Staff management and executive leadership for sports activities and mental health in students (Gestión fun) Published: 2023-04-30; Refs.[(from last 5 yrs <2023): 87%; (English): 37%]



Functional management, managerial leadership, sports, health


Introduction: To promote sports practices and mental health of students, it is relevant to understand the relationships between management and executive leadership. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship between management and leadership in the context of sports practices and mental health of students. Method: A correlational approach was utilized, employing Spearman's Rho (RS) with a significance level (Sig) of 0.05. Results: The dimensions of managerial leadership for sports practices and mental health (teamwork, organization, community involvement) showed significant correlations with management, with an overall correlation of RS = 0.81. Among these, teamwork emerged as the dimension of managerial leadership that attained the highest correlation with functional management (RS = 0.85), indicating that teamwork is the most representative activity of effective leadership in promoting sports practices and mental health. Conclusion: All dimensions of managerial leadership were significantly correlated with performance management, demonstrating a 95% reliability.   


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2023-06-24 — Updated on 2023-06-23


How to Cite

López Regalado , O., Panduro Salas , A., Muñoz Chávez, G. J., & Soto Espichan, A. A. (2023). Staff management and executive leadership for sports activities and mental health in students (Gestión fun) : Published: 2023-04-30; Refs.[(from last 5 yrs <2023): 87%; (English): 37%]. GESTIONES, 3(1), 10–19. Retrieved from (Original work published June 24, 2023)