m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 1 de 11
of the
of the
of the
Víctor Genaro Rosales Urbano
Ronny Saul Micha Point
Victoria Huaylinos Gonzales
Light Karen Flowers Perez
Nelida Ugaz Roque
Nelly Dioses Lescano*
National University Mayor of San Marcos, Peru
Catholic of Trujillo Benedict XV, Peru
Universidad César
Vallejo, Escuela de Posgrado, Peru.
Municipality District of
The Point, Callao, Peru
Universidad Señor de Sipán, Peru.
Abstract. Introduction: This article analyzes the impact of digital communications in public institutions on the cost of living of populations in
South America and the Caribbean.
he was
2020 in South America and the Caribbean.Results: the cost daily of one diet healthy (in average) during three years and bigger
node Caribbean, with US$
0.57 put day per person, compared to South America.
Conclusion: assuming
that, from 2018 to 2020, the level and
of communications
digital have increased due to the
from the
to the
in the
South and the Caribbean, and this is a task on which the efforts of public institutions can be concentrated, starting
Keywords: Communications, educational institutions, local governments, well-being
Impacto de las comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población
Resumen. Introducción: Este trabajo considera el impacto de las comunicaciones digitales en las instituciones públicas sobre el costo de vida de las
poblaciones de América del Sur y el Caribe. Metodología: El estudio fue cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo y la muestra: porcentajes de costo de dietas
saludables de 2018 a 2020 en América del Sur y el Caribe. Resultados: El costo diario de la dieta saludable (en promedio) durante tres os es mayor en el
Caribe en US$0,57 por a por persona en comparación con América del Sur. Conclusión: Asumiendo que de 2018 a 2020 el nivel y frecuencia de las
comunicaciones digitales aumen debido al factor pandemia de COVID-19, por el contrario, el bienestar ha disminuido (porque el costo de la dieta
saludable ha aumentado) en América del Sur y el Caribe, y esta es una tarea en la que se pueden concentrar los esfuerzos de las instituciones públicas, a
partir de ahora.
Palabras clave: Comunicaciones, instituciones educativas, gobiernos locales, bienestar.
Impacto das comunicações, das instituições educacionais e dos governos locais no bem-estar da população.
Resumo. Introdução: Este artigo considera o impacto das comunicações digitais em instituições públicas no custo de vida das populações da
América do Sul e do Caribe. Metodologia: O estudo foi quantitativo, descritivo em escopo e a amostra: porcentagens de custo de dietas
saudáveis de 2018 a 2020 na América do Sul e no Caribe. Resultados: O custo diário da dieta saudável (em média) por três anos é maior no Caribe
em US$ 0,57 por dia por pessoa em comparação com a América do Sul. Conclusão: Assumindo que de 2018 a 2020 o nível e a frequência das
comunicações digitais aumentaram devido ao fator pandemia da COVID-19, pelo contrário, o bem-estar diminuiu (porque o custo da dieta
saudável aumentou) na América do Sul e no Caribe, e esta é uma tarefa na qual os esforços das instituições públicas podem ser concentrados,
começando agora.
Palavras-chave: Comunicações, instituições educacionais, governos locais, bem-estar.
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 2 de 11
I. Introduction
This work considers the impact of communications on public institutions, both educational as
governmental locations: offices or management of communications (or similar) and
municipalities, as they are the ones closest to managing information and determining
communication channels to improve organizational communications and manage information
appropriate to the population, representing the central government in each territorial district; in
dialogue with other organizations to address problems common to South American populations;
whose deficiencies have been highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic, showing the fragility of
educational systems around the world, revealing digital gaps and pre-existing social inequalities,
impacting the well-being of the population, harming the health status of residents.
Thus, Paniagua Sánchez A (2024) contributes from a historical review of International
Cooperation for Development (CID) in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1945 to the
present, with the intention of revalue the paper from the region in the construction of this process
and rethinking cooperation to face current and future challenges, such as those that may be
unusual, such as the COVID-19 pandemic; This article invites a critical reflection on the past and
the present from the cooperation International to the development in the Latin America, with the
objective of building a more just and equitable future for the region; the same that can be
extended to South America and the Caribbean as they present similar social problems.
The need to rapidly move to distance learning has created a series of challenges and
opportunities, radically transforming the way we think about teaching and learning. The
importance of analyzing the role of communications in this context lies in its ability to:
Mitigate the impact from the crisis: To the allow the continuity educational and the access
the relevant information about the pandemic.
Reveal inequalities: Highlight to the gaps digital and socioeconomic what limit
access to quality education.
