Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability
and Growth in Emerging Countries
Albarran Cachay, Franco Noé 1* https://orcid.org/0009-0005-6201-4250
Fierro Atachahua, Brayan Edwin Rick1 https://orcid.org/0009-0003-4189-221X
Mendoza Rodriguez, Leonardo Sebastian 1 https://orcid.org/0009-0000-7999-0091
1 Federico Villareal National University, Peru
* Contact for correspondence: *albarranfranco3@gmail.com
Received: 11/30/2024 Accepted: 12/12/2024 Published: 12/31/2024
Abstract. Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the economy of emerging countries such as Peru, making it
dependent on mining and labor informality. Objective: To determine measures implemented during said Pandemic from the
analysis of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2020. Methodology: To perceive the variables that generated the gradual
recovery of the Peruvian economy as of 2021. Results: Tax collection showed an improvement as of 2021, evidencing
economic reactivation, while the unemployment rate reached high levels in 2020 and began to decrease in 2021, although it
still remained high. Conclusions: The lessons of the pandemic underscore the need for a labor and economic contingency
plan, to improve digital and internet access, and to strengthen the occupational health infrastructure. Contribution: Labor
informality in Peru during the Pandemic made it difficult to provide aid based on registration number; it is urgent to accelerate
labor formalization with tax incentives. Keywords: Lessons, COVID-19 Pandemic, employability, economic growth, emerging
Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes
Resumen. Introducción: La pandemia del COVID-19 afectó la economía de países emergentes como el Perú, volviéndola
dependiente de la minería y la informalidad laboral. Objetivo: Determinar las medidas implementadas durante la pandemia a
partir del análisis del Producto Bruto Interno (PBI) en el 2020. Metodología: Percibir las variables que generaron la
recuperación gradual de la economía peruana a partir del 2021. Resultados: La recaudación tributaria mostró una mejora a
partir del 2021, evidenciando la reactivación económica, mientras que la tasa de desempleo alcanzó niveles altos en el 2020
y comenzó a disminuir en el 2021, aunque aún se mantuvo alta. Conclusiones: Las lecciones de la pandemia subrayan la
necesidad de un plan de contingencia laboral y económica, mejor acceso digital y a internet, y fortalecimiento de la
infraestructura de salud ocupacional. Contribución: La informalidad laboral en el Perú durante la pandemia dificultó la
prestación de asistencia basada en números de registro. Urge acelerar la formalización laboral con incentivos fiscales.
Palabras clave: Lecciones, pandemia COVID-19, empleabilidad, crecimiento económico, países emergentes.
Lições da pandemia de COVID-19 para empregabilidade e crescimento em países emergentes
Resumen. Introducción: La pandemia de COVID-19 afecta a la economía de países emergentes como el Perú, tornando-o
dependiente de la minería y la informalidad del trabajo. Objetivo: determinar las medidas implementadas durante una
pandemia a partir del análisis del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) en 2020. Metodología: percibir las variaciones que generarán
una recuperación gradual de la economía peruana a partir de 2021 Resultados: arrecadação de impostos apresentou uma
melhora a a partir de 2021, evidenciando la reactivación económica, mientras taxa de desemprego atingiu níveis elevados em
2020 e começou a diminuir em 2021, embora ainda permanecesse alta. Conclusões: As lições da pandemia ressaltam a
necessidade de un plano de contingencia laboral y económica, mejorando el acceso digital e Internet y fortaleciendo la
infraestructura de salud ocupacional. Contribuição: A informalidade laboral no Peru durante una pandemia dificultó una oferta
de asistencia con base no número de registro. É urgente acelerar la formalización del trabajo con incentivos fiscales. Palavras-
chave: Lições, pandemia de COVID-19, empregabilidade, crescimento econômico, países emergentes.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 2of 12
1. Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the Peruvian economy, highlighting the structural
weaknesses of its productive sectors and the high dependence on the global economy. This health
crisis scenario led to a series of restrictive measures that paralyzed key economic activities,
generating an unprecedented contraction; the lessons that this pandemic has caused are
considered relevant, so as to minimize the impact on the economic sector and employability. In
this context, analyzing the economic variation in Peru during this period allows us to understand
the effects of a global crisis in a country with particular characteristics such as its dependence on
mining and labor informality.
