Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
Elizabeth Rocio Filios Rojas 1* : https://orcid.org/0009-0003-3456-4015
Luis Miguel Chávez Barbery 1 : https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7816-1582
1 Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National University, Peru
* Contact for correspondence: rociofiliosrojas@gmail.com
Received: 06/23/2023 Accepted: 07/28/2023 Published: 08/27/2023
Abstract. Introduction: The evaluation and management of the grain of ten varieties or lines of pea (Pisum
sativum L.) in cultivated valleys, implies knowing the yield and pod width of pea. Objective: To evaluate the
yield (quantity of grains per area of land) and the pod width of pea (Pisum sativum L.). Methodology: The
research was carried out at the Donoso agricultural experimental station, located in Huaral, Peru. Complete
randomized block designs (DBCA) were used, with 10 treatments, including 8 lines obtained from the cross
between the parents. For the analysis of the data, the Infostat program and the Tukey test with α = 0.05 were
used. Results: Lines 7 and 3 had a higher yield, higher than 9,100 kg/ha. Conclusion: Lines Line 7, Line 3,
have a higher yield; Regarding the width of the pea pod (in cm) they were all similar.
Keywords: Evaluation, management, varieties, pea, Pisum sativum L., valleys, cultivable.
Evaluation and Management of the Grain of Ten Pea Lines (Pisum sativum L.) in Cultivable Valleys
Abstract. Introduction: The evaluation and management of the grain of ten pea varieties or lines (Pisum
sativum L.) in cultivable valleys involves understanding the yield and pod width of the pea. Objective: To
evaluate the yield (number of grains per land area) and the pod width of the pea (Pisum sativum L.).
Methodology : The research was conducted at the Donoso agricultural experimental station, located in Huaral,
Peru. Randomized complete block designs (RCBD) were used, with 10 treatments, including 8 lines obtained
from crossing the parents. The data were analyzed using the Infostat program and Tukey's test with α = 0.05.
Results: Lines 7 and 3 had the highest yield, exceeding 9,100 kg/ha. Conclusion: Lines 7 and 3 have the
highest yield; Regarding the pod width of the pea (in cm), all were similar.
Keywords: Evaluation, management, varieties, pea, Pisum sativum L., cultivable valleys.
Avaliação e Gestão do Grão dez Linhagens de Ervilha (Pisum sativum L.) em Vales Cultiváveis
Summary. Introduction: The evaluation and management of the variety of ten varieties and tree lines (Pisum
sativum L.) in cultivation vouchers involves achieving the yield and the length of the tree's growth. Objective:
To assess the yield (quantity of grains per area of land) and the length of the trees (Pisum sativum L.).
Methodology: The research was carried out at the Donoso agricultural experimental station, located in Huaral,
Peru. Foram used complete block designs (DBCA), with 10 treatments, including 8 lymph nodes obtained by
crossing two parents. To analyze two data, the Infostat Program and the Tukey test with α = 0.05 were used.
Results: As linhagens 7 and 3 have higher yields, greater than 9,100 kg/ha. Conclusion: As lines Linhagem 7
and Line 3 have higher performance; In relation to the length of the hair length (in cm), they are all similar.
Keywords: Avaliação, gestão, varieties, ervilha, Pisum sativum L., vales, cultiváveis.
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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I. Introduction
The pea ( Pisum sativum L.) is a legume plant widely adapted to the conditions of the mountains and
the Peruvian coast. In 2010, the harvested area of green pea grain was 33,255 hectares and 50,582
hectares for dry grain, with an average national yield of green pea grain of 3,381 kg/ha, and dry grain of
1,013 kg/ha (Camarena et al, 2014). The pea is an important legume in the diet of our country and the
world, since it is an excellent source of proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In addition
to these properties mentioned, the pea has a low sodium, cholesterol and gluten-free content. What
allows it to be consumed by diabetics is an important characteristic of its high content of diabetic fiber
(Bolaños, 2001).