Inform on policies public: Serve of basis to the conception of more equitable
and inclusive educational policies.
Transform the education: Promote the innovation educational and the adoption
of new pedagogies based on the use of technologies.
Some perceptions on the influence of the communications node context educational during the
Ladewig and al. (2022) and ECLAC-UNESCO (2020) emphasize the nature global of
crisis and the inequalities exacerbated in regions as the America Latin and the
Caribbean. These studies highlight the need for public policies that address digital
divides and ensure equitable access to education.
Sánchez et al. (2022) and INEI (2020) provide concrete data on the situation in Spain and
node Peru, respectively, highlighting you challenges associates the transition for
distance education and the importance of considering the socioeconomic context of
MINEDU (2020a, 2020b, 2020c) show as to the institutions educational Peruvians
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 3 de 11
answered quickly the crisis, implementing measures emergency to to guarantee educational
continuity. However, it also reveals the limitations of these measures and the need for long-
term planning.
Ruesta et al. (2022) and Pérez et al. (2020) focus on pedagogical and psychosocial
challenges associates the education the distance, highlighting the importance from the
construction of new forms of school management and support for students' emotional
Malpaso and Lapa (2022); Nieto-Rivas and al. (2021) highlight the paper crucial from
the educational leadership in crisis management and the importance of developing
digital skills in managers.
Furthermore, the problem of lack of adequate communication has had an impact on the well-
being of residents, due to the lack of information programs on food culture, giving rise to
problems such as excess weight, which, due to the abundant advertising of fast food or commonly
called junk food, generates health problems for citizens. Furthermore, with regard to excess
weight, there is a distorted conception of its meaning and implications; hence the relevance of
organizational communication to allow interaction in the face of this problem, building bridges
with other organizations linked to the problem, such as the Institutional Image Sub-
Managements, Human Resources, Social Development and others; through mass communication
resources with the aim of generating social changes to improve living conditions, as this is one of
the objectives of organizational communication in the face of social problems; Therefore:
1.1. Some related searches
Marí -Sáez, VM (2021) refers to communication for social change, presenting an overview of the
research carried out in the Spanish context, mentioning that social change is a field in constant
evolution, which is characterized by its diversity and its interdisciplinary nature. , highlights the
importance from the research in this domain for the development of effective communication
strategies for social change, which are aligned with organizational communication used for
favorable social change, helping to solve the problem of malnutrition.
Martínez M. & Olivari, L. (2022) raises community communication in Latin America. The
authors argue that community communication is a field of knowledge and practice that deals with
communication in territories, with the aim of strengthening citizen participation and development
local. You authors analyze you main concepts and approaches from the community
communication and present an overview of community communication experiences in Latin
America. Martínez and Olivari conclude that community communication is a constantly evolving
field that has great potential to contribute to favorable social change. This research is a valuable
contribution to the study of community communication in Latin America. The authors provide a
panoramic view of the field, useful for understanding its evolution and main trends. Ortiz Cueto
(2021) analyzes the production of knowledge in communication and social change in the South.
This analysis highlights the importance of contextualized and situated approaches to
understanding social change processes; he mentions that local authorities have a deep knowledge
of their own realities. For example, social movements can generate valuable knowledge about the
causes and solutions to problems social, and the technology is also considered as providing new
tools to
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 4 de 11
search and communication, because in this search organizational communication is used in dialogue
with favorable social changes with regard to culture.
This research investigated how organizational communication through popular culture, politics
and economics influences overweight, also called overweight malnutrition; Likewise, it is
important to have full awareness of such problems through appropriate communications and
relevant organizational communication.
II. Revision of literature
THE (FAO, 2023) indicates the existence of 4 factors social and cultural in the nutrition, you
factors social and cultural factors have a great influence on people's eating habits and practices.
These habits and practices can be positive or negative for health. The social factors that influence
the achievement of the Third SDG (Well-being and Health) are education included in the culture,
work linked to the availability of time to prepare healthy food included in the economic factor.
Cultural beliefs and traditions can influence what is eaten and how it is prepared; negative habits
can increase the risk of diseases such as processed foods and sugary drinks can increase the risk
of obesity, diabetes and heart disease; In addition, social programs within the political factor are
another influential factor. The 3 factors are detailed below to address malnutrition based on
organizational communications:
2.1. Communication organizational and political sustainability
The issue of social responsibility for the political sustainability of social programs that include
health programs for children is approached from different perspectives.