Globally, the disruption of supply chains affected the export of traditional and non-traditional
products. According to data from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP, 2020), mineral exports,
the country's main economic driver, registered a drop of more than 20% during the first months
of confinement, due to low international demand and the suspension of mining operations. This
situation was marked by global uncertainty, where economies such as China, Peru's main trading
partner, gradually reactivated their activities, which allowed a slow recovery in subsequent
quarters (INEI, 2021).
Domestically, the total lockdown measures implemented since March 2020 led to a contraction of
11.1% in the national GDP, one of the most severe in Latin America according to the ECLAC report
(2021). Sectors such as commerce and services were the most affected due to their high
concentration of informal workers, who represented nearly 70% of the Peruvian workforce (INEI,
2020). In addition, the closure of micro and small businesses increased the unemployment rate,
affecting the purchasing power of families and deepening social inequalities.
On the other hand, the public sector adopted countercyclical policies to mitigate the effects of the
crisis. Programs such as “Reactiva Perú” injected liquidity into companies through soft loans
backed by the State, while social bonds sought to alleviate the precariousness of the most
vulnerable households. According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF, 2021), these
measures represented more than 20% of GDP, positioning Peru as one of the countries with the
greatest fiscal effort in the region. However, the effectiveness of these policies was limited by
problems of targeting and execution in an administrative system with historical shortcomings.
Additionally, the pandemic significantly affected private investment levels. According to the
report of the National Society of Industries (2020), political and economic uncertainty generated
a 17% drop in private investment during 2020. This decline was particularly visible in sectors
such as construction and infrastructure, which depend on large projects paralyzed by health
restrictions and low business confidence.
Thus, Peru's economic variation during the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the importance of
having solid public policies, a diversified economy and a sustained focus on the formalization of
employment, key factors to face future crises and preserve economic stability in scenarios of high
global vulnerability.
This paper refers to the economy during a health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which
is affected by several factors, such as falling production, rising unemployment, and declining
domestic demand. Key macroeconomic aggregates, such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP),
inflation, and unemployment, experience significant variations. According to the National
Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI) of Peru, in crisis situations, a drastic drop in GDP and
an increase in poverty and extreme poverty levels can be observed.
1.1. Some theoretical considerations:
Economic variation during the pandemic
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 3of 12
The pandemic caused an abrupt change in global economic activities, which in turn had a profound
impact on national economies. In the Peruvian case, there were significant decreases in private
consumption, exports, and public and private investment. According to the Central Reserve Bank
of Peru (BCRP), the crisis directly affected the activity of key sectors such as trade, transportation,
and tourism services, among others.
Economic policy during the pandemic
During the pandemic, the Peruvian government implemented expansionary fiscal and monetary
policies to mitigate the economic effects of the health crisis. The measures included direct
subsidies, credit lines and tax moratoriums. Likewise, the BCRP adopted interest rate reduction
policies to encourage credit and investment, seeking to reactivate the economy.
Economic growth rate
Economic growth, in times of pandemic, is reduced due to the fall in domestic demand and the
restrictions imposed to control the spread of the virus. However, in the post-pandemic recovery
process, a gradual reactivation of the productive sectors is expected, with the support of
government policies and an eventual increase in external demand.
Interest rate
During the pandemic, deposit and lending interest rates were reduced to historically low levels as
part of the BCRP's monetary policy response. This reduction sought to facilitate access to credit
and encourage investment. The interest rate is a crucial factor in economic activity, as it influences
the consumption and investment decisions of businesses and households.
Exchange rate
The exchange rate during the pandemic also experienced fluctuations due to global economic
uncertainty and expansionary monetary policies in major countries. According to the BCRP, the
nominal exchange rate was affected by the variability of international economies, especially the
US dollar. This impacted the purchasing power of consumers and the prices of imported products,
which in turn affected inflation.
External sector variables
External sector variables, such as the exchange rate and the international interest rate, are
essential to understanding Peru's economic dynamics during the pandemic. Although the
Peruvian economy is mainly domestic, changes in international economic conditions can influence
market behavior and demand for Peruvian products, which has repercussions on the country's
macroeconomic stability.
