m.1(2022), GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 1 de 9
Effectiveness of the management of communications and satisfaction of the user in a
Hospital (Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a
Margoth Sánchez Sánchez 1 : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1129-4596
Ynés Torres-Flores 2 : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2597-0922
Eduardo Rommel Rodriguez Gil 3* : https://orcid.org/0009-0002-5528-471X
1 Cesar Vallejo University, Peru 2 University
National of Saint Martin, Peru 3 Impulse, We
Simplify the Internet, Peru
* Contact for correspondence: eduorommel@gmail.com
Summary: This study is relevant because presents seven dimensions for each variable, that they can serve as a
reference for future research. The dimensions analyze the effectiveness of communication and user satisfaction
in a hospital during 2021. The objective was to determine the relationship between both variables in a hospital
public. The sample consisted in 36 employees, to who HE them applied a questionnaire with 25 questions about
Management of the Communication and 16 about Satisfaction of the User, using a scale Likert. The research was
descriptive-correlational, non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional and census. The data were processed with
descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The results indicated a relationship positive, moderate
and significant between the effectiveness of the communication and the satisfaction of the users in the
public hospital of Peru.
Keywords : Management effectiveness, communication, user satisfaction.
Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in to hospital
Abstract: This study is relevant because it presents seven dimensions for each variable, which can serve as a
reference for future research. The dimensions analyze the effectiveness of communication and user satisfaction in
a hospital during 2021. The objective was to determine the relationship between both variables in to public
hospital. The sample consisted of 36 employees, who were administered a questionnaire with 25 questions on
Communication Management and 16 on User Satisfaction, using a Likert scale. The research was descriptive-
correlational, non-experimental, quantitative, cross-sectional and census. The data were processed with descriptive
and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The results indicated a positive, moderate and significant
relationship between communication effectiveness and user satisfaction in a public hospital in Peru.
Keywords: Communication effectiveness , management, user satisfaction
Effectiveness gives communication and satisfaction do user in um hospital
Summary: This study is relevant because it presents seven dimensions for each variable, which can serve as a
reference. for research future. Ace dimensions analysis to effectiveness gives communication and to satisfaction
do user in a hospital during 2021. The objective was to determine the relationship between the two variables in a
public hospital. to show was compost by 36 officials, years quais was applied um questionnaire com 25 Questions
about Communication Management and 16 on User Satisfaction, using a Likert scale. The research was
descriptive-correlational, no experimental, quantitative, cross and census. You dice formed processed com
descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS software. The results indicate a positive, moderate and
significant relationship between to effectiveness gives communication and to satisfaction do user No
hospital public Peruvian. Keywords: Management efficiency, communication, user satisfaction.
m.1(2022), GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada
© Investigación
de Estudios Avanzados
Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 2 de 9
I. Introduction
This study is relevant because it presents seven dimensions for each variable, which
can be a reference input for future research, in which only some of them can be considered,
since all are investigated for having a direct correlation. The dimensions correspond to the
effectiveness of communication and user satisfaction in a hospital, during the year 2021.
Achieving effective communication at an organizational level is a challenge, taking into
account the complexity of the organizational structure and the size of the organization.
However, the trade-offs are very beneficial and profitable; thus:
According to Lopez (2016): The communication is the science that HE occupies of the
transfer of messages, directly or indirectly, originating the event from a sender through
personal, human, mass or mechanical means and with the use of a system of signals or signs.
Ramos (2018): Communication management and corporate identity have a close
relationship relationship, of such manner that Yeah HE develops a of the variables, the other
will be motivated to grow in the same way. Communication is a fundamental process for
managing corporate identity.
II. Method
The variable effectiveness determined by the management of the communication According
to Formanchuk (2009), this variable will be measured taking into account the following
Dimension 1: Essential: A company originates from a conversation, it is the effect of a
conversational commitment
Dimension 2: Operational: Communication enables the creation of an organization and
originate he covenant of base. He following passed corresponds to the action that the people
assume, in order to achieve the proposed objectives
Dimension 3: Strategic: Corresponds to the implementation of internal communication
actions within the strategic plan, considering the full knowledge of the members as an
Dimension 4: Evaluative: Reflection on the relevance of obtaining that the values and
objectives institutional harmonize with the of the members members, but Considering in both
Dimension 5: Motivational: Condition in that he individual knows do his work, knows
the why and how to do it.
