Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions (Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional




Model, strategic management, governmental control, institutions.


ABSTRACT: The scarcity of strategic management models in institutional control institutions motivated the approximate implementation of a model to improve governmental efficiency. Objective: To implement a strategic management model for governmental control in Institutional Control Institutions. Methodology: For “strategic management” at according to Ceplan was considered; “for governmental control” the General Comptroller's Office of Peru. It was applied to 60 workers of a comptroller's office with a non-experimental design. Results. The model had 97.5% viability, highlighting the need to strengthen controls in public procurement to improve efficiency and reduce corruption. Conclusion: Within the processes, for the strategic management model for governmental control, the last process: results showed the greatest achievements. Contribution: There is an urgent need for suitable processes to hire personnel and to raise labor awareness, avoiding the distraction of budgets in corruption processes.                                                              


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How to Cite

Pezo Castillo, C. M. (2025). Implementation of a strategic management model for government control in Institutional Control Institutions (Implementación de modelo de gestión estratégica para el control gubernamental en Instituciones de Control Institucional : [e-2503]: GESTIONES, 5(1), [e–2503]: (1. Retrieved from