(2024) [e-
Advanced Studies Research
Strategic Planning and Organizational Management of Human Potential to Plan Sports Activities and Manage Stress
(Planificación estratégica y gestión organizacional del potencial humano para planificar actividades deportivas y manejar el estrés) =====================================================================================================================
Preserved in Zenodo DOI:https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14583682 The Authors are responsible for the information in this article
Strategic planning and organizational management of human potential to plan sports activities and manage stress
Josué Carlos Rojas Krugger1: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5977-2919 Nélida Ugaz Roque 2* https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1658-2327
1 Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza National University, Peru 2 Municipality La Punta District , Callao, Peru
*Contact for correspondence: nelidaugaz@hotmail.com
Received: 09/13/2024 Accepted: 11/02/2024 Published: 12/31/2024
Abstract. Introduction Managing
work stress contributes to public management. Strategic planning and
Organizational Management of Human Potential (GOPH) will improve the
work environment and organizational productivity. Objective: To
determine the levels of strategic planning and GOPH to manage and
handle work stress.
were conducted with 30 public servants from the Education and Sports
Subdirectorate of a Peruvian municipality, during the first two
months of 2024. Results
participation in GOPH was observed compared to greater involvement in
strategic planning. Employees mistakenly perceive this management as
the responsibility of assistant managers and directors, limiting
their participation. Conclusion
commitment of workers and lack of involvement of directors to achieve
GOPH compared to strategic planning. Contribution
recognizes employees as individuals with capacities and talents,
potential to serve organizational objectives and to reduce stress.
planning, organizational management, human potential, planning,
sports activities, stress.
Planificación estratégica y gestión organizacional del potencial humano para planificar actividades deportivas y manejar el estrés
Manejar el estrés laboral coadyuva a la gestión pública. La
planificación estratégica y Gestión Organizacional del Potencial
Humano (GOPH) mejoraran el ambiente laboral y la productividad
organizacional. Objetivo: Determinar los niveles de planificación
estratégica y de GOPH para gestionar y manejar el estrés
Se realizaron encuestas a 30 servidores públicos de la Subgerencia
de Educación y Deporte de una municipalidad peruana, durante el
primer bimestre de 2024. Resultados
Se observó baja participación en GOPH frente a una mayor
implicación en la planificación estratégica. Los empleados
perciben erróneamente esta gestión como responsabilidad de los
subgerentes y directivos, limitando su participación.
Bajo compromiso de los trabajadores y falta de involucramiento de los
directivos para conseguir la GOPH en comparación con la
planificación estratégica. Aporte
La GOPH reconoce a los empleados como individuos con capacidades y
talentos, potenciales al servicio de los objetivos organizacionales y
para mermar el estrés.
Planificación estratégica, gestión organizacional, potencial
humano, planificar, actividades deportivas, estrés.
Planejamento estratégico e gestão organizacional do potencial humano para planejar atividades esportivas e gerenciar o estresse
Gerenciar o estresse no trabalho contribui para a gestão pública. O
planejamento estratégico e a Gestão Organizacional do Potencial
Humano (GOPH) melhorarão o ambiente de trabalho e a produtividade
organizacional. Objetivo:
Determinar os níveis de planejamento estratégico e de GOPH para
gerenciar e lidar com o estresse no trabalho.
Foram realizadas pesquisas com 30 servidores públicos da Subgerência
de Educação e Esportes de uma municipalidade peruana, durante o
primeiro bimestre de 2024. Resultados
Foi observada baixa participação na GOPH em comparação com maior
envolvimento no planejamento estratégico. Os funcionários percebem
erroneamente essa gestão como responsabilidade dos subgerentes e
diretores, o que limita sua participação. Conclusão
Baixo compromisso dos trabalhadores e falta de envolvimento dos
diretores para alcançar a GOPH em comparação com o planejamento
estratégico. Contribuição
A GOPH reconhece os funcionários como indivíduos com capacidades e
talentos, potenciais ao serviço dos objetivos organizacionais e para
reduzir o estresse.
Planejamento estratégico, gestão organizacional, potencial humano,
planejamento, atividades esportivas, estresse.
Workplace stress management in the public sector is a crucial issue for employee productivity and well-being, and must be addressed comprehensively within the strategic planning of organizations. According to García, González, and López (2022), the implementation of stress management practices within strategic planning allows for the creation of a healthy work environment that not only improves the mental health of employees, but also optimizes institutional performance.
