Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
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Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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Management of the psychomotor skills and he right to the life:
That Learning provided the Pandemic of the COVID- 19?
Walter Jorge Mendizabal Anticone 1 : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4754-8298
Arturo Eduardo Melgar Begazo 1 :
Luren Lily Lara Albarran 2* : https://orcid.org/0009-0007-1118- 9864
1 University Cease Vallejo, School of Postgraduate, Peru
2 Center of Health Box, Tarma Junín, Peru
*Contact for the correspondence: lurenvillanueva@gmail.com
Received: 04/27/2022 Accepted: 06/25/2022 Published: 07/23/2022
Summary: The management of the psychomotor skills is relevant for the users of services of health, including
children and adults, as well as for health professionals, in the right to life, within the context of public
management, especially after the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. This study, carried out with 36
workers from a public hospital in Peru During the last quarter of 2021, it was applied Kendall's Tau-b statistic to
assess correlations. The results revealed a strong correlation (Tau-b = 0.875) between creativity motor and
satisfaction of the atmosphere physical. HE concludes prioritize said correlation, for maximize post-pandemic
learning. Ignoring them would compromise the development of psychomotor skills and would have a high social
cost, making public managers responsible; because the Pandemic also, produced a wealth of learning, No take
advantage of it would imply to hold responsible also to who HE finds in activities linked to public
management . Keywords : Management, psychomotor skills,
law, life, learning, COVID-19
Psychomotor management and the right to life: What learning did the COVID-19 pandemic provide?
Abstract: Psychomotor management es relevant for health service users, including children and adults, ace well
as for health professionals, in the right to life, in the context of public management, especially after the learnings
from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, conducted with 36 workers of a public hospital in Peru during the
last quarter of 2021, Kendall's Tau-b statistic was applied to evaluate correlations. The results revealed a strong
correlation (Tau-b = 0.875) between motor creativity and satisfaction with the physical environment. It is
concluded that these correlations must be prioritized to maximize post-pandemic learning. Ignoring them would
compromise the development of psychomotor skills and would have a high social cost, making public
administrators responsible; ace the Pandemic also produced an added of learning, not taking advantage of it
imply making
in activities related
public management responsible.
Key words: Management, psychomotor, right, life, learning, COVID-19.
Psychomotor management directly to life: what did it provide to the COVID-19 pandemic? Summary:
Psychomotor management is relevant for users of health services, including children and adults, both as for you
professionals of health, no context do straight to life and gives management public, especially após or learned
com to pandemic gives COVID-19. Neste study, done com 36 workers in um hospital public not Peru during either
last quarter of 2021, to statistics Tau-b of Kendall was applied for to evaluate ace correlations. The results reveal
a strong correlation (Tau-b = 0.875) between motor creativity and satisfaction with the physical environment. I
conclude that these correlations must be prioritized to maximize post-pandemic learning. Ignore the prejudicial
psychomotor development and high social cost, holding public managers responsible; As a pandemic also
produces an accumulation of learning, it does not take advantage of it - it would also imply to hold
responsible you wrapped nose activities of management public. Keywords:
Management, psychomotor skills, directing, life, learned, COVID-19
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
(En linea)
Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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I. Introduction
The management of the psychomotor skills, so much for the users of the services (children,
adults) As for health professionals, it has gained significant relevance in the context of
management public and of the right to the life, especially to root of the learnings provided by
the COVID-19 Pandemic; the poor use of lessons learned will compromise he development
comprehensive of the psychomotor skills and his impact in the management public and quality
of life, as a consequence of such neglect the social cost will be very high, because the Covid
Pandemic produced - in addition to the disagreements - a wealth of learning, not take
advantage of it would imply holding responsible to public managers and to Those who are in
public activity for not questioning it or making the respective impact on proposals of
investigation, studies linked and sharing information by the different media, of such shape that
HE do notorious dihas lessons that ha provided the Pandemic of COVID-19
During the crisis sanitary, HE evidenced that the psychomotor skills is fundamental for he
comprehensive development of individuals. In the case of children, motor activity is not only
crucial for their physical growth, but also for their emotional and social development. The
interruption of school and recreational activities during confinement affected their mental
health, increasing anxiety and stress. This context highlighted the need to implement
programs that promote psychomotor skills as an essential tool for comprehensive health. of
the infants, helping them to adapt to new realities and to drive their emotions effectively.