1.2. Impact of the pandemic on the economy of emerging countries
External shocks, such as a global pandemic, alter national economic behaviors due to the
disruption of trade flows, falling investment, and increasing economic uncertainty. The external
shock model can be applied to understand how Peru was affected by the health crisis,
experiencing a drop in GDP and an increase in poverty levels, as indicated by previous studies on
economic crises and public health.
1.2.1. Fiscal and monetary policy theory in times of crisis
Government intervention is key during a crisis, as demonstrated by the expansionary fiscal policy
and accommodative monetary policy adopted by the Peruvian government and the BCRP. These
policies seek to mitigate the negative effects of the crisis through direct stimulus to the economy,
subsidies to companies and the reduction of interest rates.
1.2.2 Theory of inflation during economic crises
Inflation is a key indicator of economic stability. During the pandemic, Peru experienced a rise in
inflation due to falling domestic production and rising prices of imported goods. The structural
inflation model can be useful to understand the underlying causes of this phenomenon and its
impact on household purchasing power.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 4of 12
1.2.3. Theory of cyclical and structural unemployment
During the analysis through the theory of cyclical unemployment, which explains how the fall of
the pandemic, unemployment in Peru increased due to the economic slowdown. This
phenomenon can lead to a higher unemployment rate due to the demand for goods and services
during a health crisis. However, it is also possible to observe structural unemployment due to
changes in the labor market, such as digitalization and automation in response to the pandemic.
The theoretical information is aligned with the following objective: To determine the relevant
lessons of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
1.3. Justification
This research has a theoretical justification because it will contribute to the understanding of how
the COVID-19 pandemic affected economic variation in Peru during the period 2020-2022. By
focusing on the transformations in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, unemployment,
and the fiscal and monetary policies implemented, it seeks to enrich the existing theoretical
framework on the effects of global health crises on emerging economies. This study will allow us
to evaluate the relationship between the economic models used in other countries and the
particularities of the Peruvian economy, offering a more precise view of the factors that have
determined the economic evolution during the COVID-19 crisis.
Likewise, this research has a practical justification, since the results obtained will be useful for
those responsible for Peru's economic policy, offering recommendations on the application of
more effective fiscal and monetary measures in health emergency situations. The analysis will
help improve the economic response to future crises, ensuring a faster and more sustained
recovery of the national economy.
1.3.1 Importance and limitations in the research
Relevance : The relevance of this research lies in its potential to provide critical information on
how the pandemic affected the Peruvian economy, which can serve as a basis for future studies
on the economic resilience of developing countries in the face of global health crises.
Viability : Despite the challenges arising from the pandemic, the research is completely viable
thanks to access to economic data through virtual platforms such as the BCRP, the INEI, the SBS
and other sources of statistical information, which have allowed the collection of reliable and up-
to-date data on the economy of Peru during this critical period.
Significance : The results of this research are significant because they will provide valuable
insights into the effectiveness of policies adopted during the pandemic and how these impacted
key economic indicators. In addition, the findings may influence future policymaking to manage
the economic repercussions of similar global events.
Originality : The originality of this research lies in the specific focus on the Peruvian economy
during the period 2020-2022 and its relationship with the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of
statistical software for data analysis and the application of economic modeling techniques will
ensure that the results are robust and genuine, and their originality will be verified through anti-
plagiarism systems .
2. Method
2.1. Type and design of research
This study is of an applied nature, as it seeks to analyze the economic variations that have
occurred in emerging countries ; although it is approached from the Peruvian perspective during
the COVID-19 pandemic, based on the theoretical concepts and methodologies developed in
economics to evaluate the impact of global crises in specific contexts. In this case, these theories
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 5of 12
are applied to the analysis of the 11% decline in GDP in 2020, the largest in 30 years (El País,
The level or scope of the research is explanatory, following Hernández et al. (2014), who define
that correlational studies have the purpose of determining the relationship or degree of
association between two or more variables. This study will analyze how health restrictions, the
drop in household income, and the economic policies implemented during the pandemic
influenced the main economic variables of Peru, such as GDP, employment, exports, and tax
collection. To do this, an econometric model will be used to explain the degree of association
between these variables and their changes during the period 2020-2021 (World Bank, 2022;
Bravo Saldaña & Saldaña Paredes, 2022).