The inclusion of wellness activities in the organizational strategy contributes to reducing the emotional and cognitive load of workers, which in turn increases their efficiency and commitment to institutional objectives (García, González, & López, 2022). Strategic planning must also consider the need to establish clear and achievable goals that avoid work overload. Fernández and Martínez (2022) point out that the reduction of work stress is achieved when employees can better manage their expectations through an organizational approach that promotes balance between work demands and available resources. This not only reduces stress but also improves employees' ability to make decisions and execute tasks more effectively, which is essential for continuous improvement in public policies (Fernández & Martínez, 2022). In this sense, the concept of "human potential" must be integrated into the strategic planning of public organizations. López and Rodríguez (2022) argue that shifting the mindset from “human resources” to “human potential” is critical to fostering a work environment where employees feel valued and motivated.
This approach improves both innovation and worker productivity, reducing the stress associated with a lack of recognition and increasing their commitment to organizational goals. Furthermore, Vargas and Díaz (2022) underline the importance of continuous training as a tool to reduce stress. Training programs that integrate physical and emotional well-being aspects are key to improving employees' skills and providing them with tools to manage stress effectively. These programs contribute not only to greater job satisfaction but also to an improvement in organizational performance, as workers are better prepared to face day-to-day challenges.
Gómez, Pérez, and Jiménez (2022) highlight that the recognition of human potential within public policies significantly improves the quality of decisions made by employees, as it allows them to feel more empowered and committed to the organization's goals. This approach promotes a positive work environment, where workers can fully develop and contribute to institutional success. Finally, Martínez and Ruiz (2022) emphasize that leadership in public organizations plays a crucial role in stress management and the development of human potential. Leaders who adopt an inclusive and supportive approach are instrumental in reducing stress among employees, creating a climate of trust that favors collaboration and personal development.
This type of leadership also improves organizational efficiency, as it allows workers to deal with their tasks more effectively and with greater well-being, which contributes to the sustainability of public policies in the long term. In conclusion, the integration of stress management strategies in strategic planning, the valorization of human potential and the strengthening of leadership in the public sector are key elements to improve organizational efficiency and promote a healthy work environment that fosters employee well-being and the fulfillment of institutional objectives.
Sports management at the local level is a key component in community development and in the promotion of physical activity. However, in the Peruvian context, significant challenges persist that limit its effectiveness. Among the most relevant problems are the lack of relevance of sports management in the development plans of local governments, as well as the deficiency in the design of sports management tools and regulations. Field work carried out in various municipalities reveals that the personnel in charge are unaware of several of the key terms used in public and sports management, which affects the implementation of public policies in this area. In response to this situation, the use of sports is suggested as a tool to socialize and familiarize employees with these terms, promoting their integration into work dynamics and fostering their commitment to the execution of public management documents.
An important finding of this research is the need to review the traditional concept of “human resources” to adopt a more inclusive and humanistic view of “human potential”. Municipal staff, when motivated and recognized, become a key player in meeting institutional objectives, contributing significantly to organizational performance. This shift in focus is crucial, as a motivated worker is not just a “resource” but a source of creativity, innovation and commitment. This approach has been supported by recent studies that underline the importance of intrinsic motivation for the development of human capital (Angulo, 2020; Garay Paucar et al., 2023).
One of the central problems facing sports management at the local level is the lack of sustainability in the actions implemented. As a recent study by Vásquez and Silva (2021) indicates, sports initiatives in municipalities are often limited to temporary activities and lack continuity, which prevents public policies from having a lasting impact on communities. This lack of sustainability is also due to the low innovation and lack of interest on the part of the departments in charge of social and sports projection in municipalities, which points to the urgent need to update and train municipal officials in new sports management and planning strategies (González & Pérez, 2022).
Regarding the training of municipal workers, especially those involved in education and sport management, self-assessment and formative assessments are practices that can significantly improve their skills. Andrade et al. (2020) argue that self-assessment, when implemented correctly, is a powerful tool for learning and professional development. This approach is supported by studies on formative assessment in the educational field, such as that of Barba-Martín et al. (2021), who propose an integrated model of self-assessment, co-assessment and hetero-assessment to improve the performance of students and professionals in training. This model, although initially developed for education, can be adapted to sports and public management to improve the skills of municipal employees.
