Work saturation and its influence on the management of optimal working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposal (Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas) Published: 2023-04-30; Refs.[(from last 5 yrs <2023): 87%; (English): 37%]



Labor saturation, manage, labor conditions, Proposals


Job saturation in healthcare institutions is a critical problem because it affects workers' well-being. This study evaluates how mental saturation and work organization influence performance. A questionnaire was applied to 40 workers from different health institutions in Peru, finding the highest percentage for the intermediate level with 80% of mental saturation, 70%: physical work saturation and organizational conditions; being in a stressful work environment. It is urgent to implement strategies to reduce work saturation, such as teleconsultation policies and alliances with public institutions to promote subsidized health programs. In addition, it is suggested to use the facilities of other public institutions during available hours to improve organizational conditions. The lack of action could have serious consequences for the health of the personnel, holding the managers of the respective institutions responsible for the deterioration and irreversible damage to the workers.   



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How to Cite

Torres-Flores, Y., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2023). Work saturation and its influence on the management of optimal working conditions in healthcare institutions. Proposal (Saturación laboral y su influencia en la gestión de condiciones laborales óptimas en instituciones de salud. Propuestas): Published: 2023-04-30; Refs.[(from last 5 yrs <2023): 87%; (English): 37%]. GESTIONES, 3(1), 1–9. Retrieved from