Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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Innovative eco-agroindustrial management with solar energy using magnetic fields to control
Nestor Gonzalo Rodriguez Colindres 1* https://orcid.org/0009-0001-3414-1675 Franco Noe Albarran
Cachay 2** https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6201-4250
1 University of San Carlos of Guatemala, Guatemala
2 National University Federico Villarreal, Peru
Contacts for correspondence: * ngrodriguezcolindres @gmail.com, ** a lbarranfranco3@gmail.com
Received: 08/23/2024 Accepted: 10/29/2024 Published: 12/26/2024
Abstract. Introduction : Innovative eco-agroindustrial management seeks to promote effective and sustainable solutions for
the control of pests, such as whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.), through the use of solar-powered magnetic fields. Objective:
To develop and promote an electromagnetic model for pest control in agricultural crops, with emphasis on its commercial
viability within the agroindustrial sector, offering an economic, efficient and environmentally friendly solution on a large scale.
Method: The proposed system uses variable frequency magnetic fields, powered by solar energy, for the control of whiteflies
in bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), guaranteeing a scalable and profitable solution for producers. Results : This system
has proven to be effective, reducing operating costs and environmental impact, while facilitating its implementation on a large
Conclusions: The model has high commercial potential, promoting cleaner, more profitable and sustainable agriculture.
Keywords: Eco-agroindustrial, pest control, magnetic fields, solar energy, sustainable agriculture.
Innovative ecological-agroindustrial management with solar energy using magnetic fields to control pests
Abstract. Introduction: Innovative eco-agroindustrial management aims to promote effective and sustainable solutions for
pest control, such as whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.), by using solar-powered magnetic fields. Objective: To develop and
promote an electromagnetic model for pest control in crops, with a focus on its commercial viability within the agroindustrial
sector, offering an economical, efficient, and environmentally responsible solution on a large scale. Method: The proposed
system uses variable-frequency magnetic fields powered by solar energy to control whiteflies in bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris
L.), ensuring a scalable and cost-effective solution for producers. Results : This system has proven effective in reducing
operational costs and environmental impact while facilitating large-scale implementation. Conclusions: The model has high
commercial potential, promoting cleaner, more profitable, and sustainable agriculture.
Keywords: Eco-agroindustrial, pest control, magnetic fields, solar energy, sustainable agriculture.
Innovative ecological-agroindustrial management with solar energy using magnetic fields to control Prague
Summary: Introduction: An innovative eco-agroindustrial management aims to promote effective and sustainable solutions
for the control of pests, such as whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.), through magnetic fields powered by solar energy.
Objective: Develop and promote an electromagnetic model for the control of crops in cultures, with an emphasis on commercial
viability within the agroindustrial sector, offering an economic, efficient and ecologically responsible solution on a large scale.
Method: The proposed system uses variable frequency magnetic fields, powered by solar energy, to control whiteflies in feijão
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultures, guaranteeing a scalable and profitable solution for producers. Results : This system was
shown to be effective, reducing operational costs and environmental impact, as well as facilitating large-scale implementation.
Conclusions: The model has great commercial potential, promoting a cleaner, more profitable and sustainable agriculture.
Key words: Eco-agroindustrial, Prague control, magnetic fields, solar energy, sustainable agriculture.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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1. Introduction
Innovative Pest Control Management with Eco-Friendly Solar Powered Equipment with Magnetic
Fields effectively addresses several common problems in agriculture, offering a comprehensive
and sustainable solution. First, it replaces the use of chemical pesticides, which can damage
ecosystems. and affect human health, with a toxic-free approach. By using solar energy, the use of
renewable resources is optimized, reducing operating costs and dependence on polluting energy
The whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) as a pest and virus vector in common beans is a problem
that poses an urgent challenge for agriculture, requiring the development of comprehensive pest
management strategies that combine biological control, the use of resistant varieties and
sustainable agricultural practices. This problem is exacerbated by the following characteristics:
The high incidence of whitefly and begomovirus in strategic crops such as beans. The lack of
effective and sustainable control tools , such as resistant varieties. The dependence of farmers on
the use of insecticides , which generates long-term environmental and economic problems.
