Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 1of 11
Preserved in Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14580216 The Authors are responsible for the information in this article
Family Education and Affection: Managing Health, Planning and Personal Development of
Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
Margoth Sánchez Sánchez 1* : https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1129-4596
Rodolfo Navarro Panduro 2 : https://orcid.org/0009-0009-5606-9254
1 Cesar Vallejo University, Peru
2 National University of San Martin, Peru
*Contact for correspondence: m sanchezsa81@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Received: 10/22/2024 Accepted: 11/21/2024 Published: 12/30/2024
Abstract. Introduction: Family education and affection are essential for the health and personal development of adolescents,
especially in the prevention of premature pregnancies. Objective: To determine the implications of affective family education
in responsible decisions in couple relationships, for the integral well-being of adolescents. Method: A qualitative approach was
used with semi-structured interviews, and opinions from specialists were collected to evaluate diagnoses and relevant
activities. Results: During adolescence, young women's bodies are not yet mature enough to support a pregnancy, which can
affect their physical, emotional and social health. Promoting the health and well-being of adolescents is crucial, emphasizing
the importance of relationships based on respect and mature love. Conclusion: Affective family education is key to preventing
premature pregnancies and encouraging responsible decisions that include sexual and emotional health, for the integral well-
being of adolescents.
Keywords: Family education, affectivity, managing health, planning, staff, adolescents, pregnancies, premature babies
Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y
Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros
Resumen. Introducción: La educación familiar y la afectividad son esenciales para la salud y el desarrollo personal de las
adolescentes, especialmente en la prevención de embarazos prematuros. Objetivo: Determinar las implicancias de la
educación familiar afectiva en las decisiones responsables en las relaciones en pareja, para el bienestar integral de las
adolescentes.Método: Se utilizó un enfoque cualitativo con entrevistas semiestructuradas, se recolectaron opiniones de
especialistas para evaluar diagnósticos y actividades relevantes. Resultados: Durante la adolescencia los cuerpos de las
jóvenes aún no están maduros para soportar un embarazo, lo que puede afectar su salud física, emocional y social. Promover
la salud y el bienestar de las adolescentes es crucial, enfatizando la importancia de relaciones basadas en respeto y amor
maduro. Conclusión: La educación familiar afectiva es clave para prevenir embarazos prematuros y fomentar decisiones
responsables que incluyan salud sexual y emocional, para el bienestar integral de las adolescentes.
Palabras clave: Educación familiar, afectividad, gestionando salud, planificación, personal, adolescentes, embarazos,
Educação Familiar e Afetividade: Gerenciando Saúde, Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Pessoal de Adolescentes
Prevenindo Gravidezes Precoces
Resumo. Introdução: A educação familiar e a afetividade são essenciais para a saúde e o desenvolvimento pessoal das
adolescentes, especialmente na prevenção de gravidezes precoces.
Objetivo: Determinar as implicações da educação familiar afetiva nas decisões responsáveis em relacionamentos de casal,
para o bem-estar integral das adolescentes.
Método: Foi adotada uma abordagem qualitativa com entrevistas semiestruturadas, sendo coletadas opiniões de
especialistas para avaliar diagnósticos e atividades relevantes.
Resultados: Durante a adolescência, os corpos das jovens ainda não estão maduros o suficiente para suportar uma gravidez,
o que pode afetar sua saúde física, emocional e social. Promover a saúde e o bem-estar das adolescentes é crucial,
enfatizando a importância de relacionamentos baseados no respeito e no amor maduro.
Conclusão: A educação familiar afetiva é fundamental para prevenir gravidezes precoces e fomentar decisões responsáveis
que incluam saúde sexual e emocional, para o bem-estar integral das adolescentes.
Palavras-chave: Educação familiar, afetividade, gerenciando saúde, planejamento, pessoal, adolescentes, gravidezes,
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 2of 11
1. Introduction
Family education and emotional education play a fundamental role in managing the health and
personal development of adolescents, especially with regard to preventing premature
pregnancies . At this age, adolescents' bodies are not yet fully mature enough to cope with
pregnancy, which can have serious implications for their physical, emotional and social health.
Therefore, promoting the health and well-being of young women is a priority. Emotional
education, focused on self-esteem and building relationships based on respect and mature love, is
crucial to prevent adolescents from seeking affection in impulsive relationships, whose purpose
is only sexual desire, without considering the emotional and physical consequences of an
unplanned pregnancy.