The right to life, in this context, is understood in a way holistic. It is not just about the absence
of disease, but about promoting a state of well-being that includes mental, emotional and
physical health. Lessons from COVID-19 highlight the need for holistic policies public that
integrate the psychomotor skills in he scope educational and of health, ensuring that all citizens
have access to programs that promote their comprehensive development.
Psychomotor management during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of
various dimensions related to the development of motor skills, the integration of corporeality
and creativity in motor action (Barela, 2013). In this context, HE ha evidenced that he
development of skills motor fundamentals is essential to consider it in adults and in the
children, being fundamental for his welfare general (Cidoncha & Díaz, 2010). The literature
indicates that mastery of these motor skills directly impacts participation in physical activities
and, therefore, the personal satisfaction derived from them. of the compliance of functions,
already sea in a around educational either recreational (Coast et al., 2018).
The relationship between personal job satisfaction and associated dimensions, such as job
satisfaction by the relationship with he boss and he atmosphere physical, also HE ha seen
affected during the crisis sanitary (Eddy and to the., 2021). The studies suggest that a
atmosphere labor A healthy environment, where personal and professional development is
promoted, contributes significantly to job satisfaction (Ericsson & Karlsson, 2014). In this
sense, the connection between recreational activities and personal satisfaction can be seen as a
mediator that encourages better performance and greater motivation in the workplace.
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
(En linea)
Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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II. Methodology
2.1.- Guy and design of investigation: He present article had approach quantitative, with
descriptive and correlational scope; and non-experimental cross-sectional design.
2.2.- Variables and dimensions: For the Psychomotor Management Variable, three
dimensions have been considered adapted from the proposal made by Pérez et al. (2022):
Develop motor skills, Integrate corporality, Creativity in motor skills
For the Variable the right to life, three dimensions have been considered selected according to
the highest values of reliability with Alpha of Cronbach and with the elderly amount of items,
in a study previous carried out by Chiang and to the. (2015) about the satisfaction personal l
consider that such satisfaction is aligned with the right to life; with the following dimensions:
satisfaction with general work, Satisfaction with interaction with management, Satisfaction
with the physical environment
2.3. Sample and sampling: The sample was selected by convenience through sampling non-
probabilistic, since the population that had the desire to participate was considered,
considering 14 nursing professionals and 22 personnel from the Technical area; making a total
of 36 workers, including 2 technicians and a nurse. The 36 workers worked providing health
care in a public hospital in Peru, during the last quarter of 2021.
2.4. Procedures: In order to have validated instruments for collecting data, expert validation
was carried out by three specialists who demonstrated experience in management functions.
public and in he area of the health; the that They mentioned have experience in methodologies
of the investigation, who approved to the tools elaborated with a average of the 95% and 99%
approval respectively, then the respective permits were requested to collect information based
on the research, after having said acceptance, a small pilot-level sample was discussed, made
up of 6 technical workers, and 3 nurses, for which 18 printed questionnaires (2 for each
worker) were physically provided to their offices, so that reliability could be obtained with this
Coordinations were made to apply the questionnaires to the 36 workers indicated in he
paragraph of Population and sample , providing itself physically he questionnaire to the who
were on duty and the others were given the drugs by the person in charge of the area, who
were previously informed about the relevance of their anonymous participation.
2.5. Data analysis method: Having determined the reliability, through the SPSS computer
support, obtaining descriptive and inferential information; for this study the correlations of the
Kendall Tau-b statistic were used, as it is a statistic used for determine the correlation between
variables, for tools that have the same number of alternatives for each item; also for each
variable HE had three dimensions and the same number of items per dimension
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
(En linea)
Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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Kendall's Tau-b correlations were significant, interpreting that these correlations influenced
the learning provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic of preference is necessary prioritize the co-
relations generated by the Creativity in psychomotor skills belonging to the Management of
psychomotor skills; and the dimension Satisfaction with the physical environment belonging
to the Right to life, these dimensions generated high Kendall Tau-b correlations when
correlated with the other dimensions, which is why it is crucial to know that the Learnings
provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic will be prone when considering these dimensions; and
to avoid that when they are dismissed, there is little or no learning provided by the COVID-19
The reliability of both questionnaires was determined by the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient:
0.88 and 0.92 respectively; being reliable for being greater than 0.60
2.6. Ethical aspects: Bibliographic citations were used, according to APA standards; He
also considered the Turnitin software to determine similarities of information.