According to Cuéllar MA, Morales FJ (2006) The whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) , a widely distributed
insect pest, represents a serious threat to agricultural production in Colombia and other tropical
regions. Its effects on crops, such as the weakening of plants, the transmission of viral diseases
and the proliferation of fungi, generate significant economic losses.
Begomoviruses , a group of viruses transmitted by whiteflies, are particularly damaging to crops
such as beans. In Colombia, the coincidence of the arrival of the B biotype B of B. tabaci with
favorable weather conditions has led to the rapid spread of these viruses.
The lack of virus-resistant varieties and poor technical assistance have forced farmers to rely
heavily on the use of insecticides to control the pest. However, this practice creates environmental
problems and can lead to the development of resistance in insects.
In addition, the study by Zepeda Bautista, Rosalba et al., (2019) evaluated the impact of exposure
to electromagnetic fields (EMF) on corn productivity and quality. Seeds of different corn varieties
were subjected to different exposure times to an EMF of 3.6 mT. The results showed a significant
increase in germination and seedling establishment in seeds exposed for 24 minutes. Likewise, an
increase in yield per hectare was observed in some varieties. However, the presence of fungi of
the Fusarium genus in the grain was not consistently affected by EMF treatment. In conclusion, the
results suggest that the application of electromagnetic fields before sowing can improve certain
aspects of the initial development of the corn crop, but additional studies are required to
determine the long-term effect and optimization of treatment parameters.
1.1. Benefits of creating and managing simple equipment to control some pests.
To develop and promote an electromagnetic model for pest control in agricultural crops, with
emphasis on its commercial viability within the agro-industrial sector, offering an economical,
efficient and environmentally friendly solution on a large scale; magnetic fields generated by the
system are considered to alter the behavior and reproduction patterns of pests, such as whiteflies,
interrupting their life cycle in a precise and controlled manner. This method minimizes damage
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
=== This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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to crops, improves the efficiency of pest control and, at the same time, reduces the
overexploitation of chemicals, promoting soil health and biodiversity.
In several countries, agriculture is dependent on the use of agrochemicals, both for nutrition and
for the control of weeds, pests and plant diseases. Pest control is known to be one of the most
costly issues in economic terms, and is also the origin of the largest number of restrictions on the
export and consumption of agricultural products. It also has a high environmental impact,
harming human health, the extinction of species of pollinating insects, such as bees and others;
seriously affecting biodiversity and the environment in general in the short, medium and long
term; altering not only the soil, but also the water, air quality, and biodiversity. It also affects the
quality of life of human populations, without ruling out the increase in production costs that the
use of agrochemicals implies (Gould, 1980).
The use of chemical pesticides in agriculture has serious implications for the quality of products,
mainly in terms of requirements for human consumption and export. This also represents a high
environmental and health cost in the long term, which has already generated alerts mainly in the
commercial, productive, health, food and international legislation spheres, with humans being the
main affected party. It is becoming increasingly necessary to seek alternatives so that agricultural
production is more friendly to the environment, the health of consumers and the conservation of
ecosystem services (Portilla Farfán, 2003).
The economy depends largely on agricultural production. Much of this production is based
primarily on the use of agrochemicals for agricultural management. This research is proposed
with the purpose of finding alternatives to reduce the environmental impacts of the use of
pesticides generated when treating crop pests. The aim is to evaluate the use of photovoltaic
energy for the creation of magnetic fields that generate direct insulation between the insect attack
and the agricultural crop. Based on comparative studies, it has been determined that insects can
be controlled by inhibiting the functioning of the locomotor system guided by their antennae
through the creation of electromagnetic fields (Anderson and Vander Meer, 1993; Schiff, 1993;
Vácha, 1997).
Agriculture is fundamental in most Latin American countries, which is why it is necessary to
create technology that counteracts the factors that cause economic deficits in producers, such as
insect attacks and crop diseases. It is established that the control of insect pests through magnetic
fields would be the key point to contribute to protecting the environment and generating
alternatives to avoid the use of chemical products. This article has been prepared to present the
data obtained in a field experiment with favorable results that have shown the decrease in
populations of Bemisia tabaci Genn., as a pest that affects the economic threshold on agricultural
crops, especially Phaseolus vulgaris L.
