Code of Ethics and Editorial Policies

1. Code of Ethics and Best Editorial Practices

The journal GESTIONES agrees with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). This means that users have the right to read, adapt, remix, transform, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles and build upon the material for any purpose, as long as they provide appropriate citation of authorship and the original source of publication. It is allowed: to share, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format. GESTIONES does not charge any fees for processing, publishing, or accessing its articles.

Additionally, articles may be used as data in software or for other legal purposes. Therefore, the general public can use the documents published in the journal, as long as they correctly cite the original source (journal name and issue). Authors, in turn, are free to reuse their works under the same licensing terms.

In line with the Open Access policy, GESTIONES does not charge APC (Article Processing Charges) for manuscript review or any other fees from authors.

1.2. Usage Rights:

Authors are encouraged to retain their rights after publication, disseminate their work electronically, and deposit articles in institutional or other repositories. This can foster productive exchanges and facilitate a wider and earlier citation of published works.

The articles published by this journal are governed by international copyright protection standards, with specific Copyright © criteria. All rights to the publication of articles belong to the respective authors, and all publications are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

2. Editorial Policies

The journal uses the professional scientific editing software: Open Journal Systems (OJS), and article metadata can be automatically harvested from the OAI-PMH data provider

In the subtitle of each article from the years 2023 and 2024, the percentage of the last 5 years and the highest percentage of the Annual Impact Factor Average (AIFA) were published for the references (Ref) used, also reported in the Statistics tab. In the articles from the year 2025, this information will be reported only in the Statistics tab.

More than 60% of articles must be research or original within the scientific and academic field. Within the same number, the same authors must have less than 30% of publications, to allow for heterogeneity and plurality in authorship. Members of the Editorial Board may have only one publication per issue; members of the Scientific Arbitration Committee are exempt from publishing in this journal.

2.1. Commitments of Authors

Authors must ensure that their work is original and unpublished; without excerpts from other previously published works, and ensure the accuracy of the data used. Moreover, they should not submit the same article to several journals simultaneously, nor repeat the same results in more than one scientific publication. It is essential to properly indicate all sources and contributions mentioned in the article. Authors should include those who have made significant scientific contributions, ranking them according to their level of involvement in the work. Additionally, research data may be requested and must be retained for a reasonable period after publication. It is mandatory to declare the absence of conflicts of interest and specify any funding related to the research. In case of significant errors in the article, authors must inform the editors to correct them appropriately. Lastly, authors take responsibility for the content of the article, ensuring a thorough review of relevant literature and presenting a plural perspective on the subject.

2.1.1. At the end of the article, include the following information:

  • Contributions of Co-authors: All co-authors have contributed to this article, or the percentage of participation of each one.
  • Research Funding: With own resources, or indicate the source of funding.
  • Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors declare no conflicts of interest that could have influenced the results obtained or the information provided.
  • Informed Consent Statement: The study was conducted following the Code of Ethics and Best Editorial Practices for publication.
  • Usability: Admit that the article text is under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. This grants the freedom to share, copy, redistribute the material in any medium or format, and adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as the attribution condition is met: proper credit must be given to the work, a link to the license provided, and indicate if changes were made. This can be done in any reasonable manner, but not in a way that suggests the licensor endorses the user or the use made of the material.

2.2. Commitments of Reviewers

Reviewers are responsible for ensuring that the articles are original and unpublished, then conducting a critical, objective, and constructive evaluation of the articles, assisting editors in making decisions about their publication. They must complete the evaluation within the assigned time or notify the editors if they cannot meet the deadline. Manuscripts should be considered confidential and should not be discussed without the consent of the editors. The review must be based on scientific, not personal, criteria, providing clear reasons for the assessments made. Reviewers should also conduct a full review of the article, point out key references that the authors may have overlooked, and detect overlaps with other published works. Information obtained during the review must remain confidential and not be used for personal gain. Reviewers must have no conflicts of interest. More information.

2.3. Commitments of Editors

Editors are responsible for selecting expert and objective reviewers to ensure the scientific quality of the articles. The evaluation of articles should be based solely on scientific merit, without discrimination based on personal factors of the author. Editors must maintain the confidentiality of articles, authors, and reviewers, preserving anonymity throughout the process. They should not use the content of the articles for their own research without the author’s consent. Additionally, they commit to adhering to deadlines for reviewing and publishing articles, avoiding undue delays.

2.3.1 They will place a header on all pages with information about the volume number (Vol.), the annual publication number (N°), (year), online location ["e" - the last two digits of the year and article order]; journal name, online registration number (E-ISSN: 3028-9408); journal data. Followed by the article title in the original language and (in English); or English and (in Spanish).

2.3.2. Edit on the first page (a single line): "Preserved in Zenodo," DOI link followed by the phrase: "The authors are responsible for the information in this article."

2.3.3. They will include (For publications starting in 2024) in the footer of all pages the following information: This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license and the respective logo of this license, numbered from 1 to the last page.

3. Anti-plagiarism

Upon receiving the articles, one of the first checks is their originality. GESTIONES adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Turnitin anti-plagiarism software is used to review the articles and accept those with a maximum similarity level of 18%. When the percentage is between 19% and 40%, the corresponding author will be asked to reduce the percentage; when the similarity percentage exceeds 40%, the corresponding author will be informed that the article is unacceptable, and the author will be banned from submitting articles to GESTIONES for five years from the incident.

GESTIONES does not tolerate plagiarism, fraud, or misconduct, and establishes mechanisms to prevent and correct them:
(a) During the editorial process, GESTIONES avoids the publication of plagiarism, fraud, and misconduct using peer opinions and text review with Turnitin as tools to detect them.
(b) After publication, if article duplication or plagiarism (issuing information while ignoring the original source), fraud, or misconduct is detected, it will notify the involved parties by email, and if not corrected within 2 weeks, it will inform the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
(c) Alteration of processes, results, misconduct, and falsification (manipulation of research materials, equipment, processes to alter data or results, as well as changing or omitting data or results) are considered violations.

4. Self-archiving

GESTIONES allows authors to self-archive their works, giving them the right to deposit copies in personal or institutional repositories, as long as the original publication in GESTIONES is acknowledged, promoting knowledge diffusion and open access to research.

5. Digital Preservation

GESTIONES considers it important to preserve academic and scientific knowledge, adopting a self-archiving and digital preservation policy in Keepers to ensure the ongoing availability and accessibility of content for future generations through the following initiatives:

5.1. The editorial management of GESTIONES is carried out using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software, with OAI, interoperability protocol, and the LOCKSS plugin enabled for preservation and digital restoration.

5.2. Articles are registered with the National Library of Peru through the Legal Deposit of digital copies (with a file of all articles published that year, appearing in the annual publication of GESTIONES). Additionally, in the Zenodo repository using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for articles published since 2023.

5.3. Authors who have written articles for this journal are responsible for the information and thematic data contained in their research. Recognizing the public interest in data availability with the highest possible integrity, the editorial team of GESTIONES may request data from co-authors that it deems necessary.