Anchivilca, (2018), in his thesis entitled "Organic manure and Npk fertilization in green pea (Pisum
sativum L.) cv. Rondo, under drip irrigation in Tupicocha, Huarochirí" mentions (OEEE-MINAGRI,
2014). That, in 2014, the harvested area was 80,340 ha, of this total 49,397 ha corresponds to the
harvested area of dry grain and 34,943 Ha for green grain with an average yield of 1,140 kg/ha and
3,820 kg/ha, respectively. The department of Arequipa stands out for its highest yield in green grain
with 8,450 kg/ha.
Among the limiting factors of pea production in green pod and dry pod is the shortage of certified seeds
of varieties adapted to the Andean area, since it results in pea yields being very low less than 4.0 t/ha,
therefore, there is a need to increase pea yields that allow increasing it, making it necessary to develop
new varieties in pea cultivation, with high yield potential for the benefit of farmers. For this reason, the
present research is proposed to evaluate the selected lines in generation F8 coming from segregating
populations of the hybrid "Utrillo x INIA-102 Usui", obtained using the emasculation technique, said
line, future improved cultivar, must have the characteristics of the male parent "INIA-102 Usui" such
as its greater rusticity and tolerance to unfavorable conditions and adaptability to the Andean area and
of the female parent "Utrillo" its good quality of large pod and intense green grain.
The project is justified in order to complete the release of new technology in Peru, since there are no
genetically improved pea cultivars available so that producers can acquire these seeds.
II. Methodology
Table 1. Informative data: Location of the field where the experiment was set up.
Source: Google heart Figure 1. Study areas
Source: Google Earth - satellite
UTM Location Altitude
HuaralEEA Donoso
-11.5170404, -77.2385279 180 msnm
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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The type of research that was developed using the randomized complete block design (DBCA) was
used, having 10 treatments (08 lines selected from the cross between the parents "Utrillo" x "INIA-102
Usui" and two witnesses the father "INIA-102 Usui" and the mother "Utrillo") with 04 forests in the
town of Huaral . Table 2 presents the Analysis of Variance equation:
Linear Additive Model (bad)
ij = U + Ti + Bj + Ԑij
i = 1, 2,… …., 06 Treatments j = 1, 2, 3,4 Blocks;
ij = Observed value due to variation.
U = Overall mean of the experiment.
Ti = Effect of the i-th treatment.
Bj = Effect of the j-th block.
Ԑij = Effect of experimental error on observation
Table 2 Analysis of Variance Table
Source : Own elaboration
2.1. Treatments
Table 3. Description of treatments
Source: Own elaboration
Table 4. Random distribution of treatments in the experimental field
Source: Own elaboration
4-1 =3
10-1 = 9
39-12= 27
SC t
(4 x 10)-1 =39
Identification 2021
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 8
Maternal parental witness - Usui
Paternal parental witness - Utrillo
Randomization of treatments (Lines T1 to T8 and
2 Parental T9 and T10)
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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2. 2. Variables to be evaluated
Independent variables (X)
X1: Green pea lines from the cross “Utrillo x INIA-102 Usui” and compared with
the controls the parents “Utrillo and “INIA-102 Usui”.
Dependent variables (Y):
Y1: Plant germination (%)
Y2: No. of plants at harvest
Y3: Green pod weight. (g)
Y4: Sheath length and width (cm).
Y5: Commercial yield in green pod Kg/Plot
Y6: Commercial yield in green pod Kg/ha
2.3. Sketch of experimental field
Figure 2 . Treatment arrangements in the experiment
2.4. Operationalization of variables and indicators
Table 5. Operationalization of variables and indicators
Source: Own elaboration
Information processing
The student version of the Infostat program from the University of Córdoba (Argentina) was used.
Analysis of Variance techniques were applied and subsequently, to make comparisons of X between
treatments, the Duncan test was used with a margin of error of α = 0.05.
Plant germination (%)
N. of plants at harvest
Green pod weight. (g)
Sheath length and width (cm).
Commercial yield in green pod Kg/Plot
Commercial yield in green pod Kg/ha
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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III. Results
We present the results of the research in tables and graphs of the research, which have been obtained
through the application of the data collection instruments Yield of pea lines (kg/ ha ) in table 5, the
following shows the analysis of variance for yield, where for the source of variation of blocks and
treatments there were statistically significant differences, the coefficient of variation being 30.87 % and
the general average being 7,409.8 kg / ha.