This research aims to find solutions to reduce the use of chemical products in pest control in crops
of small, medium and large producers. The aim is to establish a new form of agricultural
production in the not-too-distant future, allowing production without contamination or alteration
of agricultural crops, and in which an integrated pest management (IPM) approach is promoted,
based on magnetic fields through an inverter based on solar radiation. This in turn will allow
changing paradigms regarding agricultural production at a global level (Chirinos, et al ., 2020).
2. Methodology
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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To demonstrate the innovative management of pest control with ecological solar energy
equipment with magnetic fields, the following hypothesis is proposed:
2.1. Hypothesis
Ho = All voltage levels and electromagnetic fields produce the same effect on whitefly (Bemisia
tabaci Genn.) on beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Ha = At least one voltage level produces a different effect on whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gen) in beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
2.1.1. Response variable : Number of dead whitefly insects (Bemisia tabaci Genn.).
2.2. Treatments: The energy used was produced through a solar system, which fed an inverter
and through a regulator the voltage for the required frequency was determined. The frequency
indicated the voltage of the magnetic field generated and then the dead insects were counted.
Volt Treatments
TC………………… 20
TD………………… 30
To perceive the number of dead insects in the measurements, the treatments are arranged
horizontally in Table 1 in the Results section.
3. Results
For Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment with
Magnetic Fields, in the first instance it is necessary to resort to the experimental process
shown in Table 1
Table 1. Average dead insect count after 15 days.
Repeat 10 volts 15 volts 20 volts 30 volts
1 20 18 20 18
2 19 16 2214
3 17 16 2216
4 16 18 2016
Source: Own elaboration
Interpretation of Table 1: Four treatments were used for four repetitions and four readings were
taken; it was inspected that in the four repetitions, for 20 volts the greatest number of dead flies
was obtained with an average of 21 dead flies.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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After obtaining the averages and analyzing variances, the groups with significant differences in
their means are determined, then the Tukey means test is applied, shown in Table 2; that is, after
knowing the measurements, the voltages and means of dead flies are arranged vertically and the
Tukey means test is applied (fundamental when performing a variance analysis with several
groups, to identify the groups with significant differences in their means).
Table 2. Tukey's mean test
number of
dead flies
20 volts
10 volts
15 volts
30 volts
Source : Field work
Interpretation of Table 2. The treatment with the highest efficacy is 20 volts, as it has the highest
mean population of dead flies. Measurements with the same common capital letter indicate that
they are not significantly different; compared to the measurement with a different letter, they are
significant with respect to the significance of 0.05.
Consequently, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is approved: Ha
= At least one voltage level produces a different effect on whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gen) in beans
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
That is, the effectiveness of using magnetic fields from variable frequency solar radiation to
control the whitefly pest (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) in bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is
determined by applying 20 volts and the distribution of currents is produced with electrodes
connected to a variable voltage system.
To show evidence of the results obtained, the installation of the equipment for the creation of an
electromagnetic field with the respective solar energy inverter is presented (Figure 1.)
Figures 1. Creating an electromagnetic field with the respective solar energy inverter
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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Note: An electromagnetic field was created inside a glass box with its respective conductors.
3.1. Innovative Result
The use of variable-frequency solar-generated magnetic fields to control whitefly (Bemisia tabaci
Genn.) pests in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crops represents a key step towards more sustainable
agriculture. By applying a voltage of 20 volts through electrodes connected to a variable voltage
system, this technology has been shown to effectively mitigate the pest without resorting to
chemical pesticides.
The system works by using magnetic fields that alter the behavior and development of whiteflies,
interrupting their reproductive and feeding cycles. This approach efficiently reduces the pest
population, while minimizing the environmental risks associated with the use of chemicals. The
use of solar energy as a renewable source to generate these magnetic fields reinforces
sustainability and reduces operating costs, positioning itself as a key ecological alternative for pest
control in various crops. This innovation opens up new possibilities for cleaner, more efficient and
environmentally friendly agriculture.
The results are evident in Figure 2 and Figure 3 with dead whiteflies on both the upper and lower
surfaces of bean leaves; the simplicity and versatility of the facilities facilitate innovative pest
control management with such ecological equipment using solar energy through magnetic fields.
