Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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Preserved in Zenodo DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14583591 The Authors are responsible for the information in this article.
Compliance with budgetary regulations and
psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
Carmela Vargas Montejo1*: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2457-2647
Ayly Salas Sánchez2: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6931-6199
1National University of San Marcos, Peru
2National University of San Martin, Peru
*Contact for correspondence: cavamo1@hotmail.com
Received: 08/13/2023 Accepted: 09/24/2023 Published: 10/14/2023
Abstract: Introduction: It is important to determine that during the COVID-19 pandemic, compliance with budgetary regulations
influenced the Psychomotor Management of hospital staff. Objective : To determine the relationship between Compliance with
budgetary regulations and Psychomotor Management of hospital staff . Methodology: Quantitative approach: It was analyzed
how motor management impacted compliance with budgetary regulations, using Kendall's Tau-c correlations. Results: A
correlation of 0.796 was found between creativity in motor activities and compliance with budgetary regulations. Results:
Promoting creativity in psychomotor activities is a determining factor in staff, which is essential to ensure quality health care in
health emergency situations. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to implement comprehensive
responses in management, correlation analysis between motor skills and compliance with budgetary regulations optimized care
in public hospitals.
Keywords: Budgetary regulations, Psychomotor management, Hospital staff, COVID-19,
Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19
Resumen: Introducción: Es importante determinar que durante la pandemia de COVID-19, el cumplimiento de normas
presupuestarias influyó sobre Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital . Objetivo: determinar la relacion entre el
Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y la Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital Metodología: Enfoque
cuantitativo se analizó cómo la gestión de la motricidad impactó en el cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias, mediante las
correlaciones de Tau-c de Kendall. Resultados: se encontró 0,796 de correlación entre la creatividad en las actividades motrices
y el cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias. Resultados: El fomento de la creatividad en las actividades psicomotrices son
determinantes en el personal, fundamental para garantizar atenciones sanitarias de calidad en situaciones de emergencia
sanitaria. Conclusión: la pandemia del COVID 19 evidenció la necesidad de implementar respuestas integrales en las
gestiones, análisis de correlación entre la motricidad y el cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias optimizaron la atención en
hospitales públicos.
Palabras clave: Normas presupuestarias, Gestión psicomotriz, Personal hospitalario, COVID-19,
Cumprimento das Normas Orçamentárias e Gestão Psicomotora do Pessoal Hospitalar Durante a COVID-19
Resumo: Introdução: É importante determinar que durante a pandemia de COVID-19, o cumprimento das normas
orçamentárias influenciou a gestão psicomotora do pessoal hospitalar. Objetivo: Determinar a relação entre o cumprimento das
normas orçamentárias e a gestão psicomotora do pessoal hospitalar. Metodologia: Com uma abordagem quantitativa, analisou-
se como a gestão das habilidades motoras impactou o cumprimento das normas orçamentárias, através das correlações Tau-
c de Kendall. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma correlação de 0,796 entre a criatividade nas atividades motoras e o cumprimento
das normas orçamentárias. Conclusão: O fomento da criatividade nas atividades psicomotoras é determinante para a equipe,
essencial para garantir atendimento de saúde de qualidade em situações de emergência. Em conclusão, a pandemia de COVID-
19 evidenciou a necessidade de respostas integradas na gestão hospitalar, e a análise das correlações entre as habilidades
motoras e o cumprimento das normas orçamentárias ajudou a otimizar o atendimento nos hospitais públicos.
Palavras-chave: Normas orçamentárias, Gestão psicomotora, Pessoal hospitalar, COVID-19
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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I. Introduction
The COVID-19 pandemic has represented an unprecedented challenge for public health systems
globally, revealing various structural weaknesses that had not previously been evident. One of the
most significant problems has been the saturation of public hospitals, which has affected not only
the care of patients with COVID-19, but also that of those with other medical conditions. This health
crisis has interacted with social and economic factors that have conditioned the response capacity
of hospitals, which highlights the need to understand how these scenarios intertwine in order to
improve medical care in emergencies of this magnitude.
In this context, the management of the motor skills of hospital staff during the pandemic has
acquired special relevance. The development of psychomotor skills, the integration of corporeality
and creativity in motor action have been positioned as essential components for physical health.
Evidence suggests that these skills are fundamental not only in childhood, but also in adults, since
they contribute to general well-being (Cidoncha & az, 2010). Various studies have documented
that motor competence directly influences the ability of individuals to actively participate in
physical and work activities, which positively impacts their personal satisfaction and the
performance of their functions (Costa et al., 2018).
