Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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Work saturation and its influence on the management of optimal
working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
Ynés Torres-Flores1: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2597-0922
Margoth Sánchez Sánchez2*: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1129-4596
1Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Perú
2Universidad César Vallejo, Perú
*Contact for correspondence: msanchezsa81@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Received: 02/27/2023 Accepted: 03/29/2023 Published: 04/30/2023
Abstract: Job saturation in healthcare institutions is a critical problem because it affects workers' well-being. This
study evaluates how mental saturation and work organization influence performance. A questionnaire was applied
to 40 workers from different health institutions in Peru, finding the highest percentage for the intermediate level
with 80% of mental saturation, 70%: physical work saturation and organizational conditions; being in a stressful
work environment. It is urgent to implement strategies to reduce work saturation, such as teleconsultation policies
and alliances with public institutions to promote subsidized health programs. In addition, it is suggested to use the
facilities of other public institutions during available hours to improve organizational conditions. The lack of action
could have serious consequences for the health of the personnel, holding the managers of the respective institutions
responsible for the deterioration and irreversible damage to the workers.
Key words: Labor saturation, manage, labor conditions, Proposals
Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones
laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas
Resumen: La saturación laboral en las Instituciones de Salud es un problema crítico por afectar al bienestar de
las(os) trabajadores. Este estudio evalúa cómo la saturación mental y la organización del trabajo influyen en el
desempeño. Se aplicó un cuestionario a 40 trabajadores(as) de diversas instiuciones de salud del Perú, encontrando
el máximo porcentaje para el nivel intermedio con 80% de saturación mental, 70% : Saturación laboral física y
Condiciones organizacionales; estando en ambiente laboral estresante. Urge implementar estrategias para
disminuir la saturación laboral, como políticas de teleconsulta y alianzas con instituciones públicas para promover
programas sanitarios sotenidos. Además, se sugiere utilizar las instalaciones de otras instituciones públicas en
horario disponible para mejorar las condiciones organizativas. La falta de acción podría tener graves consecuencias
para la salud del personal, responsabilizando a los gestores de las Instituciones respectivas por el deterioro y daño
irreversible de los trabajadores.
Palabras clave: Saturación laboral, gestionar, condiciones laborales, Propuestas
Saturação de mão de obra e sua influência na gestão de condições
ideais de trabalho em instituições de saúde. Propostas
Resumo: Resumo: A saturação do trabalho em instituições de saúde é um problema crítico porque afeta o bem-
estar dos trabalhadores. Este estudo avalia como a saturação mental e a organização do trabalho influenciam o
desempenho. Um questionário foi aplicado a 40 trabalhadores de diferentes instituições de saúde no Peru,
encontrando a maior porcentagem para o nível intermediário com 80% de saturação mental, 70%: saturação física
do trabalho e condições organizacionais; estar em um ambiente de trabalho estressante. É urgente implementar
estratégias para reduzir a saturação no trabalho, como políticas de teleconsulta e alianças com instituições públicas
para promover programas de saúde subsidiados. Além disso, sugere-se usar as instalações de outras instituições
públicas durante o horário disponível para melhorar as condições organizacionais. A falta de ação pode ter
consequências graves para a saúde da equipe, responsabilizando os gerentes das respectivas instituições pela
deterioração e pelos danos irreversíveis aos trabalhadores.
Palavras-chave: Saturação de mão de obra, gerenciar, condições de trabalho, Propostas
Preserved in Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14035548 Theauthors are responsible for the information contained in this article
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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I. Introduction
Work overload has become a critical situation in some health institutions, specifically; that is,
complicating occupational activity, especially in sectors such as health, where emotional and
physical demands are high. This study focuses on the impact of mental overload and work
organization on workers in a health center, highlighting how these variables influence their
performance and well-being; thus, Johnson and Lee (2022) highlight that implementing
effective strategies can mitigate work stress and improve staff well-being, highlighting the
importance of organizational interventions.
Hafsa and Suril (2021) consider that recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine
Learning (ML) have improved the prediction of health emergencies and immune responses.
Despite skepticism about their application in healthcare, their use is increasing. Supervised,
unsupervised, and reinforcement learning approaches are explored, as well as the related ethical
and privacy challenges.
The challenges inherent to job oversaturation in the health field include long working hours,
scarcity of resources, and constant pressure to meet quality expectations in patient care. These
factors can lead to a state of professional burnout, according to a similar argument belonging
to Barreto & Barreto. (2022) which refer to the Overwork and Living Conditions of the Health
Personnel of a Hospital, indicating that it not only affects the health of workers, but also impacts
the functioning of the health system as a whole. Lack of personal satisfaction can lead to a
decrease in productivity and an increase in staff turnover, which further aggravates the situation
in public hospitals.
Furthermore, Garg et al. (2019) address how work overload affects healthcare workers’ ability
to adequately manage working conditions. The perception of overload can compromise the
quality of care, highlighting the importance of strategies that reduce workload and improve
employee well-being.