According to the Duncan comparison test at 5%, it was determined that line 7 and line 3 yielded more
than 9,100.00 kg/ha and the lowest yield was obtained by Utrillo T 9, with 4,607.27 kg/ha.
Table 6 Duncan yield test (kg/ha)
Yield (kg/ha)
Significance at 5%
Line 7
Line 3
INIA-102 Usui T10
Line 4
Line 2
Line 1
Line 8
Line 5
Line 6
Utrillo T9
Source: Field work
Figure 3. Yield in kilograms per hectare (kg/ha) of seven pea lines
Source: Own elaboration
According to the Duncan comparison test at 5%, it was determined that for pod width (cm), there was
no significance between Line 1, Utrillo, Line 5, Line 8, Line 6, Line 2 and Line 7 , in which more than
1.6 cm was obtained, but it was observed that it did differ from LINE 4, INIA-102 Usui, and Line 3, in
which less than 1.6 cm was obtained, as seen in Table 10 and Figure 3, these results are explained by
why those with greater pod length have a wider pod character inherited from the parent "Utrillo".
Table 7. Duncan test for pea pod width (cm)
Sheath Width (cm)
Next at 5%
Line 1
Utrillo T9
Line 5
Line 8
Line 6
Line 2
Line 7
Line 4
INIA-102 Usui T10
9635.84 9129.93 8457.52 8314.52 8312.35 7666.58 7397.51 5692.29 4884.97 4607.27
Yield (kg/ha)
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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Line 3
Figure 4 : Pod width (cm) in 8 lines and 2 pea parents
Source: Own elaboration
4. Discussion
In the present work, line 7 and line 3 had the highest yields with 9,635.84 kg/ha and 9,129.93 kg/ha,
which is similar to what was found by Barzola et al (2018) in their research work, whose yield of
commercial varieties of fresh pea pod grain stood out the Utrillo, Quantum and Hybrid varieties with
more than 8.28 t/ha.
Regarding the length and width of the pod, all the lines studied were similar with an average of 10.00
cm in length and 1.7 cm in pod width, which is similar to the largest pod found by Muñoz (2013) with
Alexandra, which measured 10.3 cm.
4.1. Furthermore, this research is linked to the following investigations :
Checa, O., Rodríguez, D., Ruiz, M., & Muriel, J. (2021).
This paper addresses research and technology applied to pea cultivation in southern Colombia. Its
approach is crucial for improving pea yield and quality, as it provides specific information on
agricultural practices that affect production in different regions. Research on pod quality and yield
in pea breeding lines in the Huaral Valley can benefit from the technologies and practices described
in this study, especially in relation to improving the genetics of pea varieties.
Colque, J. (2019). This study examines the economic evaluation of onion production in the
municipality of Achacachi, Bolivia. Although it focuses on a different crop, its methodological
approaches on economic evaluation are valuable for the evaluation of pea. The application of
economic methods to agricultural production can help to understand the profitability of pea
production in different regions, such as the Huaral Valley. In addition, this approach can serve to
identify the costs associated with quality management practices that affect crop yield.
Corficolombiana. (2022). The report on the profitability of equity in Latin America offers
information on the economic conditions that can influence the prices and costs of agricultural crops.
The profitability of pea agricultural production can be closely linked to macroeconomic factors, such
as interest rates and financial conditions. The study of these aspects is crucial for economic decision-
making in pea production, since input costs and accessibility to financing can directly affect the yield
and quality of the pod; which may be considered within the Administrative Management and
Teaching Practice programs in a public Educational Institution as indicated by Rojas (2021)
1.8 1.7 1.68 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5
Sheath Width (cm)
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
Page 7of 11
National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). (2021). The diagnosis of the care
economy is important in understanding how local economies, particularly rural ones, are influenced
by the interaction of various factors. For pea cultivation, in particular, economic and social studies
are crucial to assess how working and living conditions affect productivity in agricultural areas.
DANE's findings could help improve the living conditions of pea producers in the Huaral Valley,
which could lead to improvements in crop yield and quality.