In the field of physical education, Cañadas et al. (2020) have highlighted the importance of developing teaching skills in the initial training of educators, which is also relevant for the training of municipal staff responsible for promoting sport. The integration of this theoretical and practical knowledge is essential to ensure that local sports programmes are effective and sustainable in the long term. Furthermore, continuous assessment and feedback are essential to improve the competencies and skills of staff responsible for managing municipal sports policies.
Problems arising from poor planning in human, material and financial resources have a direct impact on the quality of services offered in key areas such as education, health and sport. In the field of education, inadequate planning can lead to a shortage of adequate educational infrastructure and trained personnel, affecting the quality of the educational service. In health, the lack of proper allocation of resources can compromise adequate medical care for citizens. Similarly, in sports, the lack of strategic planning in the allocation of resources can result in a lack of adequate sports infrastructure, trained personnel or the absence of attractive sports programmes for the community.
In relation to strategic planning for results-based management in public procurement, the research by Vaicilla et al. (2020) highlights that proper planning must contemplate the definition of clear objectives, a thorough analysis of the environment, the precise identification of the necessary resources and the efficient design of procurement processes. These aspects are fundamental to ensure the effectiveness of the actions undertaken by municipalities, not only in resource management, but also in the implementation of development projects that benefit the community. This approach is particularly relevant for Peruvian municipalities, which often face difficulties in implementing effective public procurement strategies due to a lack of training in results-based management.
In this context, knowledge management is an essential tool to improve the effectiveness of public policies. According to Angulo (2020), organizational learning is key for institutions to adapt to changes and improve their performance. The ability of municipalities to manage knowledge efficiently allows them not only to achieve the established objectives, but also to adapt to the new needs of the community.
Finally, the use of tools such as the "Public Procurement Planner" developed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) in Peru represents an important step towards more transparent and efficient management in public procurement. This type of tool can facilitate the planning and execution of projects, improving the capacity of municipalities to manage resources effectively and to achieve their goals in crucial areas such as education, health and sports.
2. Methodology
To verify this problem, prior information was collected through a survey of public servants of the Sub-Management of a municipality in Peru, during the first two months of 2024. The sample consisted of 30 public workers from a municipality
The survey was directed at public servants. Through it, it was possible to know the state of opinion that citizens have about the organization and development of soccer sports championships; which must be planned strategically, so that all clubs can compete, the presence of sport is essential for the population to enjoy good health and emotional well-being.
Once the population's need for sports activities with adequate planning was determined, it was considered that such planning is essential to achieve results.
The questionnaires had 12 items for each of the two variables: Strategic planning and Organizational management of human potential respectively; after collecting the scores of the questionnaires, they were classified into three levels and an average was obtained for each level; then said average was assigned a weighting for each level:
Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3; considering the results on the participation of the workers of the education and sports sub-directorate in the activities corresponding to said variables; whose weights are considered to constitute the scores in the results table.
For its application, validity was determined with an average approval of 97% for each instrument by 4 validators.
The information obtained was processed in an Excel database, and the results were presented in tables.
The study had a descriptive scope, considering the predominance of the dimension depending on the maximum score achieved in one of the summations corresponding to Management by Results.
Informed consent was the procedure applied in line with the principle of autonomy, based on the voluntary participation of the responsible personnel. This information was collected and processed in a coded manner to preserve the principle of confidentiality and privacy; the results of which were reported and are archived.
2.1. Description of results of previous observations
Observations prior to providing questionnaires : In the 9 observations to public servants it was possible to perceive that strategic planning and organizational management are not carried out due to some lack of human potential to plan in some areas of the municipality, with emphasis on the sub-management linked to culture and sports; limiting themselves only to planning visits to verify sports activities in the community's slabs; ignoring the requirement of population growth and that as school vacation days approach, more strategically planned activities are required so that the population can take advantage of said slabs in an organized manner. for the emotional well-being of users.
Interviews: Using this method, it was found that public servants do not consider strategic planning of sports activities that involve the systematic use of sports fields in their activities due to their lack of knowledge. This shows that more work needs to be done by professionals on public management issues to align themselves with such management for the benefit of the population.