It is essential that family education is not limited only to the transmission of knowledge about
sexual health, but also encompasses emotional formation. An affectionate and educational family
environment provides a healthy model that can positively influence adolescents' decisions,
preventing them from seeking affection and validation in superficial relationships. Adolescents,
by observing and learning from these models, learn to prioritize mature love and mutual respect,
instead of getting involved in relationships with casual partners who only seek physical
satisfaction. This approach not only prevents premature pregnancies, but also contributes to their
emotional and psychological well-being, promoting comprehensive development and more
responsible decision-making.
Several studies support this approach. Valdés et al. (2023) emphasize that the training of health
and education officials should include not only the technical aspect of sexual health information,
but also a deep understanding of the emotional needs of adolescents. According to these authors,
an effective sexual education program should be able to change young people's behaviors and
encourage more thoughtful and responsible decision-making in relation to their sexual and
emotional lives.
The availability of research on adolescent pregnancy supports the importance of preventive
interventions that go beyond simple information on contraceptive methods. According to Ferreira
Silva et al. (2022) , educational programs must address the barriers that prevent adolescents from
accessing comprehensive information on sexual and reproductive health, including education on
healthy emotional relationships. This comprehensive approach is essential to ensure that young
people make decisions based on a deep understanding of the emotional, social, and physical
implications of sexual relationships, and not just on the immediate satisfaction of momentary
It is also crucial that family education programs include a specific focus on the physical and
emotional maturity of adolescents. Studies by O'Sullivan et al. (2022) highlight that preventive
education, especially on issues related to sexual health, is vital to protect young people from the
risks associated with early pregnancies. At this age, adolescents' bodies are still in the process of
development, and a pregnancy at this stage can have serious consequences, both for the young
woman's physical health and for her emotional well-being. Therefore, family education should
emphasize the dangers of early pregnancies, showing adolescents that they are not yet ready to
assume the responsibility and physical and emotional challenges that pregnancy entails.
Furthermore, the educational approach must include the anticipation of social and cultural
barriers that may influence adolescents' decisions. Lack of resources, limited access to
information, and social or cultural pressure can make it difficult to make informed decisions.
Therefore, resource allocation must ensure that programs are accessible, effective, and adapted
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 3of 11
to the social and cultural realities of each community, as suggested by Ferreira Silva et al. (2022)
in their study on barriers to access to physical activity among young people. Likewise, sexual
health education must be inclusive and respectful of the different realities of adolescents,
providing tools that allow them to make responsible decisions.
2. Methodology
For the present study, a qualitative approach was adopted through semi-structured interviews,
which involved the analysis of work activities during the month of June 2024. In the following
month, relevant information on diagnoses was collected. The results of these activities are
described at the end of this period. In addition, opinions were collected from four specialists,
questioned by the moderator; to two participants:
Diagnostic Phase; participants: Moderator Teacher Tutor of secondary school students Specialist of
the Health Center
The interviews focused on the application of the SWOT analysis: Strengths and opportunities
addressed in the diagnosis phase
SWOT is a key tool in strategic planning, used to assess the current conditions of cases of
pregnancy in adolescents and young women. The specialists were chosen for their knowledge of
these topics and for their direct experience in the performance of academic activities of
adolescents and young women.
The semi-structured questions were approved by three experts in public management; in health
management and education management, who approved the questions that were directly linked
to the variables in the title of this research, with an average approval rate of 96%. The style of the
questions was designed to promote a pleasant and open dialogue, in order to preserve the interest
of the specialists interviewed.
The interviewees were guaranteed confidentiality of their identity and were told that the purpose
of the dialogue was to analyze and overcome problems related to health, education and public
management. The interviews were scheduled for approximately 45 minutes per session, with the
possibility of fragmenting the interviews due to the multiple activities that the specialists had to
attend to. The specialists agreed that the interview would be in the format of a dialogue in which
the responses were recorded in handwritten form, using a pen, since they preferred to avoid audio
recording during the interviews.
The data collection process was made possible because some of the study's researchers were
already working at the University; another had relatives in secondary education, which facilitated
the coordination of schedules with the specialists. The data collection work was carried out by a
third party, unrelated to the researchers' operational activities, in order to guarantee the
objectivity and confidentiality of the process.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 4of 11
3. Results
Summary results on Budget Execution Planning to Avoid Premature Pregnancies, on Budget
Execution Planning to Avoid Premature Pregnancies
3.1. Moderated interview on teenage pregnancy prevention
3.1.1. Diagnostic Level
Table 1 : Diagnosis through questioning the Moderator and participation of the Tutor Teacher
and the Specialist of the Health Center
Tutor Teacher and the Health Center Specialist
Moderator: What
strengths and
weaknesses do you see
in adolescents in
relation to pregnancy
Tutor Teacher : Teenagers can make responsible decisions if they
receive comprehensive sexual education, which not only teaches
about contraception, but also about values such as respect and
communication. This education should help them build healthy
relationships without pressuring them toward early sexuality.
