Artificial Intelligence and the management of the University curriculum by competencies (La Inteligencia artificial y la gestión del currículo Universitario por competencias)
e-2312:; Ref.[78%>(2018); (2019)>PFI]
Palabras clave:
Inteligencia artificial, gestión, currículo Universitario, competenciasResumen
Artificial intelligence (AI) can transform university curriculum management by competencies by automating the organization, search and filtering of educational resources. The resources provided by AI offer personalized content recommendations, facilitating more efficient management for students and teachers. Qualitative research, based on a review of ten reference sources and expert discussions, highlighted the importance of learning personalization, educational quality improvement, sociocultural adaptation and active student participation. The results determined that the integration of AI can improve curricular programming by offering personalization and continuous assessment, as long as it is aligned with these principles. In conclusion, AI can enrich university education by making it more dynamic and adapted to individual and collective needs, facilitating more effective training for today's work environment.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Juan Pablo Moreno Muro, Marina Caján Villanueva , Ysabel Victoria Chavez Taipe, Alex Miguel Hernández Torres, Loida Leny Ramos León, Mickelly Julissa Zapata Bellido

Esta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución 4.0.