Efectividad de la gestión de las comunicaciones y satisfacción de los usuarios en un hospital (Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital)
Palabras clave:
Communication effectiveness , management, user satisfaction, Efectividad de la gestión, comunicación, satisfacción del usuarioResumen
Resumen: Este estudio es relevante porque presenta siete dimensiones para cada variable, que pueden servir como referencia para futuras investigaciones. Las dimensiones analizan la efectividad de la comunicación y la satisfacción de los usuarios en un hospital durante 2021. El objetivo fue determinar la relación entre ambas variables en un hospital público. La muestra consistió en 36 empleados, a quienes se les aplicó un cuestionario con 25 preguntas sobre Gestión de la Comunicación y 16 sobre Satisfacción del Usuario, utilizando una escala Likert. La investigación fue descriptivo-correlacional, no experimental, cuantitativa, transversal y censal. Los datos fueron procesados con estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales mediante el software SPSS. Los resultados indicaron una relación positiva, moderada y significativa entre la eficacia de la comunicación y la satisfacción de los usuarios en el hospital público del Perú.
Armas, JG (2014). Internal communication and work environment (Study conducted in a Call Center in the city of Quetzaltenango. (Bachelor's thesis). Quetzaltenango, Guatemala: Rafael Landívar University.
Alcas Zapata, N., Ramos Quispe, R. L., Albarrán Cachay, A. P., Ramos León, L. L., Rodríguez Gil, E. R., & De los Santos Exebio, M. I. (2021). Propuesta incipiente de gestión pública para afrontar emergencias sanitarias e importancia de la Inteligencia artificial (Emerging proposal for public management to address health emergencies and the importance of artificial intelligence). GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–11. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/54
Barreto Espinoza, L. A., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2021). Responsabilidad y gestión de la capacidad profesional del personal de enfermería de un hospital público (Responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the nursing . GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–10. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/57
Bernal, C. (2010). Research methodology for administration, economics, humanities and social sciences. Mexico City: Pearson Education.
Caján Villanueva, M., Calderón Torres , N. A., & Administrador. (2021). Los Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos en el contexto del Covid-19: Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos. GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–9. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/GESTIONES
Cajo, R. E. and Vásquez, M. (2016). Customer satisfaction in the liquor store – Lounge Take IT, in the city of Chiclayo, 2015. ( Bachelor's thesis). Chiclayo: Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University .
Calva J. (2009). User satisfaction: research on information needs / Juan José Calva González ; —Mexico: UNAM, University Center for Library Research, 2009. 52 p. ( Research Notebooks ; 11) ISBN: 978-607-02-0575-0
Contreras, R., & Sandoval, A. (2019). Emotional intelligence and its influence on managements of the universities of San Martin Province. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(6), 1-6.Recuperado en 08 de octubre de 2020, de: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/emotional-intelligence-and-its-influence-on-managements-of-the-universities-of-san-martin-province-8783.html
Deshields, T. L., Wells-Di Gregorio, S., Flowers, S. R., Irwin, K. E., Nipp, R., Padgett, L., & Zebrack, B. (2021). Addressing distress management challenges: Recommendations from the consensus panel of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society and the Association of Oncology Social Work. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 39(5), 407–436. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2021.1881515
Fillon, M. (2021). Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(12), 366–368. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.21.00931
Formanchuk , A. (2009). Internal communication: seven dimensions of intervention to add value. Argentina. Retrieved from: http://www.knowsquare.es/index.php/newsletter/item/2099-articulo3760
Garay Paucar, E. Z., Calderón Torres, N. A., & Vargas Montejo, C. (2021). Equilibrio emocional y estrategias de resolución en el personal de una municipalidad (Emotional balance and resolution strategies in the staff of a municipality). GESTIONES, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/52
García, A. (2013). Effects of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty to Official Automotive After-Sales Services in Spain. (PhD thesis). Spain. University of Alcalá.