The research design is non-experimental, since the independent variables (e.g., health
restrictions, drop in income, fiscal policies) will not be manipulated. This design is based on
observing phenomena as they occurred in reality, in order to then analyze them and understand
their relationships. According to Hernández et al. (2014), non-experimental designs study events
that have occurred, without direct intervention in the factors that affect them.
Likewise, the design is longitudinal, as it analyzes the changes that occurred in economic variables
during a given period of time (2020-2022), in order to identify trends, patterns and relationships
associated with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (Hernández et al., 2014).
The methodology used is deductive, starting from general theories on economic crises and their
impact on national economies towards a specific analysis of the Peruvian case. As mentioned by
Hernández et al. (2014), the deductive method starts from theoretical premises to derive
hypotheses that will be evaluated with the available data. This approach will make it possible to
explain how global and national factors associated with the pandemic impacted the Peruvian
2.2. Population and sample
This work aims to show some lessons that the COVID-19 pandemic "contributed" to employability
and growth in emerging countries ; although it is approached from the Peruvian perspective .
The population in this study is made up of all the macroeconomic data of the Peruvian economy
related to the economic variation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The population is made up of
quarterly information from the years 2020 and 2021, since it is the period that covers the
economic crisis generated by the pandemic. The data include key indicators such as the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), the unemployment rate and tax collection, along with variables
associated with the factors of the impact of COVID-19, such as health restrictions, fiscal policies
and the drop in household income.
The sample size will be determined by the specific period of the pandemic, covering data from the
first quarter of 2020 to the last quarter of 2021, resulting in a total of 8 quarterly observations (2
years). The sample is drawn from data available in official sources such as the Central Reserve
Bank of Peru (BCRP), the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), and other relevant
government reports. Non-probability sampling will be used for convenience, given that the
required information is available and relevant to the study of the effects of the pandemic on the
Peruvian economy.
2.3. Temporal and spatial scope
The study on economic variation in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic takes a temporal scope
of quarterly data that covers from the first quarter of 2020 to the fourth quarter of 2021, with a
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 6of 12
total of eight observations. Regarding the spatial scope, this study will be applied to the Peruvian
economy as a whole, analyzing the main economic variables and sectors affected during the
pandemic period.
2.4. Variables
The World Bank (2022) points out that the economic impacts of COVID-19 can be analyzed using
observable variables. For this study, two main variables will be used: an independent one called
“Factors associated with the impact of COVID-19” and a dependent one called “Economic variation
in Peru”.
Indicators for the independent variable include health restrictions, fiscal policies, and falling
household income.
For the dependent variable, the indicators will be the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the
unemployment rate and tax collection.
As an illustration, Table 1 presents the operationalization of the variables.
Table 1. Operationalization of variables
variation in Peru
-Economic growth
-Employment and
-Tax collection
-Unemployment rate
-Tax collection
Documentary analysis /
Statistical data from
BCRP, INEI and World
Factors associated
with the impact of
-Impact of health
-Government support
-Economic impact on
- Health restrictions
-Tax policies
-Fall in household
Documentary analysis /
Statistical data from
BCRP, INEI and World
2.5 Instruments
For this study, the data collection technique “Documentary Analysis” will be used and the
instrument will be the collection of statistical data and technical reports from official national
sources such as the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), the Central Reserve
Bank of Peru (BCRP) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). Likewise, international
sources such as the World Bank and FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Data) will be used.
It is important to highlight that these instruments meet the criteria of reliability, validity and
objectivity, since they come from official and audited sources, which guarantees that the
information will be consistent and relevant to measure the research variables.
2.6 Procedures
This work aims to analyze the economic variation during the COVID-19 pandemic, for which a
statistical analysis model will be used. The procedure will be developed in the following steps.