National Federation of Cereal, Legume and Soybean Growers of Colombia (FENALCE). (2023).
This FENALCE report provides historical data on area, production and yield of cereals and legumes
in Colombia. Pea is a legume included in this analysis and its results can serve as a reference for
yield studies in the Huaral Valley. Historical data helps to understand trends in pea production and
yield, which is essential for efficient crop management and optimization of agricultural practices in
the region.
Garay et al. (2022), in their study on the execution of public works and results-based management in
a regional government in Peru, highlight the importance of strategic planning and the linking of the
results obtained with the actions implemented. This approach can be useful in the agricultural field,
especially in the production of crops such as peas, by applying a results-based model to optimize
productivity. Results-based management in agriculture would allow for more effective evaluation of
yields, ensuring continuous improvement and sustainability of agricultural practices.
Ramos Quispe (2022) presents a proposal for a questionnaire to evaluate work performance and
human interrelations in universities. This type of evaluation can be adapted to agro-industrial sectors,
such as pea cultivation, to measure worker productivity and well-being. The interrelation between
employees and administrative management is essential to maintain an adequate work environment,
resulting in greater harvest efficiency and crop quality. Implementing evaluation tools in agro-
industrial labor management can foster the development of a more collaborative work environment.
Mendizábal et al. (2022) address the management of psychomotor skills and the right to life,
reflecting on the lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. In pea cultivation, the health of
workers is essential to maintain stable and quality production. In addition, organizational resilience
and adaptation to critical situations, such as those generated by the pandemic, are key to ensuring the
sustainability of crops in adverse times.
Barreto & Barreto (2022) address the workload and living conditions of health personnel during the
period 2022-1, highlighting how burnout and working conditions impact performance. This study is
relevant to the agricultural sector, as agricultural workers, especially during intensive harvests, may
face similar conditions. Overwork in pea harvesting, without adequate rest and working conditions,
can lead to a decrease in performance. Therefore, it is crucial to manage the balance between
workload and working conditions to avoid burnout and ensure greater productivity.
Espinoza Vásquez and Juárez-Gutierrez (2022) analyze the organizational climate and user
satisfaction in a municipality. The organizational climate, which directly affects job satisfaction, is a
key concept that can also be applied in the agricultural context. In pea farming, a positive
organizational environment favors worker motivation and performance. Creating a healthy and
collaborative work environment not only improves employee performance, but also has a direct
impact on the quality and quantity of the harvested products.
Seminario Unzueta, Pérez García, Micha Aponte, and Ayvar Bazán (2022) propose a sociocritical
model for managing physical activity in university students. Although the study is focused on the
educational field, its principles can be applied to agroindustrial management. In the case of pea
production, promoting physical activity and the well-being of workers not only improves their health,
but also their ability to cope with the physical demands of the harvest. A sociocritical management
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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model that values worker well-being is key to greater productivity and sustainability in the
agricultural sector.
González, S., Guajardo, L., Almeraya-Quintero, X., Pérez-Hernández, L., & Sangerman-Jarquín, D.
(2018). This article presents a typology of maize producers in Chiapas, Mexico, allowing for a
comparison of agricultural practices across different regions and crops. Although it refers to maize,
the typology of producers can be useful for identifying common patterns in pea producers. This
includes aspects such as farm structure, use of technology, and access to resources, factors that
directly affect crop yield and quality. The conclusions of this study can be applied to pea in regions
such as the Huaral Valley.
V. Conclusions
According to the results obtained, it is concluded that the lines Line 7, Line 3, have a higher yield of
more than 9,100.00 Kg/ha due to their good pod characteristics.
Regarding pod length (cm) and pod width (cm) all lines were similar.
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Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
Page 9of 11
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Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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Conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Co-author contributions: All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding : With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests that could
have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
Informed consent statement: The study was carried out in accordance with the Ethical Code
and good editorial practices for publication.
Vol.3 N°1 (2023) [ e-2305] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Magazine E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Advanced Studies Research
Evaluation and Management of the grain of ten pea lines (Pisum sativum L.) in cultivable valleys
[Evaluación y Gestión del grano de diez líneas de arveja (Pisum sativum L.) en valles cultivables]
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