Managing sexual education to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality and achieve well-being




Management, Sexual Education, morbidity-mortality, well-being.


It is essential to manage timely sexual education to prevent diseases and achieve well-being in families. Objective: To analyze the causes of maternal deaths (MM), the impact of the family environment and propose preventive strategies. Methodology: Mixed, descriptive and transversal approach, included 15 family members affected by MM, 15 health professionals and 20 medical records from San Martín, Peru; during 2022-2023. Results: 100% agreed that it affects pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum: Domestic violence, the economic factor, housing, accessibility, basic services and security. Better education will reduce MM. Conclusion: The implementation of comprehensive sexual education is key to preventing STDs, cancer and MM. Contribution : manage intra-family understanding, advance remunerations or health-socio-economic bonuses; considering to help families reduce risks being better informed                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


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How to Cite

Romero Malpartida , J. de J., Seminario Unzueta , R. J., & Sánchez Sánchez, M. (2025). Managing sexual education to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality and achieve well-being: e-2501: GESTIONES, 5(1), 1–11. Retrieved from

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