Hospital staff satisfaction with their work environment has also been a crucial factor during the
health crisis. The relationship with superiors and the physical work environment have been deeply
affected by the extreme conditions of the pandemic (Eddy et al., 2021). Several studies suggest that
a healthy work environment, where both personal and professional development are promoted,
has a significant impact on job satisfaction (Ericsson & Karlsson, 2014). Thus, recreational activities
and psychomotor management are configured as mediators that can promote greater commitment
and performance in the hospital setting, improving motivation and reducing stress levels.
The emergency context has driven the need to adapt educational and work strategies, integrating
activities that not only develop motor skills, but also strengthen the sense of community and
belonging, essential aspects for satisfaction and general well-being. These dynamics not only
benefit individuals in their physical and social development, but also improve group cohesion,
which impacts the overall performance of the health team.
On the other hand, the health crisis has highlighted the shortcomings in motor management within
the hospital setting. The saturation of health services due to the increase in patients infected by
COVID-19, the shortage of human and material resources, and the lack of efficient care protocols
have generated a notable decrease in the quality of service. This has resulted in longer waiting times
and, in many cases, an increase in the mortality of patients with diseases not related to COVID-19
who required urgent care. This situation underlines the urgent need to strengthen hospital
infrastructure, as well as to implement strategies that effectively integrate all dimensions related
to the health and well-being of staff, including psychomotor management.
Likewise, during the pandemic, educators have faced significant challenges in trying to maintain
educational quality in a context marked by virtuality and social isolation. The management of
recreational activities, which traditionally encourage social interaction and motor development,
was considerably limited. This situation has raised concerns about the inclusion of children in
physical activities and their emotional well-being. These challenges required educators to quickly
adapt to new methodologies, prioritizing the health and safety of students, while trying to maintain
a stimulating educational environment (Chacón & Esquivel, 2020). In this regard, Velásquez et al.
(2021) highlighted the importance of connectivist learning, while Velásquez (2020) underlined the
relevance of virtual education in times of COVID-19.
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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Studies have also documented that a lack of physical activity, exacerbated by social isolation, can
have negative consequences not only on motor development, but also on individuals’ mental and
emotional health. Therefore, the implementation of physical education programs, such as
gymnastics, has become crucial to address these challenges, promoting the development of
essential motor skills. In this context, creativity and adaptability have become key competencies for
educators, who have had to design strategies that encourage the active participation of students
and staff, even amid the restrictions imposed by the pandemic (Reguera & Gutiérrez, 2015; Salgado,
Finally, the evidence obtained from the various studies reviewed supports the objective of this
analysis: to determine the relationship between compliance with budgetary regulations and the
psychomotor management of hospital staff. This approach is essential to understand how
management policies and the appropriate allocation of resources can directly impact the quality of
hospital care, optimizing both staff well-being and effectiveness in responding to health
II. Methodology
2.1.- Type and design of research
This article had a quantitative approach, with a descriptive and correlational scope; and a non-
experimental cross-sectional design.
2.2. Variables and dimensions
For the Psychomotor Management Variable, three dimensions proposed by Pérez et al. (2022) have
been considered: Developing psychomotricity, Integrating corporality, Creativity in
For the variable compliance with budgetary norms during COVID-19, three dimensions have been
considered; for this variable, a high reliability value was obtained with Cronbach's Alpha; the
dimensions of the variable, according to Chiang et al. (2015) were the following: Satisfaction with
budgetary tasks, Budgetary satisfaction with management, Budgetary satisfaction with the physical
2.3. Sample and sampling
The sample was selected by convenience through non-probabilistic sampling, considering the
population that had the desire to participate, considering 10 nursing professionals and 20
personnel from the Technical area; making a total of 30 workers, including 2 technicians and a
nurse. The 30 workers worked providing health care in a public hospital in Peru, during the last
quarter of 2021.
2.4. Procedure
In order to have validated instruments to collect data, expert validation was carried out by three
specialists who demonstrated experience in public health management functions; those who
mentioned having experience in research methodologies, who approved the instruments developed
with an average of 95% and 99% approval respectively, then the respective permits were
requested, to collect information based on the research, after having said acceptance, a small
sample was discussed at a pilot level, made up of 6 technical workers, and 3 nurses, for which 18
printed questionnaires were physically provided to their offices (2 for each worker), so that with
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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this information reliability could be obtained.
Population and Sample section was replicated , so the questionnaire was physically provided to
those who were on duty and the questionnaires were given to the rest, who answered, after being
informed about the relevance of their participation.
2.5. Data analysis method
Having determined the reliability, through the SPSS computer support, obtaining descriptive and
inferential information with which it was sufficient for this study; the correlations were made,
through the Kendall Tau-c statistic, because it is a statistic used to determine the correlation
between variables, for instruments that have different amounts of alternatives for each item; also
different amounts of items per dimension.
