Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
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Preserved in Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14984549 The Authors are responsiblefor the information in this article
Implementation of a strategic management model for
government control in Institutional Control Institutions
Claudia Milagros Pezo Castillo1*
1 Cesar Vallejo University, Graduate School, Peru
*Contact for correspondence: cmpezop@ucvvirtual.edu.pe
Received: 01/08/2025 Accepted: 02/19/2025 Published: 03/07/2025
ABSTRACT. The scarcity of strategic management models in institutional control institutions motivated the approximate
implementation of a model to improve government efficiency. Objective: To implement a strategic management model for
government control in Institutional Control Institutions. Methodology: For "strategic management" based on Ceplan; for
"government control" the Comptroller General of Peru . It was applied to 60 workers of a comptroller's office, with a non-experimental
design. Results: The model had a viability rate of 97.5%, highlighting the need to strengthen controls in public procurement to
improve efficiency and reduce corruption. Conclusion: Within the processes, for the strategic management model for government
control, the last process: results showed greater achievements. Contribution: Suitable processes are urgently needed to hire staff
and raise awareness of the workforce, avoiding diverting budgets to corruption processes.
Keywords: Model, strategic management, government control, institutions
Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional
RESUMEN. La escases de modelos de gestión estratégica en instituciones de control institucional motivaron la implementación
aproximada de modelo, para mejorar la eficiencia gubernamental. Objetivo: Implementar modelo de gestión estratégica para el
control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional. Metodología: Para "gestión estratégica" en función a Ceplan; para
control gubernamental la Contraloría General del Perú. fue aplicado a 60 trabajadores de una contraloría, con diseño no
experimental. Resultados: El modelo tuvo 97.5% de viabilidad, destacándose la necesidad de fortalecer los controles en
contrataciones públicas, para mejorar la eficiencia y reducir la corrupción. Conclusión: Dentro de los procesos, para el modelo de
gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental el último proceso: resultados evidenció mayores logros. Aporte: Urgen procesos
idóneos para contratar personal y sensibilización laboral, evitando distraer presupuestos en procesos de corrupción.
Palabras clave: Modelo, gestión estratégica, control gubernamental, instituciones
Implementação de um modelo de gestão estratégica para o controlo governamental nas Instituições de Controlo Institucional.
RESUMO: A escassez de modelos de gestão estratégica em instituições de controle institucional motivou a implantação
aproximada de um modelo para melhorar a eficiência governamental. Objetivo: Implementar um modelo de gestão estratégica
para o controlo governamental nas Instituições de Controlo Institucional. Metodologia: Para a “gestão estratégica” considerou-se
o Ceplan; para o controlo governamental a Controladoria Geral do Peru. Foi aplicado a 60 trabalhadores de uma Controladoria
com um desenho não experimental. Resultados. O modelo teve 97,5% de exequibilidade, destacando a necessidade de reforçar
os controlos nos contratos públicos para melhorar a eficiência e reduzir a corrupção. Conclusão: Dentro dos processos, para o
modelo de gestão estratégica para o controlo governamental, o último processo: resultados, foi o que apresentou maiores
resultados. Contribuição: É urgente a necessidade de processos adequados de contratação de pessoal e de sensibilização,
evitando a distração dos orçamentos em processos de corrupção.
Palavras-chave: Modelo, gestão estratégica, controlo governamental, instituições.
Mise en œuvre d'un modèle de gestion stratégique pour le contrôle gouvernemental dans les institutions de contrôle institutionnel.
RÉSUMÉ : La rareté des modèles de gestion stratégique dans les institutions de contrôle institutionnel a motivé la mise en œuvre
approximative d'un modèle visant à améliorer l'efficacité gouvernementale. Objectif : Mettre en œuvre un modèle de gestion
stratégique pour le contrôle gouvernemental dans les institutions de contrôle institutionnel. Méthodologie : Pour la «gestion
stratégique», le Ceplan a été considéré ; pour le «contrôle gouvernemental», le Bureau du contrôleur général du Pérou. Il a été
appliqué à 60 travailleurs d'un bureau de contrôleur avec une conception non expérimentale. Résultats : Le modèle avait une
faisabilité de 97,5 %, soulignant la nécessité de renforcer les contrôles dans les marchés publics afin d'améliorer l'efficacité et de
réduire la corruption. Conclusion : parmi les processus, pour le modèle de gestion stratégique pour le contrôle gouvernemental,
le dernier processus: les résultats, a montré les plus grandes réalisations. Contribution : il est urgent de mettre en place des
processus adaptés pour recruter du personnel et sensibiliser la population, afin d'éviter que les budgets ne soient détournés au
profit des processus de corruption.