Orozco-Toro (2018) defines social responsibility for sustainability as the management and
communication of an institution's intangible values. The author argues that social responsibility is
an intangible asset that can contribute to the economic success of companies, and can be applied
in public institutions.
In relevance to the third Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): Health and well-being, according
to Acevedo-Duque, et al., (2023) their study is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs): The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals that seek to promote
sustainable development. Malnutrition expressed as: overweight and undernutrition are critical
situations that affect millions of people in worldwide. Being overweight is a risk factor for many
chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. Malnutrition is a serious problem that can
have devastating consequences for health and development.
2.1.1. Institutional Articulation, put quite of the responsible by society
García Sandoval, JR, et al., (2020) highlight that the coordination of social programs is an
essential component of rural development. By improving the coordination of social programs, we
can contribute to improving the quality of life of people living in rural areas of Mexico. In the
context of malnutrition and overweight, the lack of coordination of social programs can have the
following consequences:
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 5 de 11
You programs social what promote one food healthy they can to be less effective if are not
coordinated with social programs that promote physical activity; They may be less effective if
they are not coordinated with social programs that provide support to families.
By improving the coordination of social programs, we can help prevent malnutrition and
overweight in rural areas of Mexico; These problems are repeated in several South American
countries, as pointed out by FAO (2016), mentioning that communication and awareness-raising
actions can help people understand the importance of healthy eating and acquire healthy eating
habits. These actions can include food education campaigns, cooking workshops and community
activities. Nutrition-sensitive social protection strategies can be linked to long-term strategies that
consider promoting the production, processing and distribution of varied and nutrient-rich foods.
These strategies can help ensure that people have access to healthy food at affordable prices.
III. Methodology
2.2. Focus and type of search
The study had a quantitative approach, descriptive scope, type of research is applied, as it uses
information and research regarding the well-being of the populations of South America and the
Caribbean based on the daily cost of living; in relation to the level of digital communication
assuming that digital communications during the Covid-19 pandemic increased in public
institutions. The sample was the percentages corresponding to the years 2018 to 2020 for Latin
America and the Caribbean (LAC) published by FAO et al ., (2023) Page 137 whose information
is shown in Table 1
referring to the cost of a healthy diet (in dollars per person per day); partially obtained from table
A-13 years from 2018 to 2020 because this source only has data up to 2020 and 3 years were
considered to determine the situation prior to the COVID-19 pandemic
3.2. Analysis of official information
To compare the information in the two tables, officially published data were used;
corresponding to the three main regions that make up Latin America and the Caribbean in
relation to the reality and objective situation of the cost of a healthy diet (in dollars per person
and per day); for which some of the published information was considered in FAO et al .,
(2023) . shown in Table 1 . Involving, on average, people of all ages.
IV. Results
They are described you results from the statistic descriptive: averages and Detour standard.
Table 1 . Cost of one diet healthy (USD put person per day)
Detour standard
America of South
Source: Extracted partially of FAO and al., (2023). Table A- 13
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 6 de 11
The cost of healthy eating (in dollars per person per day) in the Caribbean was higher in three
years node Caribbean of what in the America from the South, with one difference average of
0.57 us years 2018 to 2020; the highest cost being in the Caribbean (4.23) corresponding to
the year 2020. The lowest cost corresponds to South America (3.43) in the year 2018.
It can be deduced that, according to the 2018 to 2020 reports on the cost of healthy eating (in
dollars per person per day), the three-year average is higher in the Caribbean by $0.57 per
person per day compared to South America. With the largest standard deviation in the
Caribbean (0.14).
V. Discussion
Implicitly admitting that from 2018 to 2020 communications increased, it is necessary to analyze
information on the well-being of the population of South America and the Caribbean, thus
Paniagua Sánchez A (2024) contributed from a historical review of International Development
Cooperation (IDC) in Latin America and the Caribbean from 1945 to the present, referring to the
need to quickly migrate to distance education generated a series of challenges and opportunities,
radically transforming the way we conceive of teaching and learning. The importance of
analyzing the role of communications in this context lies in its ability to:
Influence of the communications node context educational during the pandemic.
MINEDU (2020a, 2020b, 2020c) mentions that some countries like Peru responded
quickly to the crisis, although this response no you have been perceived us results, due to
the lack of resources to guarantee connectivity for the educational community,
considering that the immediate challenge for those responsible for managing education
and local governments is to guarantee connectivity with broadband systems, and one
program what may to supply equipment of computing, computers and resources for
accessing computing, including programs for selecting information educational, to
prevent students from being distracted by information that, far from educating them,
deforms them.