The reliability of both questionnaires was determined using Cronbach's alpha coefficient; they were
reliable when greater than 0.76 and 0.86 respectively.
2.6. Ethical aspects
Bibliographic citations were used, according to APA standards; the turnitin software was also
considered to determine similarities of information.
In addition, the privacy of the respondents was preserved, that is, they were anonymous, respecting
what they had answered, that is, no personal identification data of the workers was recorded. In
order to carry out the application of instruments, the informed consent of the respective technicians
and professionals was previously obtained.
III. Results.
3.1. Inferential results.
In the present research, the Kendall tau-c correlative test was applied, with a significance: Sig=0.05;
that is, with a confidence level of 95%.
When the significance (Sig) is less than 0.05, then the correlation is significant, that is, with a
confidence level of 95%.
Within the Kendall Tau-c correlations, the majority were significant because they were Significant
Sig. (bilateral) less than 0.05.
The dimensions that have the highest levels of correlation Kendall's Tau-c was used to analyze how
psychomotor management impacted compliance with budgetary rules, using Kendall's Tau-c
correlations; the correlations of all dimensions of the Psychomotor Management variable with the
variable compliance with budgetary rules were determined.
The value of 0.796 was found corresponding to the correlation between creativity in psychomotor
activities and compliance with budgetary regulations was the highest.
Promoting creativity in psychomotor activities is crucial for staff, and is essential to guarantee
quality healthcare in emergency situations.
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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IV. Discussion.
Alternative solutions include research on the importance of psychomotor management, such as
Mendoza et al (2021); indicating that the consensus of the criteria of the specialists. The article by
Mazza et al. (2021) comprehensively addresses the psychological effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
on health workers, highlighting the high levels of stress, anxiety and depression they face due to
work overload, fear of contagion and long working hours. The authors emphasize the urgent need
for psychological support policies to alleviate the emotional suffering of health professionals, which
is crucial to maintain the efficiency of the health system during crises of this magnitude. The study
provides a solid foundation for future interventions in occupational mental health.
Lai et al. (2021) examine the effects of work-related stress on the health of healthcare workers in
the context of the pandemic. The article highlights how pressure from increasing workloads, long
hours of service, and the constant risk of exposure to the virus have exacerbated physical and
emotional health problems among professionals. The authors propose the implementation of
wellness programs and stress management techniques as key strategies to ensure the well-being of
healthcare workers, which is vital to maintaining the morale and effectiveness of the healthcare
system during prolonged periods of crisis.
Zhang and Chen (2021) analyse the effectiveness of infection control measures implemented in
hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study concludes that strict measures, such as the use
of personal protective equipment (PPE), patient separation, and rigorous adherence to health
protocols, were essential to reduce the spread of the virus within hospitals. The authors underline
the importance of learning from these practices to be better prepared for future health
emergencies. This article offers valuable lessons on the management of hospital infections in crisis
In contrast to the present research, the redistribution of resources, the training of health personnel
and the implementation of information technologies to improve hospital management. Viable
proposals could include the creation of more effective triage systems, telemedicine to reduce the
load on hospitals and collaboration between public and private institutions to share resources and
knowledge as proposed by Romero et al. (2020); along with the responsibility and management of
the professional capacity of the staff of professionals proposed by Barreto and Sánchez (2021).
Psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19 is a crucial aspect to maintain
efficiency in services and the health of both workers and patients. In this context, the public
perception of the employees of the sub-management of health, sport and culture of hospitals, and
its link with the trust and satisfaction of citizens towards the services offered, plays a key role. The
criticism of the lack of agility, kindness and proactivity of these workers reflects a deficiency that
can be directly associated with the absence of psychomotor management strategies that promote
physical activity, well-being and mental health of employees. The importance of physical activity,
especially in times of pandemic, is essential to counteract the negative effects of sedentary lifestyle,
which have been exacerbated by the situation of confinement and work overload in hospitals.
The management of budgetary rules in hospitals can also influence the implementation of programs
that promote the physical and emotional well-being of staff. Through efficient allocation of
resources, sports activities, mental health programs, and psychomotor management techniques can
be funded to contribute to improving the organizational climate. The relationship between physical
activity and job performance is direct: a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects workers' ability to
perform their tasks efficiently, as well as contributing to problems such as overweight, bad mood,
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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and negligence in service. Lack of action on this front could perpetuate a cycle of dissatisfaction for
both workers and hospital users, decreasing the quality of care and services provided.
When comparing the literature related to psychomotor management, the impact of physical activity
and work efficiency in the hospital setting, it can be seen that effective resource management and
compliance with budgetary regulations are essential to provide quality care. Garzón Mosquera and
Aragón Vargas' (2021) research on sedentary lifestyle and physical activity highlights the
importance of reducing sedentary lifestyle in hospital staff to improve the general health and well-
being of workers, which translates into better job performance and greater user satisfaction.