Gonzalez , E. ( 2014). Effective communication, a determining factor in the job performance of the Human Resources Department staff of the Carabobo State Police. (Master's Thesis). Venezuela. University of Carabobo.
Guiraud, P. (1968). Langage et théorie de la communication . In Martinent , a. (1968), 145-168.
Hernandez, R.; Fernandez, C.; Baptista, P. (2014). Research Methodology. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Hurtado, I. and Toro, J. (2007). Paradigms and research methods in times of change. Caracas: Editorial CEC.
Kipiego T. (2015). Communication focus and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya. A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of business administration, school of business, University of Nairobi
León G. (2006). Organizational communication in Mexico. Approaches, designs and problems in its development . Department of Communication Sciences, University of Sonora (Mexico)
Linares, N. (2015). Relationship between internal communication and job performance of employees of the Fito Pan SRL Company in the city of Trujillo 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis). Trujillo, Peru: National University of Trujillo.
López, A.C. (2016). Direct interpersonal communication and instant messaging platforms Whatsapp and Facebook. (Bachelor's thesis). Guatemala: University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
Lucas, A. (1997). Sociology of organizations. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill.
Merlano , S. (2012). Internal communication in organizations. Retrieved from http://www.eumed.net/ce/2012/smm.html
Mkawuganga E. (2018). Customer relationship management (CRM ), customer satisfaction, loyalty and alty and port performance : a case study of K formance : a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Available at: https://commons.wmu.se/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1643&context=all_dissertations
Minsa and Essalud hospitals 03/17/2014. Retrieved from http://elcomercio.pe/lima/peruanos-desaprueban-atencion-hospitales-minsa-essalud-302343
Miller, K. D., Ostrom, Q. T., Kruchko, C., Patil, N., Tihan, T., Cioffi, G., Fuchs, H. E., Waite, K. A., Jemal, A., Siegel, R. L., & Barnholtz-Sloan, J. S. (2021). Brain and other central nervous system tumor statistics, 2021. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 71(5), 381–406. https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21665
Ongallo C. (2007). Guide to managing knowledge, information and human relations in companies and organizations. 2nd edition, revised and updated. Editorial Dykinson SL Meléndez Valdés 61 – 28015 Madrid
Ramos C. (2018). Relationship between internal communication and the corporate identity of the company Raizza Rerú SAC, year 2018. San Martin de Porres University, Lima- Peru
Sanchez, LA (2012). Satisfaction of outpatient clinic users in a Social Security Institution in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon. (Master's thesis). Monterrey, Mexico: Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon.
Shirali, A. S., Pieterman, C. R. C., Lewis, M. A., Hyde, S. M., Makawita, S., Dasari, A., Thosani, N., Ikoma, N., McCutcheon, I. E., Waguespack, S. G., & Perrier, N. D. (2021). It's not a mystery, it's in the history: Multidisciplinary management of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 28*(6), 369–380. https://doi.org/10.1530/ERC-21-0032
Unknown Author. (2021). Radiation therapy-associated toxicity: Etiology, management, and prevention. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 160, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2021.03.006
(Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital)
Armas, JG (2014). Internal communication and work environment (Study conducted in a Call Center in the city of Quetzaltenango. (Bachelor's thesis). Quetzaltenango, Guatemala: Rafael Landívar University.
Alcas Zapata, N., Ramos Quispe, R. L., Albarrán Cachay, A. P., Ramos León, L. L., Rodríguez Gil, E. R., & De los Santos Exebio, M. I. (2021). Propuesta incipiente de gestión pública para afrontar emergencias sanitarias e importancia de la Inteligencia artificial (Emerging proposal for public management to address health emergencies and the importance of artificial intelligence). GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–11. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/54
Barreto Espinoza, L. A., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2021). Responsabilidad y gestión de la capacidad profesional del personal de enfermería de un hospital público (Responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the nursing . GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–10. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/57
Bernal, C. (2010). Research methodology for administration, economics, humanities and social sciences. Mexico City: Pearson Education.