Health Center Specialist: The main weakness is the lack of adequate
sexual education. Without clear information about contraceptives,
adolescents make impulsive decisions. In addition, emotional
pressure and lack of leisure alternatives contribute to irresponsible
sexual behavior. It is essential to invest in educational programs that
offer accurate information and activities that positively channel the
energy of young people.
3.2. Detailed information from the interview by a moderator on the prevention of teenage
3.2.1. Diagnostic Level (Strengths of Adolescents and Young People)
Moderator: What do you consider to be the strengths of adolescents in preventing premature
Tutor Teacher: Adolescents have a great capacity to make responsible decisions, especially when
they are guided by values such as mutual respect and mature love. If they are provided with
comprehensive sexual education that not only includes contraceptive methods, but also emotional
and respectful aspects of relationships, young people can make informed decisions and avoid
early pregnancies. This education should focus on building healthy relationships, promoting
communication and respect without pressuring early sexuality.
3.2.2 Diagnostic Level (Weaknesses of Adolescents and Young People) Moderator: What
weaknesses do you find in adolescents that contribute to premature pregnancies?
Health Centre Specialist: The main weakness is the lack of adequate sexual education. Without
access to accurate information about contraceptives, adolescents often make impulsive decisions
that can have serious consequences. In addition, the intense emotions typical of adolescence often
lead them to dismiss the risks of unprotected sex. It is crucial to increase investment in
educational programmes that provide clear and accessible information about sexual health, as
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 5of 11
well as extracurricular activities such as sports or workshops that occupy their time in a positive
way and distract them from risky situations.
That is to say: Family education and affection are key pillars in promoting the health and well-
being of adolescents. Through an affectionate family environment, based on values of respect and
mature love, it is possible to prevent premature pregnancies and, at the same time, contribute to
the integral development of young women. The emphasis should be on helping adolescents
understand that their bodies are not yet ready for pregnancy, which highlights the importance of
making responsible decisions. To this end, family education must be comprehensive, including
both sexual health and emotional training, and must provide models of healthy emotional
relationships that encourage decision-making based on mutual respect, love and personal care.
This comprehensive approach helps reduce premature pregnancies by avoiding the risks
associated with pregnancy at a stage of incomplete physical and emotional maturation. The
implementation of appropriate family education programmes, which include the active
participation of the family and the community, is essential to ensure the long-term health and
well-being of adolescents.
4. Discussion
Family education and affection are key elements to promote the well-being and sexual health of
adolescents, particularly with regard to the prevention of premature pregnancies . In this context,
the studies of the authors mentioned provide a valuable perspective on how educational
intervention and the family environment influence young people's decisions:
Valdés et al. (2022) offer a comprehensive review on the role of family education in adolescent
sexual and reproductive health in Latin America. They highlight the need for public policies that
not only provide information, but also encourage behavioral change by creating caring family
environments that foster self-esteem and mutual respect, essential elements for the prevention of
teenage pregnancies.
Ferreira et al. (2022) discuss the barriers faced by adolescents in rural areas in accessing adequate
sexual health information. This article highlights how social and cultural barriers, along with a
lack of resources, limit adolescents’ ability to make informed decisions, increasing the risk of
unwanted pregnancies.
O'Sullivan et al. (2022) delve into the relationship between sexual education and family model in
the prevention of unwanted pregnancies . Their work emphasizes that, in addition to information
on contraceptive methods, it is crucial for adolescents to learn to identify and value mature
emotional relationships, since a pregnancy at this stage can affect both the physical health of
adolescents and their emotional and social development.
Smith and Williams (2022) explore the importance of affection in preventing teenage pregnancies
, suggesting that a family-based educational model that values affection and mutual respect may
be an effective strategy to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies. Through interventions
that promote a comprehensive view of adolescent well-being, these programs can create an
environment in which adolescents learn to make responsible decisions regarding their sexual
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 6of 11
Mendoza et al. (2022) focus their research on affective education and family planning in urban
contexts. They address how educational interventions can reduce teenage pregnancies by
strengthening young people's skills to make responsible decisions, based not only on prevention,
but also on respect for themselves and others.
Ramirez et al. (2022) investigate how family upbringing models impact adolescents’ sexual
decisions. Their study highlights the importance of parents and other significant adults acting as
role models for healthy emotional relationships. Through building these relationships at home,
adolescent girls can learn to value affection and mature love over superficial relationships.