Besides, HE preserved the privacy of the respondents, is say were anonymous, respecting
what they have answered, that is, they did not register personal identification data of the
workers. In order to carry out the application of instruments, the informed consent of the
respective technicians and professionals was previously obtained.
III. Results .
In the present investigation, the Kendall Tau-b correlative test was applied, with a
significance: Sig=0.05; that is, with a confidence level of 95%. When obtaining for
significance (Sig) values less than 0.05 then the correlations were significant, that is, 95%
Since the results table is very extensive, the most outstanding results are specified:
All Kendall Tau-b correlations were significant as Significance Sig. (bilateral) minor that 0.05;
being interpreted that sayings correlations had repercussions directly to obtain Lessons
provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic
The dimensions that have the highest levels of Kendall's Tau-b correlation were the
correlations obtained for Creativity in psychomotor skills and Satisfaction with the
environment. physical reaching he worth of 0.875 considered as high correlation; is say that by
increasing Creativity in psychomotor skills The values of Satisfaction with the physical
environment also increase almost in the same proportion of increase; a similar relationship
occurs when there is a decrease in one dimension, then there will also be a decrease in the
other dimension.
Within this, the importance of Creativity in psychomotor skills was perceived (within them, it
was perceived that the participants had the possibility of increasing their autonomy by
creating and proposing a variety of psychomotor activities)
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
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Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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In addition, the dimensions linked to Creativity in psychomotricity They had higher
correlation Tau-b of Kendall to the correlate with the dimensions of the Right to the life; in
addition the Satisfaction with he atmosphere physical They had elderly Tau-b correlation of
Kendall when correlated with the dimensions of Psychomotor Management, which is why it is
crucial to know that the Learnings provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic will be prone to
consider sayings dimensions; and for avoid that to the No prioritization such dimensions,
There may be little or no learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic
IV. Discussion.
For grown ups, the pandemic underlined the importance of keep the activity physics as a way
to take care of the physical health and mental. The lack of mobility and the impossibility of
participate in group activities carried out to an increase in problems of health as the obesity
and depression. Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the need for
promote environments that facilitate he exercise and the activity motorboat, ensuring So a
equitable access to resources that promote well-being.
Health professionals were also impacted, facing the need to adapt. to new realities in the
attention sanitary. The pandemic demonstrated the importance of ongoing training in
psychomotor skills and in the development of skills that integrate physical and emotional
health in patient care. The training of these professionals is crucial to ensure that they can
implement strategies that respond to the diverse needs of their patients. In addition, with
respect to the management of psychomotor skills and the right to life, Ahn & Kim (2021) this
study reviews the literature on motor development in early childhood, emphasizing its
connection with the well-being and rights of children.
In contrast to the present research, the redistribution of resources, staff training of health and
the implementation of technologies of the information for improve the hospital management.
Proposals viable could include the creation of systems of triage further effective, the
telemedicine for reduce the burden in hospitals and the collaboration between institutions
public and private for share resources and knowledge such as he that proposes Alcas and to the.
(2021) in their proposal on public management to deal with health emergencies and the
possible importance of Artificial Intelligence; likewise, the capacity that was adopted for
remote learning mentioned by Romero et al. (2020) is essential; together with the
responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the staff of professionals
proposed by Barreto and Sánchez (2021).