Caján Villanueva, M., Calderón Torres , N. A., & Administrador. (2021). Los Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos en el contexto del Covid-19: Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos. GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–9. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/GESTIONES
Cajo, R. E. and Vásquez, M. (2016). Customer satisfaction in the liquor store – Lounge Take IT, in the city of Chiclayo, 2015. ( Bachelor's thesis). Chiclayo: Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University .
Calva J. (2009). User satisfaction: research on information needs / Juan José Calva González ; —Mexico: UNAM, University Center for Library Research, 2009. 52 p. ( Research Notebooks ; 11) ISBN: 978-607-02-0575-0
Contreras, R., & Sandoval, A. (2019). Emotional intelligence and its influence on managements of the universities of San Martin Province. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(6), 1-6.Recuperado en 08 de octubre de 2020, de: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/emotional-intelligence-and-its-influence-on-managements-of-the-universities-of-san-martin-province-8783.html
Deshields, T. L., Wells-Di Gregorio, S., Flowers, S. R., Irwin, K. E., Nipp, R., Padgett, L., & Zebrack, B. (2021). Addressing distress management challenges: Recommendations from the consensus panel of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society and the Association of Oncology Social Work. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 39(5), 407–436. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2021.1881515
Fillon, M. (2021). Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(12), 366–368. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.21.00931
Formanchuk , A. (2009). Internal communication: seven dimensions of intervention to add value. Argentina. Retrieved from: http://www.knowsquare.es/index.php/newsletter/item/2099-articulo3760
Garay Paucar, E. Z., Calderón Torres, N. A., & Vargas Montejo, C. (2021). Equilibrio emocional y estrategias de resolución en el personal de una municipalidad (Emotional balance and resolution strategies in the staff of a municipality). GESTIONES, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/52
García, A. (2013). Effects of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty to Official Automotive After-Sales Services in Spain. (PhD thesis). Spain. University of Alcalá.
Gonzalez , E. ( 2014). Effective communication, a determining factor in the job performance of the Human Resources Department staff of the Carabobo State Police. (Master's Thesis). Venezuela. University of Carabobo.
Guiraud, P. (1968). Langage et théorie de la communication . In Martinent , a. (1968), 145-168.
Hernandez, R.; Fernandez, C.; Baptista, P. (2014). Research Methodology. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Hurtado, I. and Toro, J. (2007). Paradigms and research methods in times of change. Caracas: Editorial CEC.
Kipiego T. (2015). Communication focus and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya. A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of business administration, school of business, University of Nairobi
León G. (2006). Organizational communication in Mexico. Approaches, designs and problems in its development . Department of Communication Sciences, University of Sonora (Mexico)
Linares, N. (2015). Relationship between internal communication and job performance of employees of the Fito Pan SRL Company in the city of Trujillo 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis). Trujillo, Peru: National University of Trujillo.
López, A.C. (2016). Direct interpersonal communication and instant messaging platforms Whatsapp and Facebook. (Bachelor's thesis). Guatemala: University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
Lucas, A. (1997). Sociology of organizations. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill.
Merlano , S. (2012). Internal communication in organizations. Retrieved from http://www.eumed.net/ce/2012/smm.html
Mkawuganga E. (2018). Customer relationship management (CRM ), customer satisfaction, loyalty and alty and port performance : a case study of K formance : a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Available at: https://commons.wmu.se/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1643&context=all_dissertations
Minsa and Essalud hospitals 03/17/2014. Retrieved from http://elcomercio.pe/lima/peruanos-desaprueban-atencion-hospitales-minsa-essalud-302343
Miller, K. D., Ostrom, Q. T., Kruchko, C., Patil, N., Tihan, T., Cioffi, G., Fuchs, H. E., Waite, K. A., Jemal, A., Siegel, R. L., & Barnholtz-Sloan, J. S. (2021). Brain and other central nervous system tumor statistics, 2021. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 71(5), 381–406. https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21665
Ongallo C. (2007). Guide to managing knowledge, information and human relations in companies and organizations. 2nd edition, revised and updated. Editorial Dykinson SL Meléndez Valdés 61 – 28015 Madrid
Ramos C. (2018). Relationship between internal communication and the corporate identity of the company Raizza Rerú SAC, year 2018. San Martin de Porres University, Lima- Peru
Sanchez, LA (2012). Satisfaction of outpatient clinic users in a Social Security Institution in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon. (Master's thesis). Monterrey, Mexico: Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon.
