This journal does not charge for reviewing, evaluating, processing, editing, or publishing articles (No APC). Continuous publication. For communications and article submission, optionally:
Are you interested in publishing in the journal? Please review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies as well as the Author Guidelines under Submissions. Authors must register with the journal before publishing, or if they are already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step process.
I. Author Responsibilities:
1. Before submitting to GESTIONES Journal, first ensure that your article is unpublished and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
2. Adhere to the review processes indicated in the Article Evaluation section and are responsible for responding to the evaluators' observations, suggestions, and comments.
3. They are obliged to retract or correct errors, or submit additional information (evidencing that the data is real and authentic), if requested by any means.
4. All co-authors mentioned in the article must have contributed considerably to the research, mentioning or citing sources; and in the References the URLs in all cases where they exist.
5. Authors must report any conflict of interest and errors or observations found. 6. At the end of their article (before the References), mention the sources of funding for the Article; indicating in the same section: That all co-authors have read the text, and are co-responsible. That the ethical and deontological principles have been complied with in relation to the people participating in the Article. That the corresponding correspondence will be with the corresponding author, who will be in charge of keeping in contact with the other authors for the review and final approval of the article. See Responsibilities of the corresponding author in the last part of the Submissions Section 7. When uploading the article, after accepting the conditions, in the box: Message to the Editor, they may indicate the main reasons and motives why they consider that the article should be published in Revista GESTIONES. The review articles will be less than 30% of the articles published annually; In addition, at least 75% of the authors must be external to the editorial committee; outside the editorial organization of the GESTIONES Journal. 8. The relevance of the APA Manual, 7th edition, is considered, therefore, its application is essential in the writing of articles, with the adaptation indicated in the middle of the Submissions section in the section: are considered to be sent to peer review.
II. Authors' Rights:
1. To receive courteous attention.
2. To receive guidance from the editor or Editorial Committee on the process of management, review and editing of their scientific articles.
3. To complain in writing to the editor of GESTIONS when their copyrights are violated by the referees or those responsible for the publication and to expect the corresponding response.
4. To distribute the published version of their work through an institutional repository or publish it in a book, with the acknowledgement that it was published for the first time in GESTIONS.
5. Disseminate their article by any means or through the Internet (for example, in institutional telematic archives or on their web page) after publication, with the corresponding citation.
6. The articles published in this journal are governed by international copyright protection rules, with specific copyright © criteria, all publication rights of the articles belong to the respective authors and the Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) is accepted for all publications.
This journal does not charge for reviewing, evaluating, processing, editing, or publishing articles (No APC). Continuous publication. For communications and article submission, optionally:
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GESTIONES-Revista Avanzada E-ISSN:3028-9408© Investigación de Estudios Avanzados : Urbanización Tahuantinsuyo Dist. Independencia, Lima-Perú.
Publicado bajo licencia Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)