Systematic Review: Gamification to Manage Meaningful Learning and Improve Motor Skills in Students with Technical Training (Revisión sistemática: Gamificación para gestionar aprendizajes significativos y mejorar motricidad en estudiantes con formación

e-2408:; Published: 2024-12-19; Ref. [100%<5years; Year 2023>Prom Fact Impact].



Gamification, motor skills, longitudinal studies, technical education, educational development.


Gamification is an innovative educational strategy with potential to enhance learning in a variety of areas, including technical education. This article reviews longitudinal studies on its impact on the development of motor skills in technical students, identifying patterns and trends over time. The systematic literature review reveals that gamification not only enhances motor skills, but also student motivation and engagement. Among the strategies highlighted, activity personalization proved to be particularly effective. By applying a rigorous methodological framework, this study offers a comprehensive view of the impact of gamification, suggesting that it is a valuable tool in technical education. It is recommended that its effectiveness be further explored in diverse educational contexts and populations to maximize its benefits and expand its applicability.                                   



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How to Cite

Yslachin Yañe, A., Ayvar Bazán, Z., & Ayuque Paucar, A. R. (2024). Systematic Review: Gamification to Manage Meaningful Learning and Improve Motor Skills in Students with Technical Training (Revisión sistemática: Gamificación para gestionar aprendizajes significativos y mejorar motricidad en estudiantes con formación : e-2408:; Published: 2024-12-19; Ref. [100%<5years; Year 2023>Prom Fact Impact]. GESTIONES, 4(1), 1–12. Retrieved from