Ruesta et al. (2022) and Pérez et al. (2020) express new forms of communication,
implying the recurrence of creativity; so that the media can inform the population
through of contents educational; avoid the infodemic and what you responsible by the
local governments have the power to form inter-institutional alliances so that by joining
forces they can strengthen the security of citizens, with proposals to the central
government not only of the country to which they belong, but to the governments of
neighboring countries, whose mistakes have consequences for the South American
Malpaso and Lapa (2022); Nieto-Rivas and al. (2021) highlight the paper crucial of the
managers; with the intention that managers are equipped to communicate more easily
and quickly than other citizens.
Albarrán-Gil's research is relevant. J and Majo Marrufo (2020), who suggest that the pandemic
has revealed to the weaknesses from the structure of the institutions public , suffering with to the
policies of health, mentioning that communications have played a fundamental role in the
educational response to the pandemic, but also highlighted the need to face a series of challenges,
such as:
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 7 de 11
Gaps digital: THE lack of access the devices and connectivity limited the participation
of many students.
Training of teachers in programs of training educational and culture to feed: Teachers
had to quickly adapt to new ways of teaching, which required ongoing training.
Content educational: THE quality and the relevance of the materials educational
available online have been uneven.
Well-being emotional: THE education the distance he has impacted the well-being
emotional of students, which requires strategies to promote mental health.
Governance educational: You systems educational had of if adapt the new forms
management and coordination.
Avila , J. W., and al . , (2023) why the planning he must to be such what allow the organization of
activities, in which they can be prioritized in relation to human potential as indicated by
Seminario-Arévalo, F., et al.
Success stories have occurred when there has been a deep political commitment in Peru, chronic
malnutrition was reduced by half between 2007 and 2014, through the commitment to reduction
associated with the targets, generating interministerial bodies to coordinate multisectoral
initiatives (Galasso and Wagstaff, 2017) others. successful cases of reducing malnutrition include
Mexico and Colombia. In these countries, organizational communication was implemented to
sensitize members to comprehensive and multisectoral policies with a strong political
commitment; that is, through social protection policies
To address the problem of malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically in Latin
America, it is necessary to advance in the design and implementation of comprehensive,
multisectoral policies that address the underlying causes of the problem. These policies must
include strong political commitment and the participation of all sectors of society.
VI. Conclusion
Supposing that from 2018 to 2020 the level and frequency of digital communications increased
due to the COVID-19 pandemic factor, on the contrary, well-being decreased (because the cost of
a healthy diet increased) in South America and the Caribbean, and this is a task on which the
efforts of public institutions can be focused, starting now.
VII. Recommendations
It is recommended that public policies promote health education and awareness, through from the
communication organizational to to help to the people the to improve your state nutritional, in
which institutions must commit themselves through articulated organizational communication.
Communications have been a key element in the educational response to the pandemic, but their
impact the far away term will depend of the decisions taken. THE pandemic accelerated the
digital transformation of education and highlighted the importance of a human and equitable
approach. To make the most of the opportunities offered by technologies, it is necessary to:
m.1(2023), GESTIONES
studios Avanzados
ISSN: 3028-9408
Impact of
communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population (Impacto de las
comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población )
Página 8 de 11
Reduce the exclusion digital: Invest in infrastructure technological and to guarantee
access to devices and connectivity for all students.
Strengthen the training of teachers: To supply to the teachers to the tools and the
knowledge needed to teach in virtual environments.
Develop content educational of quality: Create materials educational relevant,
accessible and adapted to the needs of students.
Promote the well-being emotional: Implement programs of support psychosocial for
students and teachers.
Reimagine Education: Take this opportunity to rethink educational models traditional
and build systems more flexible, custom and student-centered.
This situation has an impact on reducing malnutrition in the population through articulated
and reliable organizational information on malnutrition and overweight. so that health
institutions, central and municipal governments and families; have information correct and
join efforts, having the same information; through articulated organizational communication
because isolated efforts are diluted, making it necessary for those responsible for each of the
institutions to improve their functions, articulating their actions for the benefit of the
population's health.
It is necessary to regulate human resources policies for public health; As investments and
personnel allocation have been made in the ministries of health in Latin America, it is also
pertinent to address the coordination of public health policies, which will be the subject of future
investigations. What was demonstrated in this research is the growth in the percentage of
overweight children under 5 years of age, prompting reflection from all sectors and those
responsible to aim to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, in the search for the well-being
and health of children under 5 years of age, influencing public health in general.
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