Understanding digital skills and their application in obtaining learning in the post-Covid-19 era (Comprensión de las competencias digitales y aplicación para la obtención de aprendizajes en la época post-Covid-19 )
e-2309: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14018785; Published: 2023-12-27; Ref.[85%> year2018; year 2022>Prom Fact Impact].
Understanding, digital competencies, learning, post-Covid-19Abstract
Abstract: Understanding digital competencies and their application for learning achievement in the post-Covid-19 era is crucial for public managers, education professionals and society at large. The pandemic has prompted a reinforcement of these competencies in all areas of management. An analysis of various sources on digital competencies was conducted, focusing on the perception of users and service providers in the post-Covid-19 context, using studies from the Scielo database. The research concludes that the pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of public administration in Peru, achieving significant progress, although challenges remain to ensure efficient and transparent public management in the digital environment. It emphasizes the need to understand and apply digital competencies to improve learning and recommends that administrations work towards an inclusive and effective digital society.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fredy Antonio Aguilar Chávez, Ciro Ismael Delgado Sánchez, David De la Cruz Montoya, Alasteña Saldaña Barboza
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