plays a fundamental role in personal development, professional and
social by promoting the innovation and the change (Torres & Nunez , 2021; Rodrigo-Martín et al.,
By other side, the dimension "Invention" HE refers to the process of create something new that No
existed before. It can be an object, a process, a system or an idea that solves a specific problem or
need. The invention involves a combination of creativity, knowledge and skills techniques to develop
an innovative solution to a problem (Suárez et al., 2020; Torres & Nuñez , 2021).
The “Processes” dimension refers to the knowledge and skills that an individual possesses in relation
to strategies for improving the creation of ideas. This dimension focuses on the mental processes and
techniques used to generate, evaluate, and select innovative ideas (Torres & Nuñez , 2021).
The “Incubation” dimension refers to a period of time in which a problem or idea is consciously left
in the background, allowing the unconscious to work on its processing. and generation of new
connections; it is also considered a stage important in the creative process, since it allows fresh and
novel ideas to emerge (Torres & Nuñez , 2021).
Regarding the second component “The corporate image”, it is the idea or impression of the services
that provides a entity, is the way an organization is presented or perceived by
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 5 de 12
its members and the public; it also informs the behavior of the organization and the type of
organization it is, since this generates loyalty and trust in consumers; it also offers benefits such as
better customer identification with the brand, greater brand recognition, and greater customer loyalty
( Paliwoda-Matiolanska et al., 2020; Ramos & Palomino, 2020; Wang, 2020; Bruce & Priscilla, 2022;
Thanh , 2022).
The theories related to innovative strategies are: Schumpeter's theory of innovation, Porter's theory of
innovation and Druker's theory of innovation.
Thus, according to Schumpeter, innovation is the engine of economic growth and is based on the
introduction of new products, processes, markets or forms of organization; he further argues that
innovative entrepreneurs are those who introduce new combinations of resources and technologies to
create novel products and services and highlights the role of creative destruction, where disruptive
innovations replace old forms of production and generate economic progress (Schumpeter 1934, as
cited in Suárez et al., 2020).
Also, according to Porter, innovation focuses on the continuous improvement and competitiveness of
companies, he argues that innovation can be both incremental (gradual improvements in existing
products, processes or services) and disruptive (involves radical changes that transform industries and
create new markets); he also emphasizes the importance of competitive strategy in innovation,
arguing that companies should seek sustainable competitive advantages through innovation. through
differentiation and cost leadership (Porter 2015, as cited in García et al. 2019).
Thus, Schumpeter (1934, as cited in Suárez et al., 2020) and Porter (2015, as cited in García et al.
2019) emphasize the importance of innovation in economic growth and business competitiveness,
they recognize the introduction of new products, processes and the importance of creative
destruction; they also highlight the relevance of disruptive innovation to transform industries and
create sustainable competitive advantages. Therefore, innovation must be based on the introduction of
new products, processes, markets or forms of organization, as well as on the search for sustainable
competitive advantages through differentiation and cost leadership.
Likewise, Drucker sees innovation as the key tool to create and maintain a competitive advantage in
the market, defines innovation as the process systematic way of creating something new that has
value for the customer; it also emphasizes that innovation is not limited to technology or products,
but can encompass any aspect of the business, including processes, business models, strategies and
organizational practices (Drucker, 2004, as cited in Blacutt , 2021).
Also, Drucker (2004, as cited in Blacutt , 2021) and Porter (2015, as cited in García et al., 2019)
agree that innovation is essential to create and maintain a competitive advantage in the market, and
that it is not limited to technology or products, but can encompass any aspect of the business,
including processes, business models, strategies, and organizational practices. Thus, innovation is
based on the systematic process of creating something new that has value for the customer.
II. Methodology
According to its research nature, it is Descriptive Propositive . Descriptive because it is focused on
describing the characteristics or properties of a phenomenon or situation, without intervening in it;
and propositive, because a proposal of innovative strategies is developed based on the Sustainability
strategies to improve the corporate image of Ramos & Valle (2020).
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 6 de 12
For the approximation of a proposal on a program of innovative strategies to improve the institutional
image, 50 teachers were included, 10 from each of the five private educational institutions in the city
of Chiclayo, Peru (each educational institution from a different socioeconomic stratum, such that the
sample was representative) selected with non-probabilistic sampling, for convenience; A descriptive-
propositional diagnosis was carried out with a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design.
