Focus and scope

Start of activities, solidity and scope.

GESTIONES Magazine (GESTIONES) is published by the Organization “Investigación de Estudios Avanzados S.A (IDEASA)” Created on 09/22/2008 Registered in the National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration with RUC: 20492809471 With work activity since 2013; in the last 08 years it had no economic activity, because it is dedicated to support work through reciprocal services valuing education, information and studies (therefore it is considered a non-commercial organization). IDEASA belongs to the Education sector. It was created to contact the institutions that provide services and those that require them; from there the name of GESTIONES arose for generating multiple benefits, circumscribed to provide services and contribution in the area of education, updating, consultancy, management, projects; valuing the information that implies solution alternatives considering them prone to become scientific research (through the publication of articles).

IDEASA was strengthened by having the sponsorship of the Graduate School of the National University of Education “EGV” by Resolution No. 1557-2013-EPG-UNE to coordinate and facilitate the development of Diploma courses during the years 2013-2015 for public servants.

IDEASA is the Editor of GESTIONES to publish articles on the topics of Public Management, Educational Management, Health Management, Public-Private Management, Public-Private Management, Business Management and Development, Business Administrative Promotion, Environmental Management, Public Management and Regional and Local Development, Management and Development of Human Potential, Business Development Planning, Administrative Legal Management, Functional Administration. 

GESTIONES publishes unpublished and original articles, in open access, submitted to peer review process; it contributes to the scientific knowledge and development of the community of researchers and academics in the area of Social Sciences. It is a biannual journal, publishing full issues in June and December of each year.

Form of publication: GESTIONES is a continuous publication, each article is published after its approval.


Open access policy

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global knowledge exchange.

Job data and information

All data and metadata that support or are the source of the information shown in the research must be open access, that is, be deposited in a public open access repository, or provided as part of the manuscript to the public. Repositories must be trustworthy. They can be topical or generalist repositories that accept multiple types of data in suitable formats, or they can be institutional repositories, as long as they provide persistent identifiers such as DOIs as part of the metadata.

Authors and contributors of articles and acknowledgments.

Authors who present works to the Directorate must explicitly declare the authorship of the work; This requirement applies to all types of articles, including editorials and letters to the editor. Confirmation of authorship must be based on:

Contributions to an idea and a study design, or to a queue of dice, and
Analysis and interpretation of data; Isso é
Prepare a fragment of your art or critically review its intellectual content; Isso é
Final approval of the version to be published.

Authors must comply with conditions 1,2, 3 and 4.

The search for funding, data collection or general supervision of the research group does not in itself justify authorship.

All people listed as authors must meet the authorship criteria, and all those who serve you must appear on the author list.

All contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria must appear in the Acknowledgments section. This section thanks the study collaborators, or seja, as people who make important contributions to the research process. It is worth specifically mentioning that the type of research collaboration is valued for being successful. The collaborators mentioned in this section must provide written authorization for their names to be published. Examples to include in our Acknowledgments: people who collaborate by providing technical assistance, collaboration in writing manuscripts, department heads whose participation is of a general nature, important collaboration in logistical aspects.

Conflict of interests

Authors submitting articles to the Directorate must declare any personal or commercial relationship that may imply bias and, therefore, a conflict of interest in relation to the article submitted. Conflicts of interest may be direct or indirect, including the economic interest of the authors on the part of the company sponsoring the study, including businesses, stock exchanges, travel expenses, travel, consultancies, etc. Whether the company is a full or partial employee, this should be indicated in the conflict of interest statement. Don't do anything that could result in sanctions. The announcement of sources of financial support for the study does not imply a conflict of interest.

Supported by:

Pesquisa de Estudios Avanzados S.A. (In addition to developing training courses and diplomas within the scope of the Graduate School of the National University of Education “EGV” 2013-2015). Offering free physical items for various specialties since 2013.