Vol.1 N°1 (2021) GESTIONES-Revista Avanzada (MANAGEMENT-Advanced Journal) E - ISSN: 3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista
Página 43 de 46
ability to research, evaluate and select information, skills that are increasingly necessary in a world
saturated with data. ICTs not only facilitate access to information, but also promote active
learning, where the student takes a leading role. In short, public education management must
incorporate the principles of connectivism to foster more flexible and collaborative learning,
leveraging ICT to enrich the educational process. This not only improves the learning experience,
but also prepares students to face a constantly evolving work environment.
Velásquez's (2020) work invites us to reflect on the future of education in a post-pandemic world,
highlighting the importance of integrating technology in an inclusive and effective way to promote
meaningful and equitable learning. His analysis is relevant to consider how the lessons learned
during this period can influence education in the long term; furthermore, according to Andrade, J.,
Bonilla, L., & Valencia, Z. (2011): both education and health come together to address situations
such as school aggression or bullying, which can have multiple perspectives , that is, from various
psychological approaches.
Furthermore, according to Vidal Ledo, M., et al. (2021) mentioned the Impact of Covid-19 on
Higher Education and analyzed how the Covid-19 pandemic transformed higher education,
focusing on medical education. The authors highlight the rapid transition to online teaching and
the challenges faced by students and faculty, such as lack of access to technology. They also
address the long-term implications for medical education, underlining the need to maintain quality
standards and incorporate digital tools in future teaching; also Díaz, M.A.A., et al. (2019) examined
various learning strategies in the university context, such as collaborative learning and
gamification. The authors emphasize the importance of adapting these methodologies to the needs
of students to improve their performance and encourage meaningful learning. They also discuss
cultural and social factors that influence the choice of strategies, offering recommendations for
innovation in educational practices.
For their part, Ponjuán Dante, G., & Torres Ponjuán, D. (2021) in their work on Managing
ignorance to manage knowledge: an organizational necessity, address the management of
ignorance in organizations and its relationship with knowledge. They argue that recognizing
areas of ignorance is crucial for effective knowledge management. They propose strategies to
identify gaps and foster a culture of continuous learning, highlighting the use of technologies that
facilitate collaboration and information sharing to improve decision-making and drive innovation.
Public Management for Social Development with AI:
The integration of AI in public management for social development has notable similarities with
its application in the health context, such as the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. Just as
AI optimizes diagnoses and treatments, it can improve decision-making in public policies,
allowing for a more agile and informed response to social challenges.
Garay Paucar, E. Z, et al. (2021) complements the public management proposal by highlighting
that, in addition to implementing technologies such as artificial intelligence, it is crucial to consider
the emotional well-being of staff. The integration of AI systems must be accompanied by an
approach that promotes emotional balance, since a balanced and motivated staff can more
effectively use technological tools for decision-making and improving social management; in
addition, according to Zacca González,
G. (2018), it is important to achieve the quality and visibility of publications; with preference for
information linked to or referring to the topic in question; even more so when said information is
of quality, backed by information published in immediately accessible sources belonging to