Interpretation of the death of whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) : With the formation of a magnetic
field and contact with the insect endowed with magnetite, it is affected and causes a disorientation
of locomotion. When the locomotion of an insect is inhibited by its antennae being blocked, its
orientation is altered, leaving it susceptible to attacks by natural enemies, or it simply dies of
starvation because it cannot move to feed. This has been demonstrated from comparative studies
where insects can be controlled by inhibiting the functioning of the locomotor system.
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment using Magnetic
Fields, allows the diffusion of such equipment , to increase agricultural productivity in a
sustainable way, with a more effective and less expensive pest control, which improves both yields
and crop quality. This innovative approach not only solves immediate pest control problems, but
also establishes a path towards a more responsible and efficient agriculture in the long term.
Figuras 3. Visualización de moscas blancas muertas
en el haz de hojas de frijol ( Phaseolus vulgaris L)
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
=== This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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4. Discussion
When an insect's locomotion is inhibited by blocking its antennae, it changes its orientation and
becomes susceptible to attacks by natural enemies, or it simply dies of starvation because it
cannot move to feed. This has been demonstrated by comparative studies where insects can be
controlled by inhibiting the functioning of the locomotor system. oriented by their antennae
through the creation of electromagnetic fields (Anderson and Vander Meer, 1993; Schiff, 1993;
Vácha, 1997). The study on Technological Management on the Diffusion of Usefulness of Magnetic
Fields to Control Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) is inserted within the growing trend of
exploring alternative and sustainable methods for pest management. In this context, recent
research has emphasized the use of entomopathogenic fungi and biological agents for the control
of whiteflies, highlighting the relevance of non-chemical methods. For example, Bocco et al. (2021)
investigated the use of the fungus Isaria javanica as an effective biological control against pests
such as the green aphid, suggesting its potential to combat other pests in pepper crops. Likewise,
Sani et al. (2020) have reviewed the control of Bemisia tabaci using entomopathogenic fungi,
highlighting their ability to control this insect without relying on traditional pesticides. These
alternatives could complement the strategy proposed in the study, which explores the application
of magnetic fields, offering an innovative and environmentally sustainable route.
In turn, Murillo et al. (2020) evaluated biorational insecticides for whitefly control, focusing on
methods that are effective and less damaging to the ecosystem, which is a growing trend in pest
management. The importance of this line of research lies in the search for less invasive solutions
that can be efficiently integrated into agroecological management. Likewise, the growing
resistance of pests to traditional insecticides, as pointed out by Wang et al. (2020), underlines the
need to diversify approaches, something that the study on magnetic fields could address as a
complementary strategy. That is, the study on magnetic fields is in a line of research that
reinforces the need to explore alternative methods for pest control, which are aligned with the
principles of sustainable agriculture and the fight against pesticide resistance, following the trend
set by recent research; which can serve an entire community in coordination with regional
governments, as Garay Paucar et al. (2022) Their study highlights the importance of applying
results-oriented management methodologies to improve the efficiency of public works, ensuring
that resources are used effectively. This approach is crucial for regional development, as it allows
for better planning and evaluation of the social impact of public investments.
The analysis of innovative methods for the control of Bemisia tabaci continues to gain importance,
especially with regard to strategies that incorporate emerging technologies and biological
solutions. More recent research (2022-2023) reinforces the trend towards the use of biological
agents, such as entomopathogenic fungi, and integrated pest management in an agroecological
context, which is relevant to the study on the use of magnetic fields to control whitefly. For
example, Deeksha et al. (2023) conducted research on the parasitism potential of Encarsia
formosa, a natural parasitoid of whitefly, under conditions in northwestern India. This study not
only reinforces the importance of biological control, but also underlines the role of native species
in pest management, a concept that could be complemented by magnetic field technology, whose
impact still needs further validation. In connection with the work of Copa Pérez et al. (2024) The
research will contribute to providing those who practice it with an Educational Hierarchy and
Pedagogical-Productive Management to then put it at the service of university teachers, for the
advancement of sustainability and demonstrates how the integration of clean technology can
transform traditional agricultural practices.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
=== This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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Within the development of such innovative teams, there is a certain planning, which according to
Galindo Caro et al. (2024) may be relevant given the importance of concerted local strategic
planning and teacher responsibility in budget management in educational settings. Their work
highlights how cooperation at the local level and accountability in the academic field can improve
the efficiency and impact of budget decisions. This approach not only optimizes resources, but
also promotes a more transparent education aligned with the needs of the community.
