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Execution of public works and results-based management in a Peruvian regional government (Ejecución de obras públicas y gestión por resultados en un Gobierno regional del Perú)




execution of works, results-based management, regional government


The execution of public works depends on the management of public works; It also corresponds to the management that the municipality develops for the interests of the population or the management of interests for the well-being of the public belonging to a Regional Government of Peru. It is decided that the execution of public works is the responsibility of a government and is decisive in determining the quality of the management of a certain regime or period of government, on which the management of public works depends. Likewise, results-based management is a function of managing the interests of the population or managing the interests of the public belonging to a regional government. This article determined the relationship that exists between the execution of public works and results management in a regional government of Peru during 2018. The research was carried out using the hypothetical deductive, non-experimental, descriptive, correlational, transversal method, determining the relationship between the planted varieties. For the execution, a sample of 23 workers from a regional government was used. To evaluate both variations, Likert scale questionnaires will be used. The results presented show a significant relationship of 0.85 between the execution of public works and results management in a regional government in Peru-2018; and decide that the better execution of public works is the better results-based management of the regional government in Peru; and the lower execution of public works and the lower results-based management in a regional government in Peru during 2018


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2022-01-27 — Updated on 2022-01-27


How to Cite

Garay Paucar, E. Z., Chávez Taipe , Y. V., & Atachao Mallqui, J. C. (2022). Execution of public works and results-based management in a Peruvian regional government (Ejecución de obras públicas y gestión por resultados en un Gobierno regional del Perú): 2022-01-27. GESTIONES, 2(1), 1–8. Retrieved from

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