Mots clés : Modèle, gestion stratégique, contrôle gouvernemental, institutions.
Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
This article is under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Page 2 of 8
1. Introduction
The strategic management model in institutional control bodies is of utmost importance to improve
the efficiency of government institutions. Due to the scarcity of such models, approaching the
implementation of one of them is also important. These models allow optimizing decision-making
processes, aligning available resources with strategic objectives and prioritizing key areas. According
to García & López (2020), a structured approach improves transparency, which is essential in an
environment where operational efficiency and governance are decisive factors for institutional
development (García & López, 2020). Strengthening internal and external control: Effective control
in public administrations depends on constant internal and external surveillance. A robust strategic
model allows for the establishment of clear monitoring mechanisms, which guarantees that
government policies and operations are executed in accordance with the principles of legality and
ethics. Pérez et al. (2019) state that the implementation of strategic models in control bodies
improves not only surveillance, but also the capacity of the bodies to identify deviations and act
preventively (Pérez, González, & Mendoza, 2019). Efficient public management is based on the correct
allocation of resources. A well-designed strategic model helps institutional control bodies to optimize
both human and financial resources, thus improving the performance of government programs.
According to the study by Díaz et al. (2020), these types of models not only allow for a more effective
allocation of resources, but also strengthen accountability mechanisms by allowing better
supervision of implemented policies and projects (Díaz, Romero, & Pérez, 2020).
The modernization of control systems through a strategic model, which includes the incorporation of
advanced technologies, allows for more efficient and real-time supervision. This technological
integration strengthens transparency and facilitates access to public information, which is essential
to prevent corruption and improve government efficiency. Herrera and Sánchez (2021) emphasize
that the use of information technologies significantly improves the ability of control bodies to manage
and analyze data more accurately (Herrera & Sánchez, 2021).
Impact on democratic governance: A strategic management model has a direct impact on democratic
governance. By improving control and accountability mechanisms, transparency in government
decision-making is promoted, which strengthens citizens' trust in their institutions. López and
Sánchez (2021) argue that the adoption of these models increases citizen participation and improves
communication between control bodies and society (López & Sánchez, 2021).
A strategic model focused on institutional control also promotes regulatory compliance and risk
management in public administration. By establishing clear protocols for the supervision and
evaluation of policies, control bodies can anticipate problems and mitigate risks that may affect the
effectiveness of public policies. Rodríguez and Gómez (2020) highlight that this approach not only
improves efficiency, but also reduces the risk of corruption within public institutions (Rodríguez &
Gómez, 2020).
"Strategic management to improve government control in Institutional Control Bodies" reflects an
important concern in modern public administration: the need to optimize the efficiency and
effectiveness of institutional control to ensure accountability and transparency in government
actions. This type of model involves applying strategic approaches that allow control bodies to adapt
their processes to current challenges, using both analytical and technological tools to manage risks,
prevent irregularities and improve citizen trust in government institutions.
Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
This article is under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Page 3 of 8
Efficiency in the management of oversight bodies, as observed in the works of García and López
(2020), Pérez et al. (2019) and Rodríguez and Gómez (2020), is directly linked to compliance with
the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 16: "Peace, justice and strong
institutions". This objective seeks to promote inclusive, accountable and effective institutions at all
levels. The implementation of an effective strategic management model can significantly contribute
to improving the integrity and transparency of public institutions, a key aspect to achieving this SDG.
Along the same lines, the work of Martín and Rodríguez (2022) focuses on how strategic management
models can influence accountability within public administration, which also has direct implications
for strengthening citizen trust in government processes. The importance of having a clear and robust
strategic management model in institutional control bodies is also highlighted by Díaz et al. (2020),
who suggest that adequate risk management is essential to prevent and mitigate possible failures or
bad practices in the public sector.