Polls: Using this method, it was possible to determine that public servants are unaware of the processes of strategic planning: determining the strategic position, prioritising objectives, developing a strategic plan, executing and managing the plan; and finally reviewing and modifying the plan. They state that they were only superficially familiar with this planning; in this sense, it made it difficult for them to plan sports activities, although they consider that the survey had a formative character in mentioning the processes for strategic planning, which they express that they will take into consideration.
Interpretations: After analyzing the results of these methods, the following preliminary conclusions have been reached.
All respondents agree that they had superficial knowledge about strategic planning and organizational management, considering that strategic planning of human potential for planning is important to consider sports activities for the benefit of the population.
3. Results
Sports Activities and Managing Stress is presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Descriptive information: Scores and Summations, for the scores on Strategic planning and organizational management of human potential to plan sports activities and manage stress
Levels |
Strategic planning |
Organizational management of human potential |
Frequencies |
Weighing |
Frequencies |
Weighing |
Low |
11 |
11 |
14 |
14 |
Half |
11 |
22 |
10 |
20 |
High |
8 |
24 |
6 |
18 |
Summation |
30 workers |
30 workers |
Interpretation of Table 1. After obtaining the scores for each item, the averages were obtained and the number of members that fall within said average determined by the frequency was assigned to the number of workers; each frequency was then multiplied by the assigned weight (in order to perceive the differences in scores for each variable) for each level:
Low = 1, Medium = 2, High = 3; that is, for the Strategic Planning variable :
For the Low level the score corresponded: 11x1=11
For the Intermediate level the score corresponded: 11x2= 22
For the High level the score corresponded: 8x3= 24
The same procedure was followed for the variable Organizational management of human potential.
Since the items were written in terms of knowing the participation of the workers with respect to the contents indicated in each variable; the results on the participation of the workers of the sub-directorate of education and sport in the activities corresponding to said variables, the weightings allow to perceive the differences in scores for each variable; the following were obtained comparatively:
The pronounced low participation in the Organizational Management of Human Potential (14) with respect to the participation in Strategic Planning (11) ; due to the results it can be seen that the workers assume that said management is the work of the Assistant Managers and Directors only .
context of public management, the term Organizational Management of Human Potential becomes a crucial contribution. Public administration, like any other organization, must recognize that its staff is its most valuable asset. The management of said human potential involves not only the efficient allocation of tasks and resources, but also the creation of a work environment that fosters personal and professional development, innovation, and collaborative work.
Regarding the scores for High participation of workers for both variables, greater participation is also obtained for (24 points) compared to participation in Strategic Planning Organizational Management of Human Potential (18 points)
4. Discussion
In contrast to Strategic Planning in Results-Based Management for Human Talent Management, Andrade's (2019) research focuses on self-assessment and argues that it can be a powerful tool for learning, but must be implemented effectively.
Thus : Barba-Martín et al. (2020) propose a formative assessment model that combines self-assessment, peer-assessment, and hetero-assessment. They argue that this model can help students bridge the gap between theory and practice. Together, these two authors offer a comprehensive view of assessment and its role in learning. Their research suggests that assessment can be a powerful tool for promoting deep learning, but that it must be implemented carefully and thoughtfully.
Encouraging participation in sports activities : Management in the Sub-directorates of Education and Sports can help municipalities set specific goals to increase participation in sports activities among different age groups, genders, and socioeconomic levels. For example, a municipality could set a goal of increasing participation in sports activities among children and youth by 20%. To achieve this goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as offering free or low-cost sports classes, building or renovating sports facilities, and promoting sports in schools and in the community.
Improving the quality of sports facilities: Online management and assessment of inquiry-based learning in education and sport departments can help municipalities identify the needs of sports facilities and develop strategies to improve their quality. For example, a municipality could set a goal to improve the safety of sports facilities. To achieve this goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as installing new security measures, conducting regular inspections of facilities, and educating users about safety at sports facilities.
Promoting physical activity: Results-based management can help municipalities promote physical activity among citizens. For example, a municipality could set a goal to increase the number of people who participate in moderate-intensity physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day. To achieve this goal, the municipality could develop strategies such as organizing community walks, runs, and other physical activities.
In comparison to the results, the research by Lazos and Olivé (2016) propose a model of knowledge society for Mexico that is based on these principles. This model can help Mexico take advantage of the opportunities of the knowledge society and overcome the challenges it poses.