Compared to the results on, opportunities and strengths of sexual education and promotes
vocational skills. Threats are lack of resources and limited access to adequate educational
programs, which requires greater allocation of resources. Threats include sexually transmitted
diseases and teenage pregnancy, due to lack of education and emotional impulsivity. It is urgent
to increase access to contraceptives and promote awareness campaigns in schools and
universities, through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, which includes institutions such
as schools, community centers and health services, is key to address the underlying causes of this
problem. Implementing directive strategies that integrate education, access to health services and
community involvement can create enabling environments to prevent premature pregnancies.
This reorientation is crucial to reduce teenage pregnancy rates and ultimately improve the health
and well-being of this vulnerable population; therefore, the establishment of leadership is
imperative according to Parra et al. (2024).
The implementation of sexual health education strategies in schools and communities has proven
to be effective, but it is crucial that these interventions are inclusive and accessible to adolescents
of diverse gender identities and ethnic groups. The use of technologies, such as text messages and
user-friendly services, is emerging as an innovative tool that improves the accessibility and
effectiveness of preventive programs. Policies that train parents and health professionals in sexual
health communication are essential to create a supportive environment that encourages informed
decisions by adolescents; it is also important to plan and implement educational programs
focused on promoting physical health and preventing teenage pregnancies, with an emphasis on
integrating healthy lifestyle factors into sexual education and the importance of adequate budget
planning for these programs:
The study by Denche-Zamorano et al. (2022) on health perception and physical activity levels in
the Spanish population highlights the importance of education for health promotion in various
population contexts. In this sense, sexual education programs should also include teaching about
the importance of physical activity for the general well-being of adolescents. The strategic
planning of these programs should consider not only training on sexual health, but also the
integration of healthy habits that include regular physical exercise. The allocation of resources for
the design of educational content that promotes healthy lifestyles is essential for the success of
preventing unwanted pregnancies.
The study by Deng et al. (2023) explores the institutional factors associated with physical activity
and body composition of university students, highlighting the importance of the educational
environment in promoting healthy behaviors. Similarly, in sexual education programs, the
environment should be favorable for teaching healthy practices related to sexual and reproductive
health. Budget planning should incorporate the creation of educational spaces that promote both
physical activity and sexual health, considering that both factors are crucial for the comprehensive
development of adolescents and young adults. Resources should focus on promoting the
continuing training of educators and the creation of educational environments conducive to these
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 7of 11
learnings; aligned with the importance of psychomotricity, it is necessary to consider Mendizábal
et al. (2022) with their research on psychomotricity management and the right to life.
The study by Dumith et al. (2022) addresses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical
inactivity in Brazilian university students, highlighting how exceptional situations can negatively
affect healthy lifestyle habits. Similarly, sexuality education programs must be sensitive to social
and public health changes, adapting their approaches according to the emerging needs of
adolescents. Budget planning must be prepared to respond to these challenges, ensuring that
adequate resources are provided to maintain sexuality education even in times of health crisis,
and ensuring that responsible behaviors related to reproductive health continue to be promoted.
Although the focus of this report is prostate cancer, preventive education remains a relevant topic.
As with cancer prevention, sexual education programs should provide adolescents with the tools
necessary to make informed decisions about their sexual health. Resource allocation should be
directed toward creating accessible educational content and training professionals responsible
for providing this education, ensuring that messages reach adolescents in a clear and
understandable way, contributing to the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
For these programs to be effective, a budgetary approach is required that supports the equitable
distribution of resources and ensures the training of educators who are well prepared to address
these issues with young people; including the accountability and management of the professional
capacity of health personnel Barreto & Sánchez. (2021).
Budget planning for these programs should include resources directed toward prevention, with a
particular focus on responsible sexual health behaviors. As with preventive approaches to cancer,
sexual education should be comprehensive and accessible to adolescents, supported by
educational campaigns that promote healthy decision-making.
Moreno Muro et al. (2022) discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) can optimize university
curricular management, adapting to the individual needs of students. This personalization is
essential in the context of family education, as it allows for the design of personalized educational
strategies on sexual health, facilitating the prevention of premature pregnancies. By integrating
advanced technologies, such as AI, into sexual education, more effective learning is made possible,
empowering adolescents to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, which is
crucial for their physical and emotional well-being.
Gonzales Ttito et al. (2023) explore the importance of multifunctional designs in educational
infrastructures for the prevention of health emergencies, which has a clear implication for family
education. This flexible and adapted approach is also necessary in the management of sexual
education programs. The educational space should be a safe and accessible environment where
adolescents can learn about sexual health and affectivity, which helps prevent risks, such as
premature pregnancies. Adaptability and prevention in educational infrastructures can ensure an
effective response to public health challenges.
