I. Introduction
The Execution of public works through the Management of public works aims to satisfy the
public purpose that is to search the good common of its members to through the goods, services
and works that the state executes for the benefit of the population, such as investment in
education, health, security, etc. In addition, to achieve the satisfaction of the public purpose, the
approach based on results-based management is being applied, which will allow us to measure
the goals set by each ministry.
1.1. Types of public works
The guys of works Public are: Administration direct and by hire.
1.1.1. Management of works public by direct administration
According to he Body Supervisor of Hiring of the State (2011):
The Entity, with its own resources and personnel, directly prepares its technical files.
Such action will be carried out through its study or project areas, and it is necessary for
the Entity to have the specialized professionals, infrastructure, human resources and
logistics that allow it. In this case, the responsibility for the preparation of the same falls
on the official designated for such work.
This type of management is carried out by the same entity, that is, by the officials of the different
areas involved, for which they must have technical capacity. and have budget availability.
1.1.2. Management of works public by contract
According to he Body Supervisor of Hiring of the State (2011):
These are processes called for the execution of works under the tender or turnkey
modalities, since these allow the joint contracting of the preparation of the technical file
and the execution of the work. The execution is carried out by an entity other than the
specification, private or public, whether for a fee or free of charge, which has been
selected in a tender or public bidding process. (p.20)
It is executed by third parties who were selected in a competition or bidding process, the
contractor is responsible for acquiring the necessary resources, the responsibility is of the
officials and supervisor of the work.
1.2. Management by results
According to Angulo, R. (2017) points out that results-based management depends on
knowledge, the process of creation, capture, storage, distribution and use of knowledge, while
organizational learning is the process of change in the capabilities and behavior of organizations;
furthermore, Bailey, J., Rodríguez, MG, Flores, M., & González, PE (2017) analyze the
contradictions and proposals for education in the knowledge society. The authors begin by
defining the knowledge society, and then discuss the challenges that this society raises for
For its part, CIFE (2017) with respect to the documentary record, the search and the organization
of the information scientific. He manual starts by define the concepts basics of record