These types of biological strategies, combined with new technologies, can improve the efficiency
and sustainability of pest control in agricultural systems. On the other hand, Gebremariam et al.
(2022) conducted a comprehensive study on the integrated potential of microbial, botanical and
chemical pesticides for the control of Bemisia tabaci in tomatoes, both in greenhouses and in the
field. This multidimensional approach highlights how biological alternatives can coexist with
conventional pest control methods, offering a more sustainable and less environmentally
damaging alternative. The integration of these methods into integrated pest management (IPM)
practices is key to reducing the dependence on synthetic pesticides, and the use of magnetic fields
could be an additional strategy within this approach. Furthermore, the work of Patel et al. (2022)
compared the morphological characteristics and development of B. tabaci in two important
agricultural species, underlining the relevance of understanding the biology of the insect to
develop more effective control strategies; In all circumstances, communications are also relevant,
as Rosales Urbano et al. (2024) examine the impact of communications between educational
institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population; through their research,
they demonstrate that efficient and aligned communication between these key actors can have a
positive effect on improving the living conditions of the community. This study highlights the
relevance of inter-institutional relations in the creation of public policies that promote social well-
being and sustainable development.
Consequently, the use of magnetic fields could offer a new perspective by interfering with the
biological and reproductive processes of B. tabaci, complementing biological and chemical
interventions with state-of-the-art technologies. Finally, the research by Walia et al. (2023) on the
preference and demographic parameters of Encarsia formosa to control Trialeurodes
vaporariorum reinforces the importance of biological controllers as effective tools for whitefly
management. This approach demonstrates the relevance of combining different control
strategies, which could include technologies such as magnetic fields, which are still in an
experimental phase but present great potential as an additional tool in the pest control arsenal.
That is, the most recent studies continue to reinforce the importance of biological and sustainable
approaches for the management of pests such as Bemisia tabaci. Emerging technologies such as
magnetic fields could complement these approaches by offering new alternatives for pest control,
making their research and validation an important step for the development of integrated pest
management strategies.
4.1. In addition, the study by Zepeda Bautista, Rosalba et al., (2019) shows some contrasts with the
present study, through:
-Diversity of applications: Electromagnetic fields can have promising applications in different
areas of agriculture, both to improve plant growth and to control pests.
-Need for further research: Although both studies show positive results, further research is
required to fully understand the mechanisms of action of electromagnetic fields and optimize
their application.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
=== This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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-Potential for sustainable agriculture: The use of electromagnetic fields offers a promising
alternative to chemical pesticides, contributing to more sustainable agriculture.
In other words, both studies explore the potential of electromagnetic fields in agriculture, but
from different perspectives. While the results are encouraging, further research is needed to
develop efficient and sustainable technologies based on this technique.
The formation of a magnetic field and contact with the insect endowed with magnetite affect the
insect and cause a disorientation of locomotion. When the locomotion of an insect is inhibited by
blocking its antennae, its orientation changes and it is susceptible to attacks by natural enemies,
or it simply dies of starvation because it cannot move to feed. This has been demonstrated from
comparative studies where insects can be controlled by inhibiting the functioning of the
locomotor system guided by their antennae through the creation of electromagnetic fields
(Anderson and Vander Meer, 1993; Schiff, 1993; Vácha, 1997).
5. Conclusion Statistical analysis shows that the use of variable frequency solar radiation magnetic
fields is effective for pest control using 20 volts of voltage. Pest control through magnetic fields has
the potential to impact agricultural production, making it more environmentally sustainable by
reducing the need for chemicals for pest control. An eco-agroindustrial utility model for generating
electromagnetic fields can be created from 3 solar panels of 300 W of power, including an inverter,
equipment for installing wiring and the use of units to create magnetic fields. In this sense, the
model has a high commercial potential, promoting a cleaner, more profitable and sustainable
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Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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Co-author contributions: All co-authors contributed to this article. Research funding : With
their own resources. Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflict of
interest that could have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
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Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2411] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Innovative Pest Control Management with Ecological Solar Energy Equipment Using Magnetic Fields
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