Importance of addressing job saturation and its consequences
Understanding the relationship between job saturation and personal satisfaction is crucial to
implementing effective occupational health policies; although one of the alternatives may be
carried out by considering recreational activities, such as in the work performance of teachers
at a health institution Chávez et al. (2022).
Improving the quality of working life of healthcare professionals not only benefits workers, but
also has a direct impact on the quality of service provided to patients. According to studies such
as those by Contreras et al. (2022), the quality of life and well-being of workers are determining
factors for quality care, which underlines the importance of addressing this issue from a
comprehensive perspective.
II. Methodology
A quantitative approach was used, using structured surveys that measured the perception of
mental overload and the quality of work organization among female workers. The data were
analyzed using descriptive statistics to establish job saturation percentages.
The scope of the research was descriptive on information from 12 multiple choice items,
measured with the Likert scale, were adapted from Cabezas (2000) whose description of
percentages is made on each of the adapted dimensions:
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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Dimension 1: Physical job saturation
Dimension 2: Mental saturation
Dimension 3: Shift Work
Dimension 4: Organizational conditions
The items were previously validated by the judgment of four experts in health labor
management, with expertise in research methodology, each expert had a percentage score; the
average was 97.5% validity. Considering a time of 18 minutes for each respondent to be
answered; for the selection of the respondents a non-probabilistic sample of 40 workers from a
health center in Peru was considered.
Reliability was previously determined through a pilot study of 4 workers; the reliability value
was determined to be 0.89; being reliable for being greater than 0.60.
At the end of the research, it is proposed to implement proposals to reduce work saturation,
through care policies and alliances with various public institutions, for the benefit of health
personnel, which may impact the well-being of users.
III. Results
Table 1.
Descriptives of job saturation and its dimensions.
Percentage (%)
D1: Physical work saturation
D2: Mental saturation
D3: Shift Work
D4: Organizational conditions
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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In Table 1 it was perceived that the highest percentage of all the values in said Table
corresponds to Dimension 2: Mental saturation, for the Intermediate level with 80% of the 40
In the Dimensions (D1 and D4): Physical job saturation and Organizational conditions, the
highest percentage in each of the dimensions was the same level (Intermediate) with 70% of
the 40 respondents.
In Dimension 3 (Shift work) the maximum level was the same (Intermediate), although a lower
percentage was observed with respect to the previous ones, representing 60%.
The results show that the highest percentage is 80% corresponding to the workers who
experience Mental Saturation, with the same number of workers 10% for the Low level and
10% for the High level of mental saturation.
IV. Discussion
High levels of job saturation indicate that female workers are exposed to an environment that
does not favor their professional or personal development, similar to another research with a
similar argument belonging to Barreto & Barreto. (2022) which refers to the Overwork and
Living Conditions of Health Personnel in a hospital during the period 2022-1
The lack of adequate resources to manage these conditions can lead to a vicious cycle of stress
and poor performance, affecting both mental health and the quality of patient care. In relation
to this research, emotional balance is considered relevant to reduce job saturation indicated by
Garay et al. (2021) and resolution strategies can be increased in the staff of health institutions;
it is necessary to promote management by results, similar to that carried out by local
governments Garay et al. (2022).
In contrast, these situations also occur in other public institutions such as health institutions; in
which the physical activities and responsibility of workers may improve their management
capacity, as mentioned by Barreto and Sánchez (2021); likewise, some of the workers tend to
be aware of their data online, which is why they frequently visit their metadata in different
digital systems; thus, the research by Caján et al. (2021) highlights the importance of Metadata
in pension systems; in the present research, it may be used to register workers and patients for
eventual virtual care, avoiding saturating the consultation spaces.
To mitigate job saturation, various alternatives can be considered:
4.1. Promotion of Physical Activity: Promoting regular physical activity among healthcare
personnel can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Physical activity is associated
with a better quality of life, suggesting that integrating exercise programs in the workplace
could be beneficial.
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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4.2. Psychological Wellbeing Programs: Implementing mental health programs that offer
psychological support and stress management strategies can be critical to helping workers cope
with work overload.
4.3. Work Flexibility: Providing flexible scheduling options and fostering a work environment
that supports work-life balance can reduce the negative impact of work overload. Implementing
policies that allow for better time management can be an effective strategy to improve staff
The analysis of job saturation and personal satisfaction offers a series of significant
contributions to public health practice:
- Awareness and Training: Raising awareness about the effects of work overload and the
importance of personal well-being can be a crucial first step in fostering a cultural change in
hospital environments; which is why, according to Caján (2022), it is essential to manage the
working conditions and motivation of some members of health institutions.
- Ongoing Research: The need for ongoing research on this topic is essential. The studies
mentioned, such as those by Contreras et al. and Faúndez-Casanova et al., offer valuable
insights that can guide future research and policies in this area.
-Evidence-Based Interventions: Implementing evidence-based strategies that integrate physical
activity, mental health, and work flexibility can transform work culture in hospitals, improving
both employee satisfaction and patient care.