That is, the learning generated by the pandemic of COVID-19 in public hospitals possibly
come in by unnoticed, by suffer of staff that can do a record and analysis comprehensive of the
interactions between the dimensions social, economic and The use of statistics such as
Kendall's Tau-b can facilitate the identification of relationships significant between variables,
it that, to his time, will report he development of effective and viable solutions to optimize
medical care in crisis contexts; it is even important to foresee in future situations, that the
other areas of patient care will have to be operational for that in sayings circumstances is
continuity in the attention of patients corresponding to other areas in which there are patients
by inertia and by natural succession to attend to prevention programs such as pregnancy care,
preferably for prevent the cases premature mentioned by Slim and to the. (2021); aligned to
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
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Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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information also is relevant mention some Recommendations for consider it in future
situations that may be similar and which will possibly become very shortly after the
pandemic, the lessons it provides having been wasted said Pandemic, being necessary to
know the mechanism of how to neutralize it, as mentioned Albarran and Nice (2020) to the
mention Recommendations about he return to the new normal then of COVID-19 .
Furthermore, the interaction between social, economic and health dimensions is crucial to
understanding the magnitude of the problem. From he spot of view social, he increase in he
number of patients has put immense pressure on healthcare systems, while the economic
dimensions have seen a significant impact due to business closures and downsizing of income,
it that ha carried away to a access limited to the attention medical. In he health care field, the
lack of preparation and the shortage of resources they have limited the ability of response from
the hospitals and the staff who worked there, although it is commendable that some academic
proposals through the mode virtual HE is carried out with anteriority such as it Villela (2018)
The causes underlying of the saturation of hospitals during the pandemic include he
exponential increase in the demand of attention medical, So as the lack of preparation of the
health systems to deal with a crisis of such magnitude. As a result, a deterioration in the
quality of care has been observed, with reports of long waiting times and an increase in the
mortality of patients with conditions No related with COVID-19. This highlights the urgent
need to strengthen hospital infrastructure and implement measures effective that they consider
interconnection of the dimensions mentioned similar to what Caján (2022) expresses in his
article on Management of working conditions and Motivation of nurses; assertive
communication being valued in the educational context by Cueva et al. (2021), it is
understood that such communication is also important in the work context in general.
For tackle this problematic, HE determined the linkage between the three dimensions of each
variable HE comes back essential. To the apply he coefficient of correlation Tau-b of Kendall,
HE can identify which variables have a more significant relationship with each other, which
would allow prioritizing specific actions that allow obtaining greater learning from said
Pandemic; patterns were established that help identify the critical factors that influenced care;
including the communication channels and instructions that those responsible for the health
areas must extend to users, in addition, the types of learning among students in the health
areas are imperative, to strengthen their learning linked to emergency situations and
collectivist information, as indicated by Velásquez et al. (2021); the same as the learning from
such a Pandemic showed the importance of preserving the Balance emotional, for dispose of
the serenity for solve issues to the caused by staff of other public institutions Garay et al.
V. Conclusions
Kendall's Tau-b correlations were significant, interpreting that these correlations influenced
the learning provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic of preference is necessary prioritize the co-
relations generated by the Creativity in the psychomotor skills belonging to the
Management of the psychomotor skills; and the dimension the
Vol. 2
1 (2022),GESTIONES
Revista Avanzada © Investigación de Estudios Avanzados
(En linea)
Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?
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Satisfaction with the physical environment belonging to the Right to life, these dimensions
generated high Kendall Tau-b correlations when correlated with the other dimensions, which
is why it is crucial to know that the Learnings provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic will be
prone when considering these dimensions; and to avoid that when they are dismissed, there is
little or no learning provided by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The poor use of the lessons provided by this Pandemic will compromise he development
comprehensive of the psychomotor skills and his impact in the management public and quality
of life, as a consequence of such neglect the social cost will be very high, due to that the
Pandemic of the Covid produced -besides of the disagreements- produced clusters of
learnings , No take advantage of it would imply to hold responsible to the managers public
and to who are finds in the activity public by No question it neither by do the incidence
respective in proposals of investigation, studies linked and sharing information by the different
media, of such shape that HE do notorious dihas lessons that ha provided the Pandemic of
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Conflict of of interests : The authors declare that No have none conflict of interests.
Contributions of the Co-authors : All the co-authors have contributed to this article.
Financing of the investigation : With own resources .
Statement of interests: He author declares that No has none conflict of interests that may have
influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed.
Informed consent statement: The study was conducted in accordance with the Code of
Ethics and good editorial practices for publication.
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