Dimension 6: Learning: It constitutes the communication space through which it is
offered to the collaborator, the feedback about he as HE this running his work inside from the
Dimension 7: Intelligence: Involves to open a space of conversation, and the that The
collaborators can reach their ideas, suggestions either proposals related to the improvement of
the company.
m.1(2022), GESTIONES
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 3 de 9
On the other hand, according to Sánchez (2012), the variable User Satisfaction
involves the following dimensions:
Dimension 1: Infrastructure: Corresponds to the areas, Locals and materials that They
are related to the service, in addition to the facilities of all kinds, which are required for the
provision of the medical service.
Dimension 2: Accessibility: Ease provided to the user for access to the attention
Dimension 3: Deal staff: Perception of the user with relationship to the degree of bond,
deal, correspondence, communication of the staff, coming from of the contact with he staff.
Dimension 4: Time of wait: Time that he user consider wait in the waiting areas,
prior to being attended to by the hospital physician
Dimension 5: Time of transfer: Lapse of time that he user consider elapsed, counting from
the time he left his house until the time he arrived at the hospital
Dimension 6: Time of consultation: Time that he user consider as permanence of the
medical consultation.
Dimension 7: Satisfaction: Level of performance of the expectations of the user,
Regarding the medical care taken
Population, sample and sampling
The population is made up of 36 administrative collaborators of the Lima hospital. The
sample is census-based, since all the research units have been considered as a sample, that is,
there are 36 administrative collaborators. In this regard, Hernández, cited by Castro (2003)
pointed out that in the case in which the population was less than 50 units, then the
population will be equal to the sample.
In how much to the sampling of the investigation, this corresponds to the guy No
probabilistic and
Regard to the reliability of the instrument, the proof of reliability of Alpha of
Cronbach, provide values highly reliable.
III. Results
The results of the Spearman Rho test, with a correlation coefficient value r = 0.636,
which indicated a moderate positive correlation, in addition the value of Significance = 0.000
is less than that of 0.05 and consequently the relationship was significant at 95%, rejecting the
null hypothesis (Ho) and assuming that there is a significant intermediate relationship between
the effectiveness of the communication and the satisfaction of the user in he hospital.
Likewise, with a correlation coefficient r = 0.511, a moderate positive relationship was
affirmed, assuming that exists relationship significant between the management of the
communication and the infrastructure in the hospital.
On the other hand, the value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.657, marked a
moderate positive correlation, concluding that there is a significant relationship between
communication management and access in the hospital.
Of equal manner, he worth of the coefficient of correlation r = 0.765, pointed out a
positive correlation high, assuming that exists relationship significant between the
management of the communication and personal treatment in the hospital. Also the value of
the correlation coefficient r = 0.552, which Indian a relationship positive moderate, assuming
m.1(2022), GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 4 de 9
that exists relationship significant between communication management and waiting time in
the hospital.
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 5 de 9
On the other hand, the value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.615, which indicated a
moderate positive correlation, assuming that there is a significant relationship between
communication management and transfer time in the Hospital.
Finally, the value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.610 indicated a moderate positive
correlation, and significant at 95%.
IV. Discussion
The studies carried out in this thesis, the contribution to knowledge and the results
found, show the relevance of the study variables in the health service that the hospital of the
Solidarity lend to the users. The results were the expected, position Significant relationships
were found in most of the cases, while at the same time there were coincidences in the general
results with most of the background information analysed.
The studies found on the topics described in the research are numerous, considering
the approaches to communication management and user satisfaction, in various realities
worldwide; for the purpose of lasting information it is pertinent to mention the research Caján
Villanueva, M., et al. (2021) regarding Metadata, a system of health, Considering that the
information of the patients has to to be ready in base of data of access international, due to the
flow and displacement of individuals by all he world and the circumstances in which effective
medical care may be required are unpredictable; all of this will allow for the proper
management of communications and satisfaction of individuals or users.