Main objective : To establish approximately a strategic management model to improve government
control in the Institutional Control Bodies of the Comptroller General of the Republic-2024 .
2. Methodology
For the dimensions and indicators addressed in the strategic management variable , it was considered
based on the CEPLAN (2023) approaches.
For the variable government control , the following were considered based on information from the
Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru (CGR, 2016): (i) Simultaneous Control and (ii)
Subsequent Control . It should be noted that prior control was not considered in the research, because
the OCIs do not execute this modality.
The type of study was applied research , with a cross-sectional section , carried out in a specific period
of time, with a design non-experimental , because the variables studied were not manipulated. The
scope was descriptive propositional , since once the results were analyzed, the proposal for the
strategic management model was developed to overcome the difficulties by improving government
The population consisted of 73 workers Of the OCI of the 10 provinces corresponding to the district
of the department of San Martín, Peru, the application was achieved to 60 workers for working in
person, in this sense the personnel who were on vacation, on leave or absent for other reasons were
In addition, for both variables, the survey technique was used and the questionnaire as an instrument,
whose approach strictly represented the research variables (Hernández et al, 2014), framed in the
operationalization of the variable; the respective dimensions and items are specified in the results
section, inserted in the corresponding tables.
The validity of the instruments was obtained through the Expert Judgment technique, where 5
professional experts in public management verified the coherence and relevance of the indicators and
variables of the research, then Ayken 's V coefficient was applied , obtaining a coefficient of 0.91.
Regarding reliability, a pilot test was applied to 16% of the sample, resulting in a Cronbach's alpha
coefficient of 0.85 for the variable, guaranteeing the reliability of the instrument for its application.
Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
This article is under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Page 4 of 8
3. Results
To facilitate understanding of the results, the information is presented in a table.
Table 1. Approach to a strategic management model to improve government control .
Weak identification of
strengths and weaknesses.
Weak identification of
opportunities and threats.
Inadequate programming and
planning of financial resources
to ensure the availability of
travel expenses.
Insufficient equipment
(printers, plotters , scanners ,
among others)
Poor allocation of logistical
resources (bond paper,
separators, Chicago screws,
folios, micas, stamps, among
Insufficient operational
capacity to meet control
service goals.
Weak teamwork with the
regions to agree on the Annual
Control Plan.
Low level of autonomy to
refute or propose the
clarification of goals.
Integrated institutional
management, which allows for
internal and external analysis of
the OCI.
Coordination with the OCI to
agree on the Annual Control
Plan with clear goals.
Cooperation between the OCI
and the organic units in charge
of general planning in the CGR.
Preparation of the needs table
to ensure the correct
distribution and prioritization
of the required logistical
Evaluation of the historical
indices of financial resources
required for the analysis of the
current fiscal year that allows
the programming and planning
of financial resources to ensure
the availability of travel
expenses in the OCI.
Needs assessment to ensure
proper distribution and
prioritization of equipment.
Analysis and evaluation of the
operational capacity
(collaborators) assigned to the
OCI and its correct distribution
Efficient characterization of the
strengths and weaknesses of the
Efficient characterization of the
opportunities and threats of the
Adequate programming and
planning of financial resources to
ensure the availability of travel
Sufficient equipment (printers,
plotters , scanners , among others).
Greater allocation of logistical
resources (bond paper, separators,
Chicago screws, foliators, micas,
stamps, among others)
Operational capacity distributed
according to capabilities and
Strengthening teamwork with the
regions to reach consensus on the
Annual Control Plan.
Strengthening the autonomy of the
OCI to enable the realization of
goals in accordance with their
operational capacity, assigned
resources, equipment and other
logistical aspects.
Improve government control to
reduce corruption in all its forms.
Source : Prepared by the authors based on questionnaires applied to employees of the OCI in the department
of San Martín.
Interpretation of Table 1: Results are perceived to respond to the specific objective: Design the
strategic management model to improve government control in the Institutional Control Bodies of
the Comptroller General of the Republic-2024, in which, based on the deficiencies identified from the
point of view of the collaborators of the Institutional Control Bodies of the Comptroller's Office of the
department of San Martín, the proposed process to be carried out to achieve the expected results that
allow improving government control is formulated .
