(Psychomotor management and the right to life: What learning did the COVID-19 pandemic provide? (Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?)

Published: 2022-07-23 Refs from last 5 yrs <2022: 87%



Management, psychomotor, right, life, learning, COVID-19.


Psychomotor management is relevant for health service users, including children and adults, as well as for health professionals, in the right to life, in the context of public management, especially after the learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, conducted with 36 workers of a public hospital in Peru during the last quarter of 2021, Kendall's Tau-b statistic was applied to evaluate correlations. The results revealed a strong correlation (Tau-b = 0.875) between motor creativity and satisfaction with the physical environment. It is concluded that these correlations must be prioritized to maximize post-pandemic learning. Ignoring them would compromise the development of psychomotor skills and would have a high social cost, making public administrators responsible; as the Pandemic also produced an accumulation of learning, not taking advantage of it would also imply making those involved in activities related to public management responsible.                                               


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2022-07-23 — Updated on 2022-07-23

How to Cite

Mendizábal Antícona, W. J., Melgar Begazo, A. E., & Lara Albarrán, L. A. (2022). (Psychomotor management and the right to life: What learning did the COVID-19 pandemic provide? (Gestión de la psicomotricidad y el derecho a la vida: ¿Qué Aprendizaje proporcionó la Pandemia del COVID-19?) : Published: 2022-07-23 Refs from last 5 yrs <2022: 87%. GESTIONES, 2(1), 1–9. Retrieved from https://gestiones.pe/index.php/revista/article/view/62

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