Shirali, A. S., Pieterman, C. R. C., Lewis, M. A., Hyde, S. M., Makawita, S., Dasari, A., Thosani, N., Ikoma, N., McCutcheon, I. E., Waguespack, S. G., & Perrier, N. D. (2021). It's not a mystery, it's in the history: Multidisciplinary management of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 28*(6), 369–380. https://doi.org/10.1530/ERC-21-0032
Unknown Author. (2021). Radiation therapy-associated toxicity: Etiology, management, and prevention. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 160, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2021.03.006
(Effectiveness of communications management and user satisfaction in a hospital)
Armas, JG (2014). Internal communication and work environment (Study conducted in a Call Center in the city of Quetzaltenango. (Bachelor's thesis). Quetzaltenango, Guatemala: Rafael Landívar University.
Alcas Zapata, N., Ramos Quispe, R. L., Albarrán Cachay, A. P., Ramos León, L. L., Rodríguez Gil, E. R., & De los Santos Exebio, M. I. (2021). Propuesta incipiente de gestión pública para afrontar emergencias sanitarias e importancia de la Inteligencia artificial (Emerging proposal for public management to address health emergencies and the importance of artificial intelligence). GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–11. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/54
Barreto Espinoza, L. A., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2021). Responsabilidad y gestión de la capacidad profesional del personal de enfermería de un hospital público (Responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the nursing . GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–10. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/57
Bernal, C. (2010). Research methodology for administration, economics, humanities and social sciences. Mexico City: Pearson Education.
Caján Villanueva, M., Calderón Torres , N. A., & Administrador. (2021). Los Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos en el contexto del Covid-19: Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos. GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–9. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/GESTIONES
Cajo, R. E. and Vásquez, M. (2016). Customer satisfaction in the liquor store – Lounge Take IT, in the city of Chiclayo, 2015. ( Bachelor's thesis). Chiclayo: Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University .
Calva J. (2009). User satisfaction: research on information needs / Juan José Calva González ; —Mexico: UNAM, University Center for Library Research, 2009. 52 p. ( Research Notebooks ; 11) ISBN: 978-607-02-0575-0
Contreras, R., & Sandoval, A. (2019). Emotional intelligence and its influence on managements of the universities of San Martin Province. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(6), 1-6.Recuperado en 08 de octubre de 2020, de: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/emotional-intelligence-and-its-influence-on-managements-of-the-universities-of-san-martin-province-8783.html
Deshields, T. L., Wells-Di Gregorio, S., Flowers, S. R., Irwin, K. E., Nipp, R., Padgett, L., & Zebrack, B. (2021). Addressing distress management challenges: Recommendations from the consensus panel of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society and the Association of Oncology Social Work. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 39(5), 407–436. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2021.1881515
Fillon, M. (2021). Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(12), 366–368. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.21.00931
Formanchuk , A. (2009). Internal communication: seven dimensions of intervention to add value. Argentina. Retrieved from: http://www.knowsquare.es/index.php/newsletter/item/2099-articulo3760
Garay Paucar, E. Z., Calderón Torres, N. A., & Vargas Montejo, C. (2021). Equilibrio emocional y estrategias de resolución en el personal de una municipalidad (Emotional balance and resolution strategies in the staff of a municipality). GESTIONES, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/52
García, A. (2013). Effects of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty to Official Automotive After-Sales Services in Spain. (PhD thesis). Spain. University of Alcalá.
Gonzalez , E. ( 2014). Effective communication, a determining factor in the job performance of the Human Resources Department staff of the Carabobo State Police. (Master's Thesis). Venezuela. University of Carabobo.
Guiraud, P. (1968). Langage et théorie de la communication . In Martinent , a. (1968), 145-168.
Hernandez, R.; Fernandez, C.; Baptista, P. (2014). Research Methodology. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Hurtado, I. and Toro, J. (2007). Paradigms and research methods in times of change. Caracas: Editorial CEC.
Kipiego T. (2015). Communication focus and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya. A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of business administration, school of business, University of Nairobi
León G. (2006). Organizational communication in Mexico. Approaches, designs and problems in its development . Department of Communication Sciences, University of Sonora (Mexico)
Linares, N. (2015). Relationship between internal communication and job performance of employees of the Fito Pan SRL Company in the city of Trujillo 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis). Trujillo, Peru: National University of Trujillo.
López, A.C. (2016). Direct interpersonal communication and instant messaging platforms Whatsapp and Facebook. (Bachelor's thesis). Guatemala: University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
Lucas, A. (1997). Sociology of organizations. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill.
Merlano , S. (2012). Internal communication in organizations. Retrieved from http://www.eumed.net/ce/2012/smm.html
Mkawuganga E. (2018). Customer relationship management (CRM ), customer satisfaction, loyalty and alty and port performance : a case study of K formance : a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Available at: https://commons.wmu.se/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1643&context=all_dissertations
Minsa and Essalud hospitals 03/17/2014. Retrieved from http://elcomercio.pe/lima/peruanos-desaprueban-atencion-hospitales-minsa-essalud-302343
Miller, K. D., Ostrom, Q. T., Kruchko, C., Patil, N., Tihan, T., Cioffi, G., Fuchs, H. E., Waite, K. A., Jemal, A., Siegel, R. L., & Barnholtz-Sloan, J. S. (2021). Brain and other central nervous system tumor statistics, 2021. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 71(5), 381–406. https://doi.org/10.3322/caac.21665
Ongallo C. (2007). Guide to managing knowledge, information and human relations in companies and organizations. 2nd edition, revised and updated. Editorial Dykinson SL Meléndez Valdés 61 – 28015 Madrid
Ramos C. (2018). Relationship between internal communication and the corporate identity of the company Raizza Rerú SAC, year 2018. San Martin de Porres University, Lima- Peru
Sanchez, LA (2012). Satisfaction of outpatient clinic users in a Social Security Institution in Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon. (Master's thesis). Monterrey, Mexico: Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon.
Shirali, A. S., Pieterman, C. R. C., Lewis, M. A., Hyde, S. M., Makawita, S., Dasari, A., Thosani, N., Ikoma, N., McCutcheon, I. E., Waguespack, S. G., & Perrier, N. D. (2021). It's not a mystery, it's in the history: Multidisciplinary management of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 28*(6), 369–380. https://doi.org/10.1530/ERC-21-0032
Unknown Author. (2021). Radiation therapy-associated toxicity: Etiology, management, and prevention. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 160, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.radonc.2021.03.006
Armas, JG (2014). Internal communication and work environment (Study conducted in a Call Center in the city of Quetzaltenango. (Bachelor's thesis). Quetzaltenango, Guatemala: Rafael Landívar University.
Alcas Zapata, N., Ramos Quispe, R. L., Albarrán Cachay, A. P., Ramos León, L. L., Rodríguez Gil, E. R., & De los Santos Exebio, M. I. (2021). Propuesta incipiente de gestión pública para afrontar emergencias sanitarias e importancia de la Inteligencia artificial (Emerging proposal for public management to address health emergencies and the importance of artificial intelligence). GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–11. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/54
Barreto Espinoza, L. A., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2021). Responsabilidad y gestión de la capacidad profesional del personal de enfermería de un hospital público (Responsibility and management of the professional capacity of the nursing . GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–10. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/57
Bernal, C. (2010). Research methodology for administration, economics, humanities and social sciences. Mexico City: Pearson Education.
Caján Villanueva, M., Calderón Torres , N. A., & Administrador. (2021). Los Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos en el contexto del Covid-19: Metadatos, sistema de salud y regímenes pensionarios de artistas peruanos. GESTIONES, 1(1), 1–9. Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/GESTIONES
Cajo, R. E. and Vásquez, M. (2016). Customer satisfaction in the liquor store – Lounge Take IT, in the city of Chiclayo, 2015. ( Bachelor's thesis). Chiclayo: Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University .
Calva J. (2009). User satisfaction: research on information needs / Juan José Calva González ; —Mexico: UNAM, University Center for Library Research, 2009. 52 p. ( Research Notebooks ; 11) ISBN: 978-607-02-0575-0
Contreras, R., & Sandoval, A. (2019). Emotional intelligence and its influence on managements of the universities of San Martin Province. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 18(6), 1-6.Recuperado en 08 de octubre de 2020, de: https://www.abacademies.org/articles/emotional-intelligence-and-its-influence-on-managements-of-the-universities-of-san-martin-province-8783.html
Deshields, T. L., Wells-Di Gregorio, S., Flowers, S. R., Irwin, K. E., Nipp, R., Padgett, L., & Zebrack, B. (2021). Addressing distress management challenges: Recommendations from the consensus panel of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society and the Association of Oncology Social Work. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 39(5), 407–436. https://doi.org/10.1080/07347332.2021.1881515
Fillon, M. (2021). Routine cancer screening rates rebound after deep drop from pandemic fear. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39(12), 366–368. https://doi.org/10.1200/JCO.21.00931
Formanchuk , A. (2009). Internal communication: seven dimensions of intervention to add value. Argentina. Retrieved from: http://www.knowsquare.es/index.php/newsletter/item/2099-articulo3760
Garay Paucar, E. Z., Calderón Torres, N. A., & Vargas Montejo, C. (2021). Equilibrio emocional y estrategias de resolución en el personal de una municipalidad (Emotional balance and resolution strategies in the staff of a municipality). GESTIONES, 1(1). Recuperado a partir de https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/52
García, A. (2013). Effects of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty to Official Automotive After-Sales Services in Spain. (PhD thesis). Spain. University of Alcalá.
Gonzalez , E. ( 2014). Effective communication, a determining factor in the job performance of the Human Resources Department staff of the Carabobo State Police. (Master's Thesis). Venezuela. University of Carabobo.
Guiraud, P. (1968). Langage et théorie de la communication . In Martinent , a. (1968), 145-168.
Hernandez, R.; Fernandez, C.; Baptista, P. (2014). Research Methodology. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.
Hurtado, I. and Toro, J. (2007). Paradigms and research methods in times of change. Caracas: Editorial CEC.
Kipiego T. (2015). Communication focus and customer satisfaction in the insurance industry in Kenya. A research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of master of business administration, school of business, University of Nairobi
León G. (2006). Organizational communication in Mexico. Approaches, designs and problems in its development . Department of Communication Sciences, University of Sonora (Mexico)
Linares, N. (2015). Relationship between internal communication and job performance of employees of the Fito Pan SRL Company in the city of Trujillo 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis). Trujillo, Peru: National University of Trujillo.
López, A.C. (2016). Direct interpersonal communication and instant messaging platforms Whatsapp and Facebook. (Bachelor's thesis). Guatemala: University of San Carlos of Guatemala.
Lucas, A. (1997). Sociology of organizations. Madrid: Mc Graw Hill.
Merlano , S. (2012). Internal communication in organizations. Retrieved from http://www.eumed.net/ce/2012/smm.html
Mkawuganga E. (2018). Customer relationship management (CRM ), customer satisfaction, loyalty and alty and port performance : a case study of K formance : a case study of Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Available at: https://commons.wmu.se/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1643&context=all_dissertations
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Derechos de autor 2022 Margoth Sánchez Sánchez, Ynés Torres-Flores, Luren Azucena Lara Albarrán, Alejandro Antonio Soto Espichan, Eduardo Rommel Rodríguez Gil

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