Rosales Urbano et al. (2022) analyze the impact of communications between educational
institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population. Effective communications
can play a crucial role in sexual and reproductive education, as they allow the dissemination of
key information for the prevention of premature pregnancies. When public policies are
implemented effectively, they guarantee access to educational resources on health, empowering
adolescents to make responsible decisions about their well-being. This type of communication
also strengthens the autonomy of young people, reducing the risks associated with sexual health.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 8of 11
Ayvar Bazán et al. (2023) focus on the administrative management of sports activities to improve
the health of health program coordinators. This concept can be extended to family education,
where physical activities can play a role in the emotional and physical development of adolescents,
reducing the incidence of premature pregnancies. Promoting physical activity helps young people
develop strong self-esteem and have a sense of self-efficacy that allows them to make responsible
decisions about their health, thus reinforcing the prevention of teenage pregnancies.
Romero Mestanza (2022) explores how the motivation and job performance of nursing technical
staff influence public health management. Motivation in sexual health educators is equally crucial
to impart knowledge that helps adolescents prevent premature pregnancies. The motivation of
educational staff, who transmit correct information about sexuality and reproductive health, has
a direct impact on the ability of adolescents to make informed and responsible decisions, which is
essential for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
Torres-Flores and Sánchez Sánchez (2023) address how job saturation affects the management of
working conditions in health institutions. Similarly, educators also face information overload
when teaching adolescents about sexual health. Information saturation, if not managed properly,
can lead to confusion and impulsive decisions among young people. Therefore, proper
management of educational content is crucial to ensure that adolescents receive accurate and
understandable information about sexuality, which facilitates the prevention of premature
Silva Herrera et al. (2022) propose innovative strategies to improve the institutional image, which
is key for public policies, including those related to reproductive and sexual health. Educational
institutions must build a positive image that allows adolescents to feel comfortable seeking
support on sensitive issues such as sexuality. Improving the institutional image contributes to
creating a safe and trusting environment where young people can learn about sexual health
without fear of being judged, which helps in preventing teenage pregnancies.
Filios Rojas and Chávez Barbery (2022) discuss the importance of assessment and management
in pea cultivation, a principle that can be applied to educational management of sexual health. As
in agriculture, where interventions are based on a careful analysis of crop needs, in sexual
education it is crucial to constantly assess the needs of adolescents in order to design effective
prevention programs. Through continuous planning and evaluation, educational programs can
reduce the incidence of premature pregnancies and promote responsible sexual health.
Aguilar Chávez et al. (2023) address the importance of digital skills for learning in the post-Covid-
19 era. This approach is also relevant to sexuality education, as digital skills allow adolescents to
access reliable information on sexual and reproductive health. Digital education can be a powerful
tool to prevent premature pregnancies, as it provides young people with the necessary tools to
make informed and responsible decisions in a safe digital environment.
Chambers et al. (2020) highlight the importance of understanding demographic trends to address
cancer more effectively. Similarly, in sexuality education, it is crucial to design programs that take
into account adolescents’ demographic characteristics, such as cultural, social, and economic
context, to ensure that educational messages are relevant and effective.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [e- 2413] MANAGEMENT- Advanced Journal E- ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 9of 11
5. Conclusions
Family education and affection are key pillars in promoting the health and well-being of
adolescents. Through an affectionate family environment, based on values of respect and mature
love, it is possible to prevent premature pregnancies and, at the same time, contribute to the
integral development of young girls. The emphasis should be on helping adolescents understand
that their body is not yet ready for pregnancy, which highlights the importance of making
responsible decisions. To this end, family education must be comprehensive, including both sexual
health and emotional training, and must provide models of healthy affective relationships that
encourage decision-making based on mutual respect, love and self-care.
This comprehensive approach helps reduce premature pregnancies by avoiding the risks
associated with pregnancy at a stage of incomplete physical and emotional maturation. The
implementation of appropriate family education programmes, which include the active
participation of the family and the community, is essential to ensure the long-term health and
well-being of adolescents.
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profesional del personal de enfermería de un hospital público. (Responsibility and
management of the professional capacity of the nursing staff of a public hospital).
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Carlos Ramos, C. E., Jimenez Guerrero, N., Carlos Ramos, J. A., & Diaz Dumont, J. R. (2024). Impacto
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Denche-Zamorano, Á., Mendoza-Muñoz, M., Carlos-Vivas, J., Muñoz-Bermejo, L., Rojo-Ramos, J.,
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(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
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Family Education and Affectivity: Managing Health, Planning, and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies
(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros)
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