It is observed that, in all the outputs, the value of the significance obtained was lower than the
proposed one (p<0.05), having sufficient evidence to reject all the null hypotheses having to
note the following:
General hypothesis: There is a relationship between the work overload and the quality of life
of nursing staff in the hospitalization service of a Public Hospital, Lima 2022-1, observing
that the relationship was inverse or negative and of moderate level (r = - 0.615;
p=0.000<0.05), indicating that, to elderly over-demanding labor, the conditions of adequate
life outcomes are lower for these professionals.
There is relationship between the over-demanding labor and he support executive of the staff
of a Public Hospital, Lima 2022-1, observing that the relationship was negative and at a low
level (r = -0.449, p = 0.000 < 0.05), indicating that, with greater work overload, managerial
support decreases according to the perception of these professionals.
There is a relationship between the Work overload and workloads of staff at a public hospital
in Lima 2022-1, seeing that the relationship was reverse, and of low level (r = -0.378,
p=0.001<0.05), indicating that to elderly overload labor then minor diversity of workload of
these graduates.
There is a relationship between the work overload and intrinsic motivation of the staff of a
Public Hospital, Lima 2022-1, seeing that the relationship was negative or inverse, and of low
level (r = -0.367, p = 0.001 < 0.05), indicating that the greater the work overload, the lower
the intrinsic motivation in these people.
IV. Discussion
On the other hand, regarding the demonstration of the general hypothesis, it was determined
that there was a relationship between the work overload and the living conditions of the
healthcare staff of a Public Hospital in Lima, observing how it affects the Negative workload
in the conditions of life of the worker causing a of the causes further Stress and physical and
mental exhaustion are frequent, increasing the vulnerability to contracting diseases. This
result is consistent with the reality observed within this entity, being also consistent with the
theories referred to in this research (Patlán, 2013; Chiavenato, 2004; Heads, 2000), by it so
much, is current he result and the relationship fulfills with the explanation of this reality. No
However, is accurate to point out that, to weigh of the coherence From the results obtained, the
topic is not yet exhausted and research with a qualitative or mixed approach can be developed
for both variables in similar or analogous contexts.
For an extension of this hypothesis, it was also demonstrated that there was a relationship
between job over-demand and the managerial support of the nursing care staff, seeing that the
relationship was negative and of a low level, which indicates that the worker perceives that
there is no support in this dimension, where their needs are not heard, working in an
environment of pressure due to the overload of functions and patient demand not being
recognized. their efforts by toast a attention comprehensive and keep a quality of life. This is
indeed disturbing, since, in contrast to the observed reality, if the manifesto is true, this
perception, position that he support executive is of addition importance in a institution since it
provides support at all levels to workers within an organization. Thus, Victoria (2003) pointed
out that “Well-being psychological arises from the balance between the expectations and
achievements that the individual acquire in his “work area” for that so much, this aspect No
only is