The studies analyzed underline the importance of strengthening controls and processes in public
procurement to improve the quality of the projects executed and the efficiency in the use of public
resources. All these works are aligned with SDG 16, which seeks to build effective, accountable and
transparent public institutions. By promoting transparency, efficiency in execution times, quality in
the goods and services acquired, and the implementation of structured audits, these studies provide
a solid framework to strengthen government institutions and reduce corruption in public
procurement processes.
Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
This article is under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Page 5 of 8
Regarding the strategic management model to improve government control in the Institutional
Control Bodies of the Comptroller General of the Republic-2024 ; the assessment of expert
professionals on the strategic management model to improve government control is observed ,
obtaining an average of 43.9 therefore, the proposal is valid, viable and applicable, according to the
reality of each OCI attached to the Comptroller General of the Republic, with the experts determining
an applicability of 97.5%.
4. Discussion
The results show significant challenges in process management and budget execution in the public
sector. The need to improve resource planning, execution and monitoring has been widely discussed
in the literature. Andrews, Pritchett & Woolcock (2019) highlight that government reforms often fail
by not considering local contexts, and therefore propose an “adaptive capacity building” approach,
which is relevant for budget management in changing environments.
Likewise, inefficiency in the execution of resources and the rigidity of administrative procedures are
structural problems. Balaeva et al. (2021) identify that bureaucracy and corruption affect the
effectiveness of bidding processes, suggesting that improving control and transparency systems
would optimize the allocation of resources, in line with the proposals of the Ministry of Economy and
Finance (MEF, 2024).
Accountability is another key aspect. Bovens & Schillemans (2020) argue that transparency and
digitalization can strengthen governance and trust in public administration. In this sense, the
integration of artificial intelligence in budget planning and execution, as mentioned by Moreno Muro
et al. (2023), represents an opportunity to increase efficiency and reduce discretion in decision-
making. De la Cruz Montoya et al. (2020) also highlight that greater visibility in the allocation of
resources, through budget transparency, strengthens management by results, in line with the
National Policy for the Modernization of Public Management (PNMGP) (PCM, 2022).
On the other hand, sustainable public procurement is emerging as an emerging topic. Das Graças &
Maceno (2021) show that integrating environmental criteria into procurement processes can
generate long-term benefits, although its applicability depends on the context and institutional
Strategic planning is also essential in human potential management. Rojas & Ugaz (2024) link this
planning with the organization of sports activities and stress reduction, highlighting the positive
impact of efficient management on workplace well-being.
In conclusion, the literature supports the need to optimize process management in public
administration through adaptive approaches, transparency, digitalization and strategic planning.
Although structural challenges exist, the implementation of evidence-based reforms can contribute
to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public management.
In contrast, Andrews et al. (2019) discuss staff capacity development in the public sector in
developing countries, pointing out that government reforms often fail if local contexts are not
considered. They propose the “adaptive capacity building” approach as a strategy to improve public
administration in a gradual and flexible manner.
Vol.5 No.1 (2025) [e - 2503] MANAGEMENT - Advanced Journal E-ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista © Research of Advanced Studies
Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
This article is under license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Page 6 of 8
Balaeva et al. (2021) offer an insider's view on the perception of efficiency in public procurement,
highlighting the influence of bureaucracy and corruption.
Bovens et al. (2020) delve deeper into accountability and highlight the role of digitalization in
government transparency.
Brinkerhoff & Wetterberg (2020) demonstrate that social accountability, through audits and citizen
participation, strengthens governance.
Das Graças et al. (2021) and De la Cruz et al. (2020) provide evidence on the importance of
sustainability and transparency in public processes, while Kattel & Lember (2020), Milosavljevic et
al. (2021), Parra et al. (2024) and Pereira (2022) address various aspects that impact efficiency and
innovation in public procurement.
Finally, Rodríguez & Gómez (2020) and Rojas & Ugaz (2024) highlight the relevance of strategic
models to strengthen institutional control and organizational well-being.
5. Conclusions
Within the processes, for the strategic management model for government control, the last process:
results showed greater achievements, which is why emphasis should be placed on said process.
Contribution: Appropriate processes are urgently needed to hire personnel for the public sector and
for the control bodies, because they must be exemplary; in addition, labor awareness programs for
institutional development, avoiding diverting budgets to corruption processes.
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Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
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Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions
(Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional)
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