Family Education and Affection: Managing Health, Planning and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros); Ref.[100%>(2019); (2022)>AIF]



Family education, affectivity, managing health, planning, personal, adolescents, pregnancies, premature


Introduction: Family education and affectivity are essential for the health and personal development of adolescents, especially in the prevention of premature pregnancies. Objective: To determine the implications of affective family education on responsible decision-making in couple relationships, for the integral well-being of adolescents.
Method: A qualitative approach was used with semi-structured interviews, gathering opinions from specialists to assess diagnoses and relevant activities. Results: During adolescence, young bodies are not yet mature enough to handle pregnancy, which can affect their physical, emotional, and social health. Promoting adolescent health and well-being is crucial, emphasizing the importance of relationships based on respect and mature love. Conclusion: Affective family education is key to preventing premature pregnancies and fostering responsible decisions that include sexual and emotional health, for the integral well-being of adolescents.


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2024-12-30 — Updated on 2025-01-17

How to Cite

Sánchez Sánchez, M., & Navarro Panduro, R. (2025). Family Education and Affection: Managing Health, Planning and Personal Development of Adolescents Preventing Premature Pregnancies(Educación Familiar y Afectividad: Gestionando Salud, planificación y Desarrollo Personal de Adolescentes Previniendo Embarazos Prematuros):; Ref.[100%>(2019); (2022)>AIF]. GESTIONES, 4(1), e-2413. Retrieved from