Likewise, the management of workers' physical and mental health, through adequate policies and
resources, is aligned with Ibarguen's (2020) studies that highlight how adequate training in the
areas of sport and health contributes to the sustainability of the quality of services in the public
Furthermore, Villalobos' (2020) studies on effective educational management and the need to
transform institutions reinforce the idea that hospital staff need to be trained and supported in their
psychomotor well-being so that they can optimally fulfill their responsibilities. The focus on
promoting physical and mental health within hospitals, within the framework of budget
management, ensures not only the well-being of employees, but also positively impacts patient care.
The contrast with other areas, such as the municipal sports and culture sub-management, also
shows that the principles of sports and psychomotor management can be applied to the hospital
context to improve work efficiency and public health. Rozo (2022) in his analysis of sports
management in the municipal sphere highlights how health and physical activity practices can be
implemented at an organizational level to improve the efficiency and quality of services. This
approach could be perfectly applicable to hospital staff, particularly in critical moments such as
those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the physical and emotional exhaustion of
staff was a constant challenge.
On the other hand, the studies by Barreto and Sánchez (2021) and Caján et al. (2021) also point out
that managing staff data, such as metadata related to health and work performance, can help
identify problems and create personalized solutions for each worker. This reinforces the idea that
psychomotor management must be accompanied by active surveillance and continuous monitoring
to ensure that staff maintain good physical and mental health during demanding periods, such as
the COVID-19 crisis.
Furthermore, previous studies, such as that of Ratey and Loehr (2011), have shown the benefits of
physical activity in improving the physical and mental health of workers, which has a direct impact
on their job performance. Hospital workers who regularly practice sports not only improve their
health, but also their attitude, which translates into greater empathy and proactivity when caring
for patients. The lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle, observed in some hospital workers
during the pandemic, can affect both their personal well-being and the quality of the service they
provide, creating a cycle of dissatisfaction and demotivation among both workers and patients.
In conclusion, the implementation of psychomotor management programs that promote physical
activity and emotional well-being of hospital staff should be seen as a priority within the budget
management of hospitals. This would not only contribute to improving the well-being of workers,
but also to increasing the quality of services offered to the population, especially in critical contexts
such as COVID-19.
The research by Mendizábal Antícona, Melgar Begazo and Lara Albarrán (2022) offers a relevant
analysis on how the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the importance of psychomotor management in
Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
Compliance with budgetary regulations and psychomotor management of hospital staff during COVID-19
(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
Page 7of 9
public health, highlighting its link with the right to life. The pandemic served as a learning
experience on the need to integrate psychomotor skills into hospital care, promoting the physical
and emotional well-being of staff and patients. This approach is crucial to improve the resilience of
the health system in the face of future health crises. The authors underline the relevance of
comprehensive approaches in public health management; similar to the proposals and
recommendations presented by Albarrán Gil, J., Majo Marrufo H. (2020). To neutralize COVID-19
and return to the new normal.
Barreto Espinoza and Barreto Espinoza (2022) address the excessive workload and living
conditions of healthcare personnel, who, in the context of the pandemic, faced extreme working
conditions that affected their well-being. Adequate management of human resources and
occupational health is essential to prevent burnout and improve the quality of life of staff, ensuring
their ability to offer quality medical care in times of crisis. Sánchez Sánchez, Torres-Flores and
Rodríguez Gil (2022) address the effectiveness of communications management in hospitals and its
impact on user satisfaction. They highlight that efficient information management contributes to
improving the patient experience and optimizing hospital resources, which is especially relevant in
high-demand contexts such as that experienced during the pandemic.
V. Conclusions
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to implement comprehensive responses
in management, correlation analysis between motor skills and compliance with budgetary
regulations optimized care in public hospitals had a higher Kendall Tau-c correlation when
correlated with the other dimensions; therefore, it is crucial to know that for satisfaction in the
fulfillment of health care functions, for health emergencies similar to those of COVID-19, these
dimensions can be considered.
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Vol.3 N°.1(2023) [e-2307] GESTIONES-Advanced Journal E-ISSN:3028-9408 https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista ©Research on Advanced Studies
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(Cumplimiento de normas presupuestarias y Gestión psicomotriz del personal de un hospital durante el COVID-19)
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Conflict of interest : The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Co-author contributions : All co-authors contributed to this article.
Research funding : With own resources.
Declaration of interests: The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest that could have
influenced the results obtained or the proposed interpretations.
Informed consent statement: The study was carried out in accordance with the Ethical Code and
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