First, the Microsoft Excel program will be used to collect and organize the data, which will be
sorted quarterly. The data will include the variables defined in the research, such as GDP,
unemployment rate and tax collection, which will be extracted from official sources such as the
National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (BCRP)
and other relevant entities. Since these instruments come from reliable sources, the validity and
reliability of the data will be guaranteed.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e-2415] MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal E -ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista©Advanced Studies Research
Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Employability and Growth in Emerging Countries
(Lecciones de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la empleabilidad y el crecimiento en los países emergentes)
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
Page 7of 12
Secondly, the statistical analysis tools available in Excel will be used for the analysis of time series.
The data will be loaded and organized in worksheets, specifying the quarterly frequency, as
defined above. Once the data for all variables have been organized, the relevant analyses will be
carried out to validate trends and fluctuations. Finally, the results obtained will be analyzed and
the hypothesis raised in the research on the economic effects of the pandemic in Peru will be
2.7. Hypothesis Peru's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) experienced a contraction during the
pandemic due to the reduction in economic activity and the closure of key sectors. The inflation
rate in Peru increased during the pandemic due to the effects of lockdowns, supply chain
disruption and price fluctuations.
3. Results
This paper will analyze data related to economic variation in Peru during the COVID-19 pandemic,
using time series of the variables Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment rate and tax
collection. Due to the changing nature of these data in the context of the health crisis, a visual
inspection of trends and variations will be carried out using line graphs, in order to identify
general patterns.
To check the stability of the time series, the quarterly evolution of each variable will be analysed,
identifying possible trends and fluctuations. This analysis will be carried out by calculating the
variation rates between consecutive periods, which will allow us to assess whether the data show
significant changes over time.
The relationships between the variables will then be explored by calculating simple correlations.
This will allow us to identify whether there is a relationship between, for example, the fall in GDP
and the rise in unemployment, or between tax collection and general economic activity.
Additionally, possible irregularities in the data will be checked through a basic dispersion
analysis, observing whether the fluctuations are within expected ranges or whether there are
atypical values that may distort the conclusions.
Finally, the results obtained will be interpreted, highlighting the main interactions between the
variables and evaluating how they reflect the economic situation during the pandemic in Peru.
Figure 1: GDP, tax revenue and unemployment rate in Peru during: 2020-2022
Source: Data adapted from the Central Reserve Bank of Peru (2021)
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2410] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Analysis of the management, planning, and regulations of Peruvian education; versus PISA 2022 results
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Interpretation of Figure 1. The graph clearly shows the impact of the pandemic on the Peruvian
economy between 2020 and 2022. GDP fell sharply in 2020, especially in the first months,
reflecting the negative effects of restrictions and economic paralysis. From 2021, a gradual
recovery is observed, although with certain fluctuations, indicating a progressive, although not
constant, recovery; a situation that has had an impact on employability, since key sectors such as
tourism and commerce took time to recover. Tax collection showed an improvement since 2021,
reflecting the economic reactivation and higher tax revenues.
4. Discussions
In contrast to the results of the present investigation, the results of Chávez and Salazar (2016)
analyze the determinants of the demand for money in Peru between 1990 and 2015. They found
that real income, interest rate, and inflation are key factors. Real income has a positive
relationship with the demand for money, while the interest rate and inflation show a negative
relationship. Inflation, in particular, affects the preference for liquidity in emerging economies.
Mendoza and Rivera (2020) address the impact of the monetary policies of the Central Reserve
Bank of Peru (BCRP) on the demand for money between 2000 and 2019, revealing that
expansionary policies, such as reducing interest rates, increase the demand for money, while
restrictive policies decrease it. In addition, they point out that the exchange rate also influences
the demand for money.
Ramírez and Sánchez (2018) conclude that macroeconomic stability, especially the exchange rate,
inflationary expectations and BCRP decisions, are essential to maintain a stable demand for
money. Gutiérrez and Fernández (2022) argue that expansionary monetary policies increase the
demand for money, while restrictive policies reduce it. They emphasize that inflation control and
exchange rate stability are key factors for a stable demand for money.
Cueva and García (2017) investigate how external factors, such as trade openness and global
financial crises, affect the demand for money in Peru, concluding that global economic uncertainty
tends to increase the demand for money during periods of crisis.