Addressing work overload in the hospital context is therefore essential to ensure the health and
well-being of healthcare professionals, as well as to ensure quality care for patients. The
implementation of comprehensive policies that consider the above-mentioned factors can
significantly contribute to improving the current situation and fostering a healthier and more
satisfactory work environment; in such a way that there is a favorable organizational climate
which impacts on user satisfaction when receiving care Espinoza & Juárez-Gutierrez (2022)
The relationship between job saturation and personal satisfaction is a topic of growing interest
in the field of public health, especially in hospital settings where demands can be intense. In
this context, the study by Contreras et al. (2022) addresses the influence of factors such as the
level of physical activity and eating habits on the quality of life of university students, which
can offer a valuable perspective to understand the challenges faced by health professionals in
public hospitals.
Finally, the analysis of these factors not only contributes to improving job satisfaction, but also
promotes a healthier work environment, which is essential for the quality of care provided to
patients in public hospitals.
Contreras et al. (2022): This study analyzes how nutritional status and physical activity level
impact the quality of life of university students, suggesting that an active life can mitigate the
negative effects of workload. This finding is relevant when compared to workload in hospitals,
where stress and inactivity can aggravate job dissatisfaction.
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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The integration of these studies provides a solid foundation for understanding the challenges
faced by healthcare professionals and highlights the need for comprehensive strategies that
promote both physical and mental health in demanding work environments.
Furthermore, Ahn & Kim (2021) reviewed and contributed to the literature on motor
development being necessary to mitigate job saturation and Wang & Hodge (2020) conducted
a systematic review on transformational leadership in the sports field, addressing its effects on
performance and motivation, impacting the workplace.
De la Rosa, et al (2018) in their work "Normative criteria for professional quality of life" reveals
that those responsible for the care of users, whether the institution's staff or family members,
are exposed to many changes, one of them being physical and mental exhaustion and exposure
to multiple diseases inherent to the environment, affecting their quality of life, showing a high
percentage of stress in 80%, using as strategies the application of relaxation techniques and
coping with work stress.
Harten & Leach (2020) examine how psychomotor skills influence the comprehensive
development of children, highlighting their relevance in the context of children's rights; in
addition, Sullivan & Kearney (2021) investigate the influence of leadership on sports
performance and the importance of effective communication in organizational settings.
Analysis of Work Saturation in Health Personnel and Intervention Proposals
Work overload in health personnel is a growing concern, especially when saturation
percentages exceed 70% in all dimensions evaluated. This critical situation requires urgent
attention from health managers. Work overload not only negatively impacts the quality of
service, but also increases the risk of stress-related illnesses, burnout and other mental health
problems among staff and workers, which can previously be communicated online according
to Rodriguez-Díaz et al (2018)
In this context, it is suggested that health managers adopt proactive measures to mitigate these
adverse effects. For example, prioritizing the treatment of patients who require face-to-face care
can help reduce workload. Cases that do not require immediate intervention could be treated
through teleconsultations, which would allow for better management of time and resources
Vidal-Ledo et al. (2018) said strategy not only optimizes the use of resources, but can also
improve staff satisfaction by reducing saturation in their daily tasks.
Additionally, the establishment of mobile or outpatient pilot health centres could be considered.
These centres, which could be operated in collaboration with universities and higher health
education institutions, would allow student trainees to provide basic care, alleviating the burden
on already overstretched staff. However, it is crucial that these programmes are implemented
with adequate oversight to ensure quality of care.
V. Conclusions
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) , GESTIONES - Advanced Journal © Advanced Studies Research ISSN:3028-9408 (Online) https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
(Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas)
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In conclusion, it is imperative that concrete measures be taken to address workload among
healthcare personnel. The recommendations presented here not only seek to alleviate the burden
on staff, but also to promote a healthier and more sustainable work environment.
VI. Proposals
It is proposed to carry out longitudinal studies to evaluate the impact of specific interventions
in reducing mental overload (which, being at an intermediate level, is already a problem,
because health personnel must be in ideal conditions, that is, they must be in low conditions of
work saturation).
In addition, managers of health institutions (with similar problems) can manage alliances with
various institutions to overcome space limitations and improve work organization; establishing
institutional policies and agreements that prioritize the use of spaces and infrastructure of other
public institutions, for the well-being of workers (impacting care for the population) as essential
strategies for optimal functioning in the health center.
Another proposal that health managers can consider to overcome this problem is to propose
alliances, requesting that health care programs (such as food culture, mental health) be inserted
in educational institutions, including that the infrastructures of other public institutions be
available during available hours to attend patients in person or through tele-consultations using
resources and technological equipment from other public institutions to attend patients during
hours when these environments are available. Otherwise, the negligence of not acting in the
face of this emergency in the health sector will make them responsible for the consequences
that the staff may suffer, including stress and exhaustion.
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Work saturation and its influence on the management of optima working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposals
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Co-author contributions: All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding: With own resources.
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