The studies cited in Galindo et al. (2023) discuss the benefits of concerted strategic planning at the local level and the importance of teacher accountability in budget management. These collaborative approaches are essential for effective organizational management, especially in sport activities. Research suggests that strategic coordination and accountability improve not only resource utilization but also the well-being of those involved, a crucial aspect in planning sport activities and managing stress in educational contexts.
López et al. (2023) also address the relationship between personnel management and executive leadership in the field of sports activities and the mental health of students. In their study, they emphasize that efficient personnel management and committed management are essential to creating a favorable environment for both physical well-being and mental health. This approach, applied to strategic planning in sports activities, allows reducing stress and promoting mental health, essential factors in student well-being; in contrast, this study underlines the importance of improving strategic planning and training of municipal staff in public management, especially in key areas such as education, health and sport. It also highlights the need to transform the concept of "human resources" towards a more comprehensive and motivating vision of "human potential", in which municipal employees become active agents of change and development. The implementation of policies based on organizational learning and continuous assessment of competencies can significantly contribute to improving the effectiveness of sports policies at the local level.
There are also related investigations: Ortiz (2023) presents an assessment of the fulfillment of the dimensions of distance education in a university institution. Although the main focus is on virtual education, the findings of this study are relevant to organizational management in the sports field, especially when planning distance activities. The integration of human and technological resources in the planning of sports activities can help in stress management and the adaptation of content to the needs of students, promoting a comprehensive approach to well-being.
Moreno et al. (2023) explore the use of artificial intelligence in the management of competency-focused university curricula. This innovative approach can be adapted to optimize the planning of sports activities, particularly with regard to personalization and monitoring of student progress. The use of AI in strategic planning allows for more efficient management of human potential and, in turn, helps in stress management by providing training more suited to individual needs.
Gonzales et al. (2023) reflect on the management of educational infrastructures towards multifunctional designs that can prevent health emergencies. Their study highlights how proper management of infrastructure and human resources can contribute to creating safe and functional spaces. This type of planning is equally valuable in the sports context, since by integrating multifunctional spaces, sports activities can be organized that not only promote health, but also contribute to stress management in students.
Rosales et al. (2023) analyze the impact of communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population. Effective communication is essential for coordinating sports activities and other well-being programs. The study highlights the importance of good organizational management, which allows planning activities that, by involving the community, can improve well-being and reduce stress. This type of strategic planning in sports activities can strengthen social cohesion and promote mental health.
Ayvar et al. (2023) conduct a pilot study on the administrative management of sports activities for the health of public health program coordinators. This study shows how effective management of sports activities can improve the physical and mental health of those involved. The authors underline the importance of strategic planning not only to coordinate activities, but also to prevent stress and promote well-being through sports activities, a key factor in the organizational field.
Organizations that want to be successful in the knowledge society must focus on the following aspects:
Develop a learning culture: Organizations should create an environment where people are motivated to learn and share their knowledge. Constantly innovate: Organizations should be willing to experiment and adopt new ideas. Be inclusive and respectful of diversity: Organizations should be aware of cultural diversity and promote the participation of all citizens.
By following these recommendations, organizations can improve their ability to achieve their objectives and contribute to the development of the knowledge society.
5. Conclusion
The lowest sum obtained corresponded to the dimension: Monitoring and evaluation, because the public servants of said municipal suggestion consider that both Monitoring and evaluation are of lesser importance for management by results, said workers argue that they are aware of their activities and responsibilities, making it unnecessary for them to be monitored.
5.1. Contribution
In this research, the term Organizational Management of Human Potential (OGHP) is used, a reinforced concept that is considered more adequate and enriching to describe the management and development of personnel within organizations, in contrast to the traditional denomination of human resources . It is important to note that, during the research process, it was detected that many of the workers were not familiar with this notion, since, for the most part, they only knew the classic term of human resources; the perspective of considering Organizational Management of Human Potential is provided, emphasizing the recognition of each worker as a being with capacities, talents and skills that can be cultivated, optimized and put at the service of organizational objectives, beyond a simple operational function. This approach, in addition to improving institutional performance, contributes to a better quality of public services and greater citizen satisfaction.
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Conflict of interest : The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Co-author contributions: All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding : With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest that could have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
Informed consent statement: The study was carried out in accordance with the Ethical Code and good editorial practices for publication.
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