Brown and Smith (2022) highlight that trade liberalization has short-term benefits, but its long-
term impact depends on factors such as infrastructure, domestic policies, and strategic
investments. They argue that complementary reforms are necessary to maximize the benefits of
trade, while avoiding disadvantages for vulnerable groups. Martínez and Gupta (2022) analyze
the role of education in the economic growth of emerging countries, highlighting that inclusive
and accessible education promotes productivity and reduces inequalities. However, limited
resources in many contexts represent a challenge to achieving the full potential of education in
these countries.
Wang and Zhou (2022) discuss the transition to a low-carbon economy in China and how green
growth policies have boosted certain sectors, such as renewable energy. However, they identify
that high costs and the resilience of key industrial sectors hinder a rapid transition, offering
lessons for other emerging economies in their quest for sustainable economic development.
Davis and Nguyen (2022) highlight that access to financial services, especially for small and
medium-sized enterprises, is crucial for economic growth in Latin America. However, they warn
that the lack of robustness of financial institutions in the region limits the full use of the benefits
of financial development.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2410] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Analysis of the management, planning, and regulations of Peruvian education; versus PISA 2022 results
This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)
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Galindo Caro et al. (2023) propose that local strategic planning, with the active participation of
teachers and authorities, optimizes budget management in education. Accountability is essential
to improve educational quality and the efficient allocation of resources. Ortiz Mota (2023)
assesses the challenges of distance education, highlighting that, although this modality has grown
significantly, problems persist, such as the quality of interaction between teachers and students
and the effectiveness of technological platforms. He proposes that to ensure equitable education,
it is crucial to optimize technological tools and adequately train teachers.
López Regalado et al. (2023) explore how effective sports management not only improves the
physical well-being, but also the mental well-being of students, highlighting the importance of
inclusive leadership in sports activities. Finally, Moreno Muro et al. (2023) analyse the use of
artificial intelligence in university curricular management, highlighting its potential to personalise
learning and improve curricular planning, better adapting it to the demands of the labour market
and the skills needed for the future.
In other words, it reflects how different studies address key factors such as monetary policies,
education, sustainability and strategic planning for growth and employability in emerging
countries. The lessons derived from these analyses can guide post-pandemic policies, balancing
economic growth with social well-being.
5. Conclusions
Tax collection followed a contrary trend: after an initial drop in 2020, it began to increase in 2021
and peaked in May 2022. This suggests that, as the economy recovered, the government was able
to collect more taxes as economic activity normalized.
The unemployment rate, on the other hand, showed a sharp increase during 2020, with the
highest point in May of that year, due to massive job losses. Then, the unemployment rate started
to decline in 2021 and followed a downward trend, although it still remains relatively high until
the end of 2022. This reflects that the recovery of employment was slower compared to other
economic indicators.
However, there is no contingency plan or analysis of the intervening variables that the COVID-19
Pandemic caused in employability and that have affected the economy and growth in emerging
5. 1 Contribution: The study involves lessons to be considered that caused the COVID-19
pandemic, without such learning, we may be subject to suffer such inclemencies, such as having
organized a labor contingency plan and economic plan in the event of a health emergency;
providing greater digital access and speed to institutions and workers; and greater internet
coverage to all populations, a situation that has not yet occurred; in addition, forming a brigade at
the neighborhood level to control and verify work activity; in addition to the type of activity
carried out, which may be valid for similar purposes.
Central Reserve Bank of Peru. (2021). Long-term effects of COVID-19 in Peru. Inflation Report,
December 2021, Box 4 , 80-85. Central Reserve Bank of Peru.
World Bank. Introduction: The economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. World Development
Report 2022. Retrieved from:
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2410] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Analysis of the management, planning, and regulations of Peruvian education; versus PISA 2022 results
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Conflict of interest : The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Co-author contributions : All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding : With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest that could
have influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
Vol.4 N°1 (2024) [ e- 2410] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Magazine E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Advanced Studies
Analysis of the management, planning, and regulations of Peruvian education; versus PISA 2022 results
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