A proposal was developed with the innovative strategies with 12 strategies according to the proposal
of Ramos & Valle (2020)
After the 12 strategies were proposed, a validation process was carried out, through two processes:
Judgment by three experts, where the program was thoroughly analyzed and opinions were obtained;
and Pilot application of the program using the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient; to evaluate
the effectiveness of its components and make the necessary adjustments before presenting the final
HE obtained the approval average of three experts of the 94%, Considering very suitable; and with a
Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of 86%. The objective was to achieve an approximation of a
proposal for innovative strategies to improve the institutional image, the teachers surveyed They said
the importance of each strategy with scores from lousy with 10% up to optimal with 100% for each
of the strategies.
The research design is non-experimental; that is, the independent variables have not been directly
manipulated or control has not been exercised over them; therefore, data has been collected and
existing information has been analyzed without intervening or altering the natural conditions of the
phenomenon or situation being studied to subsequently perform an analysis (Swart et al., 2019). On
the other hand, it is also non-experimental because this research aims to learn more about reality, it
uses methods such as direct observation, interviews, questionnaires and analysis of existing data to
collect information and through the analysis and interpretation of this data, it is possible to obtain a
better understanding of the situation. seeks understand better the phenomena studied and generate
knowledge that can be applied in various contexts (Hernández-Sampieri & Mendoza, 2018).
III. Results
With the intensity of concentrate he effort in some of the 12 strategies mentioned; HE proposed to
obtain approximately 50% of prioritized strategies, so that they can be emphasized in circumstances
that require having innovative strategies to improve the institutional image; the highest percentages
obtained for the 50 teachers were the following:
Choose a good name for the company, to the aim and to the results that he customer wait obtain,
prior to the diagnosis, in order to identify how innovative strategies are applied in the educational
institution (IE)
Choose a logo striking that can schematize the services provided, certain through a comprehensive
review of existing literature to understand the different problems
Advertising through different options: websites, banners, edited in leaves
Put attention to the details small by appearance: Provide of cards informative and answer the
WhatsApp- bussines phone with answering options by attaching suggestive images.
Keep the coherence in it that want communicate: Provide of a program of innovative
strategies that include the essential elements for improve The Institutional Image of the IE
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Approach to the proposal of innovative strategies to improve institutional image
(Aproximación a propuesta de estrategias innovadoras
para mejorar la imagen institucional)
Página 7 de 12
Different channels for communicate their messages: Visuals, auditory, audio-visual , carried out
after a prior study of the environment in which it will operate and an exhaustive review of the media
with the greatest access to the target population.
Occupy a space in the mind of the audience: Post information that interested to the audience is
relevant to capture the interest of the population interested in the educational services that they
would be interested in having.
The results showed that seven of the 12 strategies according to the proposal by Ramos & Valle (2020)
were considered innovative strategies for the institutional image, it was found that on average there was an
approval of 60%; with a higher percentage in strategies: f), c), g) with percentages of 85%, 80% and 70%
respectively; the other strategies are below average (60%); in this sense, it is proposed to emphasize the
three strategies with the highest percentages, and to give less attention to the other four of the seven
innovative strategies.
IV. Discussion
In contrast to the present study, because it is important to prioritize attention to the user or client, as
mentioned by Vásquez & Juárez- Gutierrez (2022) when mentioning the importance of considering the
organizational climate and user satisfaction with respect to the services received; it is also linked to the
research of Schumpeter (1934, according to Suarez and to the., 2020) grounds are strategies innovative by
focusing on the concept of "creative destruction," which involves creating new ways of doing things and
introducing new products, services, and processes that replace old ones.
Furthermore, Porter (2015, according to García et al. 2019) supports these strategies by highlighting the
importance of innovation for competitive advantage, since the implementation of new initiatives can
differentiate to an organization in the market, considering the Administrative Management and Teaching
Practice in a public Educational Institution as mentioned by Fernández (2021)
For his part, Drucker (2004, according to Blacutt , 2021) supports these strategies by highlighting the
need to adapt to a changing environment and foster innovation as a means of maintaining relevance by
mediating emotional balance and resolution strategies in staff according to Paucar , Torres & Montejo
V. Conclusions
An approach to a program of innovative strategies to improve the institutional image of private
educational institutions involves: Different channels to communicate their messages; Advertising through
different options and Occupying a space in the audience's mind.
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