Besides, HE found a relationship positive moderate between the management of the
communication and infrastructure at the Sisol hospital . For his part, Barzola (2017) found a
significant relationship between organizational communication and external user satisfaction
in the area of pharmacy from Edgardo Hospital Rebagliati Martins, district of Jesus Maria,
Lima- Peru. These results showed a significant concordance, considering that the application
scenarios of the studies were similar.
Likewise, in contrast to the present research, Alcas Zapata, N., et al. (2021) mention
that for the satisfaction of the population, present a proposal of management public to face
health emergencies considering the importance of artificial intelligence.
Also for the effectiveness of communications management, Contreras, R., & Sandoval,
A. (2019) mention the importance of Emotional Intelligence in university management, whose
situation has some similarity with health institutions such as those developed in this work.
Likewise, Barreto Espinoza, LA, & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2021). express the
importance of the responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the nursing
staff of a public hospital, which contrasts with the information in this article.
Other of the results reason of discussion was he find of a significant relationship
between communication management and access in the hospital. Rudchenko (2017), when
conducting a investigation about the satisfaction of the user in a hospital European, concluded
that the Age and gender have a decisive influence on user satisfaction, also considering
relevant management implications.
A significant relationship was also found between communication management and
personal treatment at the Sisol hospital . Kipiego (2015) found in a research applied to a
industry of insurance, in Kenya, the existence of a relationship
m.1(2022), GESTIONES
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 6 de 9
significant between he approach of the communication and the satisfaction of the user. Kipiego
He also found that are two variables HE related positively with a third variable: quality of
service. For this author, the communication effective is fundamental for achieve user
satisfaction and offer a high quality service.
Furthermore, in contrast to the research of Garay Paucar, EZ, et al. (2021), it is
pertinent to have Emotional balance and resolution strategies in the staff of a municipality so
that there is effectiveness in the management of communications for user satisfaction, that
because it belongs to the public sector, such an investigation is being considered .
HE found a significant positive relationship between management of the communication and
he time of wait in he hospital. Of the same mode, exists the relationship positive significant of
the management of the communication with the time of transfer and of consultation. These
results are directly linked to the results obtained by Barzola (2017), who found similar results
in his research in the pharmacy department of an Essalud hospital. Consequently, HE
demonstrates the agreement of the results obtained with the found in the background that
served as the theoretical framework for this research.
It is important to take care of the communications management or user satisfaction in a
Hospital, situations such as the following may arise:
According to Fillon (2021) explore he impact of the pandemic of COVID-19 in the rates of
detection that the lack of information adequate, especially during a crisis, can trigger fear and
mistrust, which in turn affects patient satisfaction and willingness to seek care. medical. A
approach of communication cash and transparent is essential for ensure that patients feel
informed and safe.
Shirali et al. (2021) indicate how effective coordination of medical teams not only improves
he diagnosis and treatment of the patients, but that also has a impact live in his satisfaction.
The patients that receive attention of a equipment that HE communicates of effective and
coordinated manner have a more positive experience and are more confident in their
treatment, which increases their satisfaction with hospital services.
Miller and to the. (2021) indicate that the information about the patients understand good his
situation and the options available, they are more likely to feel comfortable and satisfied with
the treatment they receive. Effective communication contributes to the reduction of anxiety
and increases confidence in the health care process.
Deshields and to the. (2021) indicate that a approach comprehensive, that combine the
attention medical with Adequate emotional support not only improves the patient's quality of
life, but also increases their satisfaction and confidence in the treatment process.
Unknown Author (2021) indicate that communication about the side effects of radiotherapy is
essential for patients to better manage their treatment. Effective communication about risks
and expectations can improve patient confidence in treatment and increase their satisfaction
with the process.
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Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital.
(Efectividad de la gestión de comunicación y satisfacción del usuario en un Hospital)
Página 7 de 9
V. Conclusion
HE noticed a relationship positive, moderate and significant between the effectiveness of
the communication management and user satisfaction in a public hospital in Peru.
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(Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in to hospital)
Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Contributions of the Authors: All the co-authors they have contributed to this
article. Research funding: With own resources.
Statement of interests: He author declares No have none conflict of interests that there is may
have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed.
Statement of consent reported: The study HE ha done respecting he Code Ethical and good editorial
practices for its publication.
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