Importance of studies on Prior Control in the management of local governments (Importancia de estudios en Control previo en la gestión de los gobiernos locales: Desafíos y Avances)




Studies, prior control, management, governments, progress.


It will be important to determine the existence of studies on the characteristics of prior control in the administrative management of local governments: Benefits and challenges Objective: To determine the impact of prior control on the administrative management of local governments, evaluating its benefits and challenges. Methodology: A literature review was carried out in academic databases such as Scopus , WoS and SciELO, using key terms such as "prior control", "audit" and "local government", to identify relevant studies. Results: Most of the research was found in Scopus (8/17), related to the dimensions of prior control and administrative management. Conclusions: The highest percentage of articles in Scopus compared to other indexations, evidencing the relevance of Prior Control. Contributions: The application of prior control would improve the management of local governments                                                                                                                                                                       


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How to Cite

Cervantes Farfán , V. E., Ramos-Moreno, J. M., Melgarejo-Alcántara, M. . Y., & Zamora Silva, H. V. (2025). Importance of studies on Prior Control in the management of local governments (Importancia de estudios en Control previo en la gestión de los gobiernos locales: Desafíos y Avances): [e-2502]: . GESTIONES, 5(1